Hail Idren
Good to see some of the veterans round here.. welcome forward Garvey I!
Ras Jesse I find what the I shared very interesting, that the tribe is based on the moon cycle and not on the month itself.. and also not on the sun and constellation position which major aspects of astrology are based on. I didn't know that! And yet it seems that the tribe virtue relates to sun sign virtues also.. Issachar is the Leo yeah? Zeal, fixed fire sign, seems to align.. And Zebulun is the month of Virgo, it is pink according to 12 tribes (pink =love?) and virgo is all about nurturing and mothering/fathering (Virgo is Iwomban).. It seems the tribes may relate both to moon and sun position?
Just observing here, maybe I am wrong. I don't know too much about 12 tribes reasonings, but astrology is something I know a little about and always trying to learn more. Judaism (or Hebrew religion we can call it? Not only Judah but all the tribes) definitely includes astrological study. I was watching the old movie Fiddler of the Roof recently and saw a scene that struck me as very revealing, even for a movie, as we know someone designed the set! I will try and post the screen shot I took of the scene...
It shows images of the constellations of the zodiac... scorpion, scales, 2 fish, etc.
If the 12 Tribes months are based on hebrew bible then maybe the zodiac astrology is woven in also?