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Mutabaruka - serious reasonings

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 3/12/2005 2:35:50 AM

I suggest the I's check these reasonings:

*Hope and Salvation lies within
*Faith and Historical Fact
*Rastas Need to Stop Dreaming
*Muta reasons with Karl Phillpots (3rd from bottom)

and ofcourse all the rest as Muta is on some very realistic ITES

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 3/12/2005 12:51:05 PM

Yes I sistren. I have been listening to Muta's webpage for some time now. He has some awesome guests and great things to say. I give thanks, that man deh is clearing up some of this foggyness in Rastafari, seperating facts from fiction. Information not inspiration!

Ras Zion I

Also listen to

The sayings of Bhudda

Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 3/13/2005 5:45:59 AM

Give Thanks, Empress!

Interesting link:


Messenger: Nyah Jahphet Anbassa I Sent: 3/13/2005 5:56:11 AM



Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 3/13/2005 10:56:41 PM

Beloved ones, rasta Far I Haile I Selassie I

Sistren MenenI. I hail up the INI for the link to Mutbaruka site and reasonings. Such a blessing to site that. For ones who live in a geo desert of Babylon, these reasonings so essential.

Heartically I have dined on such rich food.


Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 3/13/2005 11:17:36 PM

Yes I! Hail sis Nefertiti, pray all is well for the I.

Let InI forward the progress in these times, Muta shows InI to keep a firm meditation and stay far from illussion. InI must deal with reality. Hail Sellassie the First I.. King of Righteousness!

Blessed Love

Messenger: Ras Jah-mal Sent: 3/14/2005 1:43:14 PM

Isis high, to negus I, great and thunderable I,

give thanks to the empress for the ites
i glorify to see da i dem reasoning, tru i dwell in
the bahamas and INI need to link and reason

love and itection

Messenger: SisMenenI Sent: 3/14/2005 3:08:44 PM

hail to the bredren Jah-mal in Bahamas! This blockcongo Jahmal?
Upfull vibes in Nassau... more love to the binghi house!!

blessed love
sis Kaley

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 1/15/2013 8:56:49 PM

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Haile Selassie I