Thanks and Ises Ras Tafari.
That is a good question Iyah. Ethically and practically Iwombman say it is not the ideal.
For one thing I think it is not as safe, if the herb has been confiscated from one person, kept in an evidence locker with a bunch of other drugs, then redistributed to the I. Who knows what that dealer was dealing in before he got caught? His herbs might not have been clean anyway. Then they may have been contaminated in the police custody also.
The safest way and most Iylah Independent way is obviously to grow the herbs for oneself. The second option, that Iwombman choose for now, is purchasing the herb directly from the grower, and being able to ask all questions to the grower such as which fertilizers, is it organically grown, and so on.
The ethical aspect may be why the I is asking this question, and from that standpoint it also seems wrong. Maybe the dealer arrested was actually harming people, and needed to be taken off the streets. But more than likely, he was only trying to make some money in the best way he knew how. If I&I benefit from his incarceration, directly as in buying his product after babylon thief it from him, then I&I are supporting babylon and not supporting the bredren who needed the funds so badly that he did this dangerous job in the first place. If anything, buy from the small dealer that the I can trust, before he get arrested!
I hope the I can secure a safe way to supply the herbs. More Love.