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Shame on all you who shamed MELCHEZIDEK
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Time Zone:EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ras RunMan
1/4/2023 6:12:22 PM
Observe reality and find out that what he warned us about on this site is true. How could you as rastas demonize him like that?? And NO! Im not MELCHEZIDEK
Messenger: Cedric
1/22/2023 2:46:45 PM
Blessed Love Ras RunMan
Interested in reasoning with the I about some of the things the I is observing in reality. I stand by almost all I efforts to expose what I see as an insincere account. I let I emotions cloud I responses a few times, but for the most part I have no regrets. I remain willing and hopeful InI can reason with InI words to share InI personal perspectives.
HIM Haile Selassie I Know
Messenger: IPXninja
1/23/2023 5:25:42 PM
Why would Ras RunMan feel the need to say he wasn't Mel? The question is when was the last time Ras RunMan made a legitimate post?
My basic premise was that Mel isn't really Mel; that Mel was an old account that someone else hijacked. If anyone stops posting for awhile this can happen to them. The hijacker(s) would logically only pick old accounts because if the person is paying attention they would notice someone was using their account to post and would make a new account to warn people. The hijacker doesn't have the ability to block this scenario so that's why only old accounts would be chosen.
So why would Ras RunMan come out of the blue to defend someone against them being exposed? Hmmm?