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Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 2/16/2019 4:36:18 AM

speaks from the chalice,

"Black supremacy", which according to one definition used here doesn't automatically imply racism, is one of those unfortunate terms along the lines of "congestive heart failure", which doesn't automatically imply imminent death even though it sounds like it does.

It's perfectly understandable for you to equate the racism associated with "White supremacy" to "Black supremacy", and I personally feel that it's incumbent upon those who chose to use an ambiguous term to describe their beliefs to provide the disambiguation to eliminate potential misunderstanding (i.e., failure to provide clear disambiguation when applying a term which can be so readily misconstrued could imply a hidden desire to inflame people). A pejorative remark like "White people CANNOT define BLACK people's terminology of ideology" does nothing to clear up the confusion in as much as it aggravates the perception of some kind of Black-versus-White undertone to the discussion. I've been told that the way the term "Black supremacy" is used on this website is NOT racist and given to understand (i.e., my perceptions) that the ideology contains elements of pride in the heritage of Black people and the promotion of an awareness of Black unity.

Garvey's Africa once wrote:"No Man is superior to a next man." This is good. Unfortunately, there is much anger directed or implied at "white people" or "white"-this-or-that that oozes to the surface amid all of the insistence that "Black supremacy" , as defined by its proponents posting on this website, is not a racist ideology. It's a very fine line to walk to say that one believes in "Black supremacy" and "Black first" and not cross over into the realm of racism. For me, personally, when one states that they find inter-racial marriage to be "repugnant", that crosses the line into racism because it was precisely that kind of mentality that led to the violence against and murders of Black men by racists in America.

My point here is that your perception of how "Black supremacy" is being used by the folks here on this website is not accurate, but your concerns about potential associated racism are valid and should not be dismissed by belittling you. Your opinions and perceptions are welcome here on this forum for discussion. How else do we advance education & understanding other than by communication, which doesn't always start out (or even end up) with agreement.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/16/2019 7:04:00 AM

Babylon system is designed to SEPERATE and promote division of the black family structure. Hence InI promote black love and not inter racial relations. Simple as....

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 2/16/2019 7:13:35 AM

Yep, those KKK fellas in the pickup truck promote white "love and not inter racial relations", so that's why they lynched that Black man that they ran off the road driving with his white wife through Alabama. Simple as....

but leading to very toxic & dangerous bigotry.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/16/2019 9:14:39 AM

There you go comparing white supremacists to black supremacy. It's pointless arguing with you on this as ignorance and sensitivity blind you.i don't expect you to nearly understand the effects of the past 100 years to present on the black family

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 2/16/2019 9:40:21 AM

identical mentalities: seeing different races unite in love as "repugnant". There's no way to put lipstick on that pig by claiming that it's somehow different from the same belief espoused by others -- regardless of who's belief it is, it's rooted in racism and prejudice; the beautiful unity of Love shat upon by a desire to see one group of people maintained separate from another group of people based upon racial differences.

You say: "The example of black to white union is as repugnant to I as it was to Garvey 100 years ago"

There's no way to sidestep the racist ugliness of such a belief -- no clever intellectual nuances or esoteric experiential arguments based upon heritage. It's the opposite of ignorance that bothers you: It's the shedding light upon & acknowledgement of exactly what this perception of "repugnance" is and what inspires it.

Try to imagine how you sound to a black and white couple and their family. It's truly very sad. I had honestly hoped that such ugliness would have died out with past generations and not be being perpetuated still today.

Messenger: speaks from the chalice Sent: 2/16/2019 9:47:14 AM

G.A. I think we're going to just have to leave this one be - because you're basically asking me to take your context of your version of the term black supremacy in the same way some people take paragraphs out the bible 'a la carte' if that makes any sense. When I hear the words "black supremacy" I view them in the same way as I would "white supremacy". It's my understanding of the English language and that's the language we're both speaking. It's like Nesta says it can cross the racial line especially if you find inter-racial marriage or relations offensive. But that's your perogative and I'm not here to try change your mind, all I'm doing here is trying to find out where your coming from when you advocate black supremacy. But I'm tired of going round in circles with you, I like you as a person though - some interesting posts.

Also @ Neszta1, thanks for taking the time trying to explain to me the context of black supremacy that some people in this forum adhere to, I just wish there was another name for it that caused less offence. But, there we have it.


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/16/2019 9:52:04 AM

Garveyite philosophy unapologetically Rastafari

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 2/16/2019 10:06:02 AM

When you start viewing something a blessed as the union of two people in Love as "repugnant" because you don't like to see a Black person in Love with a White person and vice versa, I'm afraid that that specific part of your belief system has strayed into perfect alignment with the Babylon System.
In my experience, His Majesty smiles upon Love between people and needs no color chart handy to check to see if the Lovers pass a race compatibility test.

Messenger: speaks from the chalice Sent: 2/16/2019 10:13:39 AM

There is no doubt in my mind that ANYONE who has a problem with people from different races falling in love and having children is a 24 Carat gold Racist. So does this fall under the guise of "black supremacy" because if it does, then I have nothing more to say on the matter and my mind has been made up.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 2/16/2019 10:57:25 AM

Haile Selassie chose an Ethiopian wife.

I views are supported by Garveyism a philosophy supported by Rastafari from the onset of the trod and many Rastafari today

I am not solo in belief.

I have also stated that while I promote black love i do not criticise others for their choices

I rest easy in I beliefs that they are in fact well within the line of the Rastafari trod as passed down to me as a Rastafari child from I Rastafari elders. This trod is not something which I read about or heard about but by generational brithright

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