Blessed Forward Iyah :
InI have read the I post a few times before answering , making sure to overstand the I turmoil at this point in life . InI do not have answers per se for all answers rest within the I and will surface at that time. InI had to look up the definition of "Depression" to grasp it in the fullness and InI will be going off of this definition [ Depression is classified as a mood disorder. It may be described as feelings of sadness, loss, or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday activities.] The I maybe unsatisfied at where you are in life in terms of progress or social relationships from a community or family perspective and only working on it can fix it , change what you can and what can not be change then learn to accept it until you can get it changed. Sleeping 10 hours does not mean you will have energy for even excessive sleep can work against you , too much or too little works against you . The I have to find your optimum energy rhythm , like some people are morning people while others are night owls . exercise can help some.
Now the Ible is a book that takes time to overs , for what is hidden today can be revealed another day . you can read it in the "ABC context" (just for the words on the page)or you can read it in the "spiritual" context where the I see the greater definition of things.
Take for example Psalms 19 :The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork. , in reading this from a spiritual context one overs the magnitude of the almighty and sees oneself in the greater design . the Ible contains history , mysticism ,and most of all "spiritual food" . All InI can tell the I is Keep Reading with a patient heart and mind ... for the Father reveals all things in due time. comfort your head and heart by reading psalms & proverbs , then ecclesiastics . just let it wash over you , what you overs you overs , what you don't you will at another point in time.
Haile , Walk good Fari
The FATHER is always with the I