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Ancient Jamaica and Pyramids

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Messenger: OrionXoo0 Sent: 9/10/2016 3:59:40 AM

Hello and kind greetings, i wanted knowledge on the ancient tribes in Jamaica, and also the topography of the land of Jamaica, whether you know of any megalithic structures or pyramids lodged there. Thank you and excellent day to you.

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 9/10/2016 10:04:46 AM

Interesting question!

I believe the indigenous people were the Arawak and Taino, however I was unable to find any pyramids or ancient megalithic structures in my brief research. I came across the ruins of pirate cities, and colonial ruins, but nothing much on ancient indigenous ones.

I know the Bahamas have the underwater "Bimini Road", but nothing much listed about Jamaica.

Messenger: OrionXoo0 Sent: 9/23/2016 3:06:17 PM

Do you know anything about the ancient mythology of the Arawak & Taino people? I was wondering if they perhaps had legends or stories of Star people, or lights in the skies (UFOs). I wouldn't be surprised either to find ancient ruins or megaliths, pyramids around the Caribbean as they are populated in every place on Earth. Also RastaGoddess, I wanted to know where you live? Good day to you :)

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 9/24/2016 11:35:27 PM

Hotep brothah Orion,

I am personally not well versed in this particular subject, but did find this article about Arawak Astronomers that di I may find interesting as well. The link is posted at the bottom where much more details are given.

To answer your question, though I have lived on several continents, I am currently in California 🙂;


"At their feasts they danced to the sound of flutes and drums. They played a game, somewhat similar to soccer, except that the raw rubber ball had to be tossed with the head, shoulder, elbow or more professionally, by the knee. Their minstrels, called Sambas, sang comical or sad stories of war and/or peace times.

The Arawaks were "animists," which means that they believed in the inner connection of the two worlds (the visible and the invisible one) and in the existence and survival of the soul with the environment (trees, rivers, etc.). They adored the sun, moon, stars, and springs. The Butuous, their respected priests and medicine men, are, according to Metraux, the ancestors of present-day Haiti's "docteurs-papier' or ('Docteur-Feuilles')." The Arawaks believed in eternal life for the virtuous.

Arawak Astronomers

Further research in Antigua suggests that the stones on Greencastle Hill really may have been used by Arawaks a thousand years ago to track time and season

Definite clusters of “megaliths” still exist on the hill; the largest and most prominent have been described as “male phallic and female generative symbols”

Megalithic sites have been found in many parts of the world, the most famous being Stonehenge in southern England. Many are now being investigated to determine whether they had any astronomical significance. Among other things, researchers compare the bearings of the stone features on a site with the rising and setting points of significant celestial objects. A star rising just before sunrise or setting just after sunset (the star’s “heliacal rising and setting”) were considered to be important in the keeping of prehistoric calendars.

The bearings of these stones were compared with the azimuths of stars known to be important to Arawak cultures. (The azimuth is the direction to a star along the horizon, measured in degrees from the north. A star due east has an azimuth of 90°.) Stellar azimuths for the year 1000 AD were obtained from an astronomical computer programme, and the bearings of the selected stones were determined by theodolite readings from each end of an east-west baseline oriented by solar observations

Read the original article here:

Messenger: Black Christ Salvation Sent: 9/29/2016 8:14:19 PM

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 10/15/2016 11:21:03 AM

The Taino genocide (1492-1518) is where the Spanish wiped out most of the Tainos (Arawaks), the native people of the northern Caribbean (present-day Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, etc). Columbus himself set it in motion and oversaw it till 1500.

According to one estimate, genocide and disease wiped out 3 million of the 3.5 million Tainos – 85%. Most were already dead when smallpox arrived in 1518.
Columbus noticed two things about the Tainos:

1. They wore gold jewellery.
2. Their most advanced weapon was the spear.

With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.
Columbus made La Taina, the land of the Tainos, into a living hell. It went way beyond simply killing those who fought Spanish rule. The Spanish had them

* grilled,
* cut up into pieces like sheep,
* run down by hunting dogs and torn to pieces,
* strung up and burned alive 13 at a time – in memory of Jesus and his 12 Apostles.

They killed even women and children. Even babies: the Spanish threw babies against rocks and into rivers – and laughed. They cut off pieces of Tainos for entertainment. They cut off their heads for practice. They raped women and girls – and brought back syphilis to Europe. They even raped the wife of a king.

The Spanish were kinder to their animals than to the Tainos.
If a Taino killed a Spaniard, the Spanish killed 100 Tainos in return.
They killed Tainos by the thousands, even those who brought them food and gifts. They killed half the people of the kingdom of Maguana outright.

After the killing fields, the Spanish divided the remaining Tainos among themselves to teach them the Christian faith:

* For Taino men that meant working in the mines, often being worked to death. As many as 90% died within in three months.
* For Taino women that meant working the land, even the heavy work that men used to do.

There was so little food that babies died for lack of milk. Children died of hunger by the thousands. Men were worked so hard in the mines that few children were born.
Columbus demanded a certain amount gold or cotton from each Taino over the age of 13. Those who failed to meet his demands had their hands cut off.
All this was shocking behaviour by Western standards of the time.
When there were no longer enough Taino workers left, the Spanish brought in African slaves to take their place.

It was such a hell on earth that:

* Mothers killed their babies.
* Mass suicides were common.

Many fled to the mountains, blacks too, fighting the Spanish from there.
Hatuey, one of the Taino kings of Cuba, told his people to throw their gold into the river: the Christians worshipped gold as their god and would kill them for it.

In 1512 when Hatuey was about to be burned at the stake (pictured), a Franciscan brother told him him about the Christian faith to save his soul. When Hatuey found out that most good Christians were going to Heaven, he chose Hell.

Source: Mainly “A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” (1542) by Bartolome de Las Casas. 

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 10/25/2016 6:46:17 AM

Can true pyramids be found anywhere else in the world other than the Nile Valley? mud mound and step structures aside

Nevertheless. I know not of such in jamaica

Messenger: RastaGoddess Sent: 10/25/2016 9:37:32 AM

From what I've read, the pyramids were inspired from volcanos, a "mound" of sorts. In fact, if I'm not incorrect, the word pyramid means "house of fire". Though there are replicas or versions of, to be found all over the world, NONE can compare to the original!

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