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There Is No Such Thing As White Human Beings

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 28
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 1/12/2023 11:38:51 PM

“Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war. And until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. And until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race, there is war. And until that day, the dream of lasting peace, world citizenship, rule of international morality, will remain but a fleeting illusion to be pursued, but never attained... now everywhere is war.”

Seen. All human beings are the same. All are human. There is no difference to people calling themselves white and those calling themselves black. Skin colour is the bases of war. War becomes a race issue. We are all part of the human race. If we want peace, then know that there is no difference between a person calling himself white and one calling himself black. We are all the same race of human beings. All are descended from Adam and Eve. King Alpha and Queen Omega. Human Righteous Kingdom. Lion of Judah. Christian King for the Human race. Ethiopians be strong. Red, yellow, black and white, The Emperor is an example for the whole human race.

Stop calling people white when there is no proof that they exist as a separate race. We are all human beings. We all belong to the human race. There is no such thing as white. Jesus died for all and there was no such thing as white back then. People were all the same. It was only now recently that people started calling themselves white to be separated from the rest so they can have their Satan god on earth king of Rome. But the people are not white. People are people and all people come from Ethiopia. The Emperor is an example for all peoples here on earth. The ones calling themselves white can't prove they are different. It is a false belief that they think they're different. We are all one and the same.

Seen. The evil man in Rome, the devil himself, pope father of Rome, Satan in flesh, he will get jealous and say there is a difference so as to bring in segregation.

“We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.”

Seen. We must become members of a new race.

“Above all, Ethiopia is dedicated to the principle of the equality of all men, irrespective of differences of race, colour or creed.
“As we do not practice or permit discrimination within our nation, so we oppose it wherever it is found.
“As we guarantee to each the right to worship as he chooses, so we denounce the policy which sets man against man on issues of religion.
“As we extend the hand of universal brotherhood to all, without regard to race or colour, so we condemn any social or political order which distinguishes among God's children on this most specious of grounds.”

Seen. We have these people calling themselves the better race of human beings. They say they have evolved more and are more intelligent. This must stop. We are all people. We all belong to the human race. One country must stop telling another country what to do. Western countries wants to rule the world. Why do they think the rest of humanity to be inferior to them?

There will never be peace when one group of people believe themselves to be a superior race. There is no proof that there is whites. We are all one and the same blood. We are all descendents of Noah, Adam and Eve, King Alpha and Queen Omega. Ethiopia is an example for the whole of humanity. The Emperor is an example for all people.

Let's look at some of the people that claim to be superior. Here is one example. The British believes they are white. Now there is no such thing as white. We are all human beings. Now they hate Megan because they think she is an alien from another planet. Seen. This must stop. I'm sure the people want Megan to be the Queen. But because of this false belief of white race. They will hate her for ever. This is evil and must stop. There is no such thing as a white race. We are all human beings. We are all Jah children. And we can see many other examples like this. Where because the one group of people think they are white, now they can exclude the other people because they don't fit their description of being a superior race. End racism now. There is no white superior race. We are all human beings that belong to the human race. We are all children of the most high. Jah Rastafari. Haile Selassie I

“We know that as long as there are men who believe that one race is superior to the other and that they can lead the destinies of other men by any means, there shall be no peace.”

Again, there is no difference between the black man and the white man. We are all children of the most high. Jah Rastafari

One love
You must love your brother and your sister
Peace and love

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/20/2023 5:34:03 PM

While I do appreciate the sentiment and intent behind this thread with all due respect the key word in the quote used in the OP is the word "until".

"until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes."

I love peace and harmony. I try to avoid conflict when I feel nothing will be learned or gained, including the exercise of learning to make better arguments. However, my love for peace does not mean there isn't a time for conflict. Conflict doesn't have to be physical or even destructive.

In Samurai mythology there are legendary swords and two of the more famous ones are Muramasa and Masamune. You can look up the stories of these for yourself but one was designed to be destructive and was said to be bloodthirsty and the other was so sharp that it was said to be healing. They are both swords...weapons... the difference is in their purpose.

You said "If we want peace."

I say "peace at what cost?"

I didn't make up the word black. In fact, when I was young and slightly foolish I thought to myself, "I'm literally brown. So why don't I call myself brown instead of black?" I did mention my foolishness but it was more so ignorance. The only way I could say that at the time was because I had not yet gained an understanding and appreciation for what it really meant to be black.

There are intersecting circles of humanity. Two people can share the same race, religion, gender, sexuality, lifestyle, income bracket, career field, level of education, nationality, ethnicity, blood type, favorite movie, music, fandom, and the list goes on and on. We can share multiple intersecting circles. I can be related to a person who is white more than to person in Africa who is black. I have a friend who is white who lives in Indonesia. Never would he even think to ask me to deny my blackness and it's funny how it never gets in the way of our friendship. In fact, we sometimes talk about race and he respects the insights that I, being black, can provide on the subject.

I'm saying this not as an attack but for your edification.

Does my being black stop us from being friends? While it's easier to relate to someone who shares one or more of the 'circles' I mentioned above, being black or white does not negate real relationships. Individual people decide to have these relationships because race doesn't matter. And skin color could just as easily have been divided by hair color and eye color. Ask the Nazis. They weren't simply against Jews. They promoted blond hair and blue eyes. Are suggesting these hair colors aren't real? Of course, they are.

The notion of race doesn't fundamentally exist in the literal sense. However, it does exist as a mental construct. The fact that you are talking about it and wanting people to deny it is a testament to this fact. And what I'm saying is that if it wasn't skin color they would have found something else as a substitute because it's not and never was about skin color but about being "different".

The problem is not being different so there is no need to tell people that differences don't exist. Of course, they do. There is nature and there is nurture which means that part of us is more than DNA. Part of us is our experiences. Black people and White people, mostly, have some shared but also some different experiences. Black people immediately know what "DWB" means. It means "Driving while black". Black people worry about their kids and siblings because they might fit the description of a suspect and might end up getting shot by the police. There is a reason that "Black Liberation" exists. It exists because of White Supremacy.

Again, I say "peace at what cost?"

I'm not going to pretend to be some new race (I'm already a member of the human race) and deny my blackness when I know that White Supremacy is very much alive and sees me as black as black can be. Me not seeing myself is not going to make racists forget what I look like.

And again... what I look like isn't the problem. I don't have a look problem. White people who also happen to be racists have a perception problem because they see a problem in how I look; how DIFFERENT I look. I would have to NOT BE DIFFERENT in order to have the "peace" you're talking about. But it's not really peace if I am the only one being peaceful. If a conflict is happening all around you and you don't take part, how are you helping? So many white people sit on the sidelines hiding behind the belief that they are not racists. And so they do nothing while people who don't look like them are discriminated against. They would love to simply pretend it doesn't exist. Let me tell you what absolutely positively does exist and isn't a mental construct. And that is the wealth stolen from black people. Between the wealth stolen, unpaid debt, and unfair banking and other business practices, the treatment of black and other minorities of color absolutely exists. And until that ceases to be I will ALWAYS be BLACK.

This isn't always enjoyed by white people because although they have unlimited access to every opportunity and have never known the restrictions black people endure without even seeing, being black? when they see the invisible bond, when they enjoy aspects of our culture, feel excluded. But let me tell you something. Whites need not be excluded from the struggle for Black Liberation. You can be included but you have to opt-in and include yourself. I am black. I am black and in the struggle by default. I was born into the struggle. For whites, it's a choice. I welcome them to make whatever choice according to their own consciousness and utilize the freedoms their ancestors gave them even if stolen from others. Don't waste it. Use it. Get into a position of power that isn't available to us. And use your power to benefit the human race, not excluding us from it.

There are stories in the Civil Rights Movement; stories about black people and stories about how white people helped black people. We are going to be part of each other's stories anyway. So why not be a good part? Why not fight for what's right? Not just for me, but for you and me, knowing that if you are fair to me then you are teaching me fairness. It is only when you are unfair to me that you teach me that I have to be unfair like you in order to win and feed my family.

My wife and I went on a tour in Jamaica. The tour guide told us lots of stories. Most people on the bus were white. The minority was black. Why? Because the majority of black people in America rarely think they can afford to be on that bus. But anyway... these stories were great. One of the stories was about a white man who fought against the suppression of wages for poor workers. He not only defied his government but he risked his life to do it. He could have said "let's all just have peace" but the cost was too great. Why? Because he cared about those people. He cared enough to fight with them and for them and fight when they couldn't fight at all. And so he is a hero in Jamaica. A white man.

My wife was bothered by another story. This one was about a white woman who moved to Jamaica. She had money. She saw these children on the street and she took them in. My wife thought it was kidnapping, not used to such stories, not used to the idea of white people being heroes for our benefit. That woman took them in and those kids grew up and had good opportunities in life. And they are thankful. Not because she was white but because she was and demonstrated her loyalty to the human race.

If you want to tell black people to stop using these words after white people invented them, wouldn't it be logical to first go to the groups of whites who most notably use these words against black people? Black Liberation wouldn't exist if it wasn't needed. It exists as a reaction to White Supremacy. Black people have negative reactions to white people, not as individuals, but as a collective group, because the individuals never seem to be enough to prevent the collective group from the multitude of ways they oppress black people.

So I think this thread is out of order; meaning out of sequence. Instead of telling black people what we should or should not do, go to the whites who are racists and tell them what they should or should not do. Convince them that they are not white and therefore need no white pride. Convince them that they are simply humans. And after you convince them you won't even have to convince us. You want to cure racism? You have to go to the source. And last time I checked... it wasn't black people.

"until the colour of a man's skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes."

This isn't telling black people not to be black. It's telling everyone else to stop treating black people like that's a significant and bad thing.


Messenger: Cedric Sent: 1/22/2023 2:34:08 PM

Blessed Love Iahs

Give thanks IPXninja for this perfect response. I glanced over the original post and was thinking "I can't even..." Give thanks for the points the I made in such a calm and kind way. May InI heed the I's insight. Selah


Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/23/2023 10:06:49 AM

Thank you :) Good to see you, Cedric.

I think it's natural for whites to misunderstand and maybe even feel threatened at the thought of "black liberation". I get it. It sounds just as exclusive as "Black Lives Matter".

But in the SAME WAY...

Black Lives Matter isn't saying "white lives don't matter". It's simply a recognition of where the threat is. In this case, it's a threat to life with the government being the perpetrator. White lives don't have anything to worry about. Even though there definitely are cases where whites have been shot by police when they shouldn't have, no one can say their race had anything to do with it. So those were, in this context, simply "lives".

So when it comes to liberation. Same thing. Do whites need liberation? From who? If the answer is "from other whites" then race, in this context, is not an issue! If whites are oppressing whites then it's just people being oppressed by other people. Should it happen? No. But is it racism? No. But some people think people who are oppressed by racism shouldn't worry about it or think about it and just ignore it. But if you are oppressed you don't have the luxury of ignoring it. It's like a leaky pipe. You have to fix it or it will continue to cause damage to your house. So fix it!

If there is no leak at my neighbor's house, how's my neighbor going to tell me not to worry about the leak at mine? But if you take us as a whole then there is a leak on OUR street and since it's at my house it's easy for my neighbor not to see that as his problem. In this case, I'm not even saying my neighbor is the one doing it. If I was saying that he would have a right to get defensive; especially if my busted pipes have nothing to do with him as an individual. But again, if we're looking at this as "OUR" problem, collectively... being that we live on the same street and if my house is destroyed by water his property may lose some value too.

We live on the same planet. Some of us live in the same country. I get it. It's easy to look the other way, even move to the other side of the street. But until it stops happening to some of us... it's still happening and we can't pretend it isn't. Therefore, black liberation isn't about being anti-white. Not even slightly. It's about working to fix the problem and liberate black people from oppression. Until black people are free, WE (as a human collective) do not have freedom.

And whether we are the right hand or the left, left foot or the right, we're all part of the same body (same race: the human race). Being part of that race and having some other name, title, whatever doesn't change that. The problem with democracy is that the majority can ignore the suffering of the minority if it cannot relate or identify with the minority. If it cannot FEEL the minority or empathize with it. I love and appreciate all the white and black people who come to this site and communicate on this forum. Most of the time you can't even tell who is who, honestly. And that's because we have a common community and purpose. This allows us to come together as one family. One love. And that's beautiful. The white people who I personally know on this site are beautiful people and I wouldn't change a single cell in their bodies. I wish we had a billion more of them. But again, the problem with democracy is that the majority can ignore the plight of those who are suffering because it's not happening to them. And we can't simply be one until the minority isn't having these issues.

Being part of one body... is good. But if you have pain in one small area, that pain is directing your collective attention to that area so you can solve the problem your BODY (collective) is telling you about. We are a society that takes drugs to dull pain receptors. That is the same as getting hooked on ignorance. And so WE have learned, as a human race, to live in ignorance because looking at every problem is too painful. I get it. But the pain is still there and I can't pretend it isn't because I'm one of the nerve cells feeling and reporting it. So what are WE going to do about it?

Messenger: Cedric Sent: 1/23/2023 7:57:26 PM

Bless Up IPXninja

Give thanks for more very good points.

“What are WE going to do about it?”

I wish that was an easy question to answer.

I think the most important thing to do is to de-radicalize talking about plans for how the USA Government can start making reparation payments for slavery. I hope as a country the USA can realize reparation payments are not a political issue but a factual necessity of something that needs to happen.

The most common argument I hear from white people when the subject of reparations come up is something along the lines of “well, my ancestors never owned slaves”. That may be all well and fine, but reparations is a bill that is due from the USA government, not individual white people.

Personally the connection is easy for me to see how all white people who live in the USA benefit financially from the institution of slavery having happened. To those who don’t have that same perspective, I offer this for consideration: Whether your white ancestors owned people or not, the USA government was voted into existence and controlled by white men only. At the time of its formation and throughout slavery, only white men had a vote in the direction or decisions of this country. If we were running a physical running race and the goal was to get to the finish line ahead of everybody else, and one group of people gets to start running before everybody else, thats called a head start. That financial and controlling head start began a generational wealth gap that exists to this day. And like it or not, if you are white and living in USA, at one time you and one of your ancestors directly benefitted from the money that was made from that forced labor. Whether it was your great grandpa getting a loan from a white owned bank, or you being hired over a person of color who is more qualified than you for the job just because the hiring officer liked your white face, that is still benefitting from a broken system. If there were some easy ways that the government could start trying to right those wrongs, why not support them?

There have never been any tangible efforts or requirements for the USA economy to have to foot the bill or even attempt to financially compensate for the forced labor that went into the foundations of this country. Let alone trying to consider the damages owed for the emotional and physical torture that took place, lets just talk about the labor first. I think the general sense of Americans is that we work hard to foot the bill for problems in the world (whether Americans are aware enough of global issues being a side discussion) and have some sense of this being the land of freedom. The land of opportunity. I think Americans take pride in the USA being the global voice of justice. So lets actually start the discussion of how we can try and right the wrongs that took place in this very country. Lets see if we can come together and look at the numbers and find out what it might cost?

Before you say that you don’t want taxes to go up or pretend like you have direct control over how this government spends its money (I promise you, you don’t), remember this is a bill for the USA government to pay. This isn’t coming out of your pockets. Let’s hold the government accountable for finding the funds and prioritize reparation payments over other forms of government spending. We spend how much on defense and government contractors relating to war? We sent how many Billions of $$ to rebuild infrastructure in Afghanistan and Iraq? We are sending how many Billions of $$ to Ukraine? We spend how much on traffic police to speed trap us while we drive to our jobs? Lets put some of that money into reparations and just watch how many problems get solved. How many new opportunities could arise?

I don’t like how people that call for reparations are considered radical or that they “hate this country”. It doesn’t fit. I, an American craftsman with an American business who only buys tools that are Made In America, who pays more income taxes than I would be required to pay, my grandfathers have served in the military and fought wars for this country, and still I expect this country to foot its own bill and hold it accountable to pay for the things it is responsible for. As I am expected to, it should be too.

Other than white people bringing the topic up to their elected officials and being heard as a voice in support for reparations, I think it is important to educate themselves on these topics and take time to really think about and examine how it might feel to live in a country where a select group was allowed such a huge head start and advantage over other groups, and there never being any efforts to fix that. I think taking the opportunity to support black owned business and the black economy is helpful and should be done, but that in itself won’t be enough. Reparations has to be a big number of $$ like the kind that the USA government likes to deal with.

Give thanks for reasoning about this

HIM Haile Selassie I Love

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/24/2023 5:07:41 PM

Excellent reasoning, Cedric. And yes, I'm happy to read about and get into practical solutions for liberation.

I'm sympathetic to those who think they shouldn't have to pay but Cedric made excellent points about the benefits of starting the race before anyone else. Then on top of this, you have the benefit of whites being the majority population. In fact, the reason there is so much hate-fueled white nationalism today is that racist whites (not all whites) are afraid of losing that majority precisely because they don't see everyone as one race. Black people see themselves as a race because it was forced upon us. When white people see themselves as a race, that's a choice. It's not like they are an oppressed group. Without the oppression, black people wouldn't have any need to treat this unnatural grouping the way we do. It's a "shared struggle". And, like the quote in the OP, it is necessary so long as the struggle continues. But if you look at MLK's dream, that's kind of how we all wish it would be, where it doesn't matter what color anyone's skin is. So for whites to go out of their way to be part of a white-only group... there's no other reason than to be part of the actual machinery of oppression. It's not the same. But there's a reason why this persists; why reparations are necessary, why many battles need to be fought. It's because there is an active force still trying to live in and go back to even worst days of systemic oppression and racism. To them, racism isn't a bug. It's a feature.

Can reparations solve that issue? Not entirely. The US Education system has to stop lying and covering up the truth. Because the result is that many white kids are learning in school that they are superior and that their race "saved" Africans from a miserable life in mud huts for all of eternity like black people were somehow incapable of invention and progress. That's why they talk about the pyramids being built by aliens when in reality they were likely used for irrigation and food security. But Africa led the way in language and math. But history is covered up to reinforce white supremacy. We are now seeing the racist agenda of white supremacy combatting attempts in education to tell the truth.

And this is also why people oppose reparations. It's often out of ignorance because the education system has been lying to them on behalf of white supremacy. I hate to say it is controlled by white supremacy but what else can you call it if you can't change it without white supremacy doubling down on ignorance? "we don't want our kids to feel bad about being white" Why should they? I have to learn about my ancestors being happy slaves so that their kids don't have to know the truth about some (not all) of their ancestors. Education is clearly not based around the feelings and mental adjustment of black kids, so why should it coddle whites with a false image? The point being education is a major key. Black kids need black history to balance white history and so do white kids until there is just history.

But things like this are why White Supremacy as a system needs to go down. White supremacists need to be rooted out of the system and replaced. You don't let a bank robber run your bank. But whites continue to vote for people who express racist ideologies because it is an echo of what they are taught in school. Blame is irrelevant and often misplaced. Even though I'm directing blame at white supremacy I'm only doing so to highly where changes need to be made. Many black people do take it too far in blaming whites for everything rather than specifically blaming racists. The reason is that we live in a democracy so if the majority of the white population didn't like these racists and don't agree with them then it boggles the black mind why they keep voting them into office and backing a republican party that literally uses racism as a winning strategy. Politics is telling because they're so spineless that many politicians will simply reveal whatever mindsets their constituents have because they only care about getting elected and what that takes comes from research.

What reparations will do is allow black people to create more generational wealth by buying real estate and utilities. Black Wall Street in Tulsa and other communities showed what black communities could accomplish with the right financial footing. And banks do know this. That's why racists block black people from getting loans and things like that because they don't want black people to gain financial freedom and independence. With the number of whites complaining that black people use too many tax dollars from entitlement programs, you would think that they would make sure that financial institutions were being fair. But they understand how wealth is created and how kings existed because they owned the land that everyone lived on. So they want that wealth gap to keep themselves in the ownership position. They fear equality because without that dependence on whites for jobs, housing, etc. they also would have fewer opportunities to redistribute wealth from us back into their own pockets.

This is also the fear of reparations. Because black people have very few black publicly traded companies most of that money will recirculate through the economy in ways that will also help whites too. It will also create new businesses and more competition which would buffer against inflation. But it would also have the effect of showing more of what black people can do as a prosperous and contributing community of the larger society. We're being judged by our worst members while at the same time blocked from having more prosperity that would threaten to change racist opinions. Representation matters. The TV & Film industries have come a long way in the meaningful representation of black actors playing non-stereotypical roles. Again... how much blame can I give to a child when the only image they see of a black man fits the thug persona stereotype? Someone is making a decision to show black people that way because they themselves have been shown black people that way. It becomes a cycle. Every industry has these cycles and that's what we need to break, industry by industry.

One of the best solutions I've heard has been lawsuits against the KKK and similar organizations. We need to affect laws that make these organizations entirely illegal or put them in positions where violating the law forces them to pay out money to black people. I think the NAACP has failed in a lot of ways but being setup to go after people legally was correct thinking.

But perhaps, one of the biggest solutions, I think, is going after advertisers and working to cut support from companies known to discriminate. I think there are other solutions too and we can't put all eggs in one basket but rather blitz the offense of white supremacy and attack it from different sides.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/26/2023 3:05:38 AM

Can reparations solve that issue?

I appreciate and agree with the context of your response king. But if we get to the core meaning of the word reparation it is clearly the repair process i the context of post slavery and white supremacy. Of course when you talk and colloquially we tend to mean FINANCIAL reparations from external ‘guilty’ sources within society. Or something similar?

But the repair process from slavery for InI as black people is not simply financial. As you rightfully mentioned and I believe this is why you said reparations alone cannot fix things. Financial reparations as important s they are cannot. But reparations in totality IS the complete process of repair from slavery and white supremacy.

Rastafari is a form of spiritual dietary ideological and linguistic reparations
Reparations are both internal and external

Sister Esther Xosei is the one who opened my eyes to this line of reasoning regarding reparations and she is a champion of it, delivering important messages for black people in terms of reparations across the globe. Definitely worth checking her out and whole heartedly Supported by Garveys Africa

Blessed Love, I will drop a link to her

Messenger: dembele Sent: 1/27/2023 6:17:59 AMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/27/2023 8:22:10 AM


Fully agree with you, but I think we have to be careful in how we talk about it in mixed company though because I think sometimes movements failed when they're not specific enough. And when I say that I'm thinking of the Occupy Wallstreet movement. Unlike BLM which had measurable goals, methods, and legislation proposals, Occupy was an unorganized mess. It made a lot of noise but ultimately was swept under the rug as if it didn't even happen.

So yes, reparations cover everything we need to talk about and strategize but within that, people need to know exactly what that looks like, what it means, and most importantly how it will affect them. If we only think about how it needs to affect those who deserve to be on the receiving end of reparations it's likely to never happen because there are 2 sides and constitutes a redistribution of wealth and opportunity. We can be 100% all day long about what needs to happen in order to fairly compensate but anything actually considered would involve a deal being made, which will require negotiation. They're not just going to say "okay". We're going to have to slide a piece of paper across the table with a number on it. And if that number is too high they are simply not going to pay it.

So I feel like the mistake we make a lot of times is seeking justice at the cost of winning. Being right doesn't matter if the whole argument falls on deaf ears. Even if some whites agree, white people are not a monolith. Even if all whites benefitted from white supremacy equally (WHICH THEY DO NOT) the impact has to be tolerated by the majority or it won't pass gas let alone legislation. I'd love to just be an idealist on this issue but I think pragmatism is the only way forward against a largely cynical society.

Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 1/28/2023 2:01:31 AM

Ninja, u are truly, and repeatedly one of the most intelligent people I have the privilege to read the utterances of, and I read it all. The time you take to compose such responses is such a contribution. At this point it's book worthy, and please keep us informed when u finally drop dat. GA I love ur passion and insight as well, I hope u always keep weighing in, while Ninja inspires, u challenge, a beautiful oneness...Ethiopia I beg u listen. I just hope that the universe compells the both of the I's to keep expressin the Iselves. Intellect pon intellect. Illah, Selassie I Itinually. Love love love!!!! 93/93

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Haile Selassie I