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NONE Christian belliefs found TODAY in modern Ethiopia

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/24/2019 10:05:18 AM

Divine Athiesm
Pantheism Athiesm

Yes..... I definately like the above reasoning.

I was always taught the Trinity within Rastafari is the Man Woman and Child. Which is Life. A simple and ancient concept. But one that works better than a holy duppy and all male seemingly homosexual trinity such as with Christianity.

*plays Sizzla - Black woman and child*

This thread has turned into another general Christianity / Religion bashing thread which I am ALL for but when the I dem get a chance DO read the original few posts as the aim was to highlight some of the often NEGLECTED ethniticies and cultures within Ethiopia outside of just Christianity and Islam.

I'm at a point where I challenge myself to go through the rest of the year without mentioning any of the Abrahamic Western religions and their scripture or dogma. I don't want it within my psyche (I was going to say my heavens) at all

But I stay reactionary so I doubt it


Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/24/2019 10:21:12 AM

GA: I was always taught the Trinity within Rastafari is the Man Woman and Child. Which is Life. A simple and ancient concept. But one that works better than a holy duppy and all male seemingly homosexual trinity such as with Christianity.

Yes, that was the original trinity.

And then certain ones demonized the Babylonian trinity of Nimrod,Semiramis, and Tammuz so I think the whole concept got demonized and they were looking for a replacement.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 1/24/2019 10:54:33 AM

Idlozi - Umoya - Isithunzi 
Auset- Heru - Ausar
Anuket- Satet- Khnum

Power of the Trinity

Haile Selassie I Tafari Makonnen I
Queen Menen Asfaw
Prince Sehle Selassie

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 1/24/2019 11:07:05 AM

So many symbols. Very complicated, but good cogitation exercise for the brain. I&i always tried to keep this stuff simple and use science for my mental exercise, but to each his own.

Messenger: IPXninja Sent: 1/24/2019 11:13:53 AM

I tend to believe that royal families had a certain advanced understanding of religion and were not bound by the same standards as the population because they had access to more knowledge. More knowledge and less superstition. But they may not have been politically able to give that to their people and often it was simply easier to allow the people to believe whatever they wanted. That's why I really wouldn't put too much stock into the fact that H.I.M was Christian.

Q: Did the royal family fully convert to Christianity or did they do this publicly for the sake of politics? And even if they did accept to some degree is it possible that they maintained some amount of their prior African religions in order to bring them back at a later date?

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 10/21/2021 3:17:47 AM

My favourite reasoning

Messenger: Likkle Ithiopia Sent: 10/26/2021 9:26:52 PM

P'entay and Elias movement is what InI last heard from Ethiopia.


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Haile Selassie I