@JAH Child
Before anyone breathes a word of patriarchal Mosaic law about this, let me first say that I respect you for keeping it 100. That's first and foremost. Secondly, many humans had the audacity to say that what they had to say was "thus saith the LORD" and many humans do so because of the POWER that this attracts to themselves (if others believe them). And I'm finding out even more of the story now, myself, even after all these years that I thought I had most of the story in my head, that it is far more of a socio-political chess game than I gave it credit for. These people... were very educated. And once they formulated this psychological programming they knew it was going to go "viral" just as things go today.
But that doesn't mean that everyone is speaking from the same SPIRIT. Anyone can claim to be, but rabbi Yeshua said that a tree is known by its fruit. And what's crazy is that I can't even be sure that he said that. It's simply what is written and attributed to him. But he died and in death he had no control of the narrative of his life. It could therefore be used by his friends... or his enemies.
So I want to encourage you by simply saying this.
Invest in your OWN spiritual connection. Rasta is a great path. Rasta uses what we were taught and elevates nature, oneness, love, peace, and unity. If anything is "of the spirit" I say it's that. And I say that same spirit is also in you.
So rest is good. That's the lesson. The people at the time needed a day of rest to relax and recharge. I personally need my weekends! Give me 2 days! But that doesn't mean I can't take time to clean or do whatever I choose to do. It may not exactly be what Yeshua taught by saying that man is master of the sabbath, but the bottom line is that it's about balance and taking positive time out for yourself and your family, not doing the same old grind. But if that's not possible (like it is in the case of some professions like doctors), then get your rest when you can get it. It's about balance. It's not good for anyone to work all the time. You'll get burnt out, stressed, etc. And I believe in venting negative energy and relieving tension and stress and all that as much as possible. It's life and death for me. So yes, listen to your body. Listen to nature. The spirit speaks through these.