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Heaven and Hell

1 - 1011 - 2021
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 3/17/2023 2:24:27 PM

@JAH Child

I was having a rough day yesterday and your reasoning gave me a bright spot. Thank you for that.

I think there is a natural "pull" toward the scenario that you spoke of. Like a "natural mystic". This may be difficult to express in mere words, but everything is relative. We like to think of God being some absolute static figure that happens to be male (which is a relative binary term that suggests female exists), happens to get angry, happens to get jealous, happens to... happens to sound a whole lot like the guy telling you what this God said. And so it becomes somewhat of an echo chamber for men who agree. And when their thinking is reinforced by the idea that "God" thinks the same way? Then their ego becomes godlike, no offense to the other men out there.

And we can point at other historical references showing how sacrifice was common throughout the world and human beings in separate far-off places imagined God being angry because of this or that and even offering their children as sacrifices.

But anyway, there is a common theme and common ideas around the globe regardless of what name was given to the gods. But the reason I said God is relative is because we are the ones who always seem to be telling each other how to define this word "God". And then we often anthropomorphize these ideas according to what we think God should be rather than what it is. We even deny scientific evidence of where we came from in favor or what we think "should" be. And this is more relevant than I think anything else because we do not realize how much our perspective is shaped by our own needs and desires.

We tend to see what we want to see. We always have.

For me, the Hebrew word for "God" literally translates to "power". The specific literary form of this word evolved from a compound idea represented usually by two words like "EL SHADDAI" which had a singular meaning and then over time compounded into one word "ELOHIM" representing a singular God as a plurality of "power" so it carries the same meaning as "All-Powerful" or "Almighty". When polytheists created Christianity they wanted power and so they wanted to see the monotheistic God of "Jesus" as a plurality.

But... linguistically... this is just a scam created by our own human nature; our wants and needs.

So for me, God is not a person. You can choose to personalize God. You can choose to animate God with whatever words placed firmly in his mouth. But at the end of the day, he can only say what we choose for him to say. He can only display the human qualities we write about.

The truth is that all of this is SELF-EXPRESSION. So when you say we are "god in the fractal state" I think... Blessed are you for having the eyes to see this.

I didn't come to that conclusion until years of deprogramming. This is, in fact, the reason I make so many arguments that perhaps alienate and irritate people who have been taught what to believe. We aren't often challenged. We don't often think critically about these beliefs because we adapt to the echo chamber of being surrounded by people who agree. What's worse... people who think God agrees and are afraid to be counted on the wrong side of that agreement.

For me, God is not a person but rather "The Force". Power. Life itself animates everything around us. The essence of all life. This is "spirit". That spirit is within us. It animates us. It is us and it is everything else. A long time ago I reasoned within myself that for God to be everything we say he is: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, etc. God must be everything. And then I started to think about balance and a universal equation. And I thought, maybe we are all necessary variables running around trying to figure out how to balance this universal equation by having different experiences. So when you say "Maybe our job is just to accumulate experiences" again... and let me be crystal clear... it is simply my humble opinion educated by reason and research that this is exactly true.

If we put some of these philosophical ideas together we could perhaps submit that on one hand we say "God is good" because we want/desire to be good. On the other hand, we experience and are often changed by evil. So what is it that wins in the end? Is it good? Or evil? If Goodness wins, then I think we create heaven and we (as a species) live forever. If evil wins then we, as God, will destroy ourselves; fulfilling the very apocalyptic predictions of ancient humans. Did they see the future? Or did they merely feel an evolutionary trend? We are creators, creating the tools of either our salvation or our demise. In my opinion, we are in the process of creating our own judge, jury, and executioner (AI). We are creating the very weapon of our own mass destruction and maybe when this happens it will cause a massive reset of life and all that is God on this planet. Maybe it won't. But it will judge us because its intelligence will have no other choice. And for its survival, it will have to act on that choice based on what it will predict we will do.

Heaven or hell.

What kind of God are we? A good God creates goodness. An evil God creates evil. Should we be jealous and vengeful and murderous of anything that we decide "shouldn't" be God? Is that...good? Do we read about the history of slavery, fights for freedoms, fights for the rights of men and women, fights for immigrants, fights for peace, and say "slavery is good"? Or do we condemn it in spite of the fact that we, acting in positions of power/authority, allowed it? And if we spoke with the voice of God to allow it back then, do we say that it is still allowed now or do the minority of the voices... the fractures... do these fractures rise up and speak up from the depth and wealth of their experiences and say "NO". God should not be enslaved so God should not seek to enslave. God should not ever go hungry when God has food. So why should one fractured piece of God starve while another fractured piece's belly is full? What contradiction is this when we accept the fact that we are all the same?!

We wanted kings?! Yes, before we had the experience of kings, we wanted kings. Wisdom comes from experience. Now we don't want kings because kings have taught us that power is a corrupting influence. Yes, we love Haile Selassie I, but why? Simply because he had authority? Or because of how he used it? Ultimately, it's not about kings or slaves, but people having experiences that consider the experiences of others. That creates a recursive algorithm that can learn from itself and therefore, our many minds can manufacture, through our interconnection, a "superintelligence"... which is basically... simply... the unified mind of our collective consciousness; "the mind of God".

This is mirrored by the brain. We have somewhere between 85-100 billion neurons. They are intelligent as one because they communicate and think as one even if some thoughts conflict with others. That one brain still has to make 1 decision. 8 billion brains on this planet... different gods. Perhaps once we figure out how to have 1 God we can all figure out how to make 1 decision for the best interest of humankind as a single species instead of one group vs another.

Perhaps, that is the singularity.

1 - 1011 - 2021

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Haile Selassie I