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Ebola crisis

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 5/1/2014 10:21:23 AM

Up to 74 'dead' already.

Any1 here inside the continent?

Would be interesting to see the pov / media / information from inside Guinea

Or any1 from Zimbabwe or Liberia... how has it affected things over there? Travel etc? Is there a state of quarantine?

Biological warfare.... StandFirm family. I am told my roots through slavery point back direct to Guinea.

It terrible.


CONAKRY, April 25 (Xinhua) -- Authorities in Guinea's Forestiere region have launched joint efforts with neighboring Liberia to fight against Ebola fever under the coordination of the World Health Organization (WHO), a source from the institution said on Thursday.

The initiative led to the first meeting between the two sides on Wednesday in Guinea's Macenta region which is situated 800 km from the capital, Conakry.

During the meeting, Guineans and Liberians agreed to put in place "technical committees" that will work together to combat the spread of the disease.

Statistics released by WHO on April 24 showed that Guinea Forestiere is the epicenter of Ebola virus with at least 51 deaths out of 77 cases.

Macenta town is another zone that has been affected by the epidemic with 10 deaths out of 13 cases.

In general, confirmed biological analyses have shown that Guinea has so far had 115 Ebola cases out of which 74 have died.

On the Liberian side, WHO noted that between March 13 to April 21, a total of 34 suspected Ebola cases were reported, out of which six were confirmed.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 5/1/2014 10:23:51 AM

Related? Unrelated?

I don't take anything from off the table

Messenger: JAH Child Sent: 5/1/2014 7:21:30 PM

Greetings King, give thanks for bringing this issue to I&I attention.
Iditation on the health and wellbeing of the Idren in Guinea and elsewhere who are affected by this dis-ease.
It would not be a surprise if the outbreak was engineered by some diabolical adversary, as is surely happening with some other viruses and bacterium. Watching these videos and imagining the affects of these evil deeds, the suffering of I&I because of babylon wickedness, it really makes Iwombman angry and hungry for a solution. Anger is not a usual emotion for I either, but truly... It's disgusting.
Even if this is not a biological weapon, the video clearly states, "not much research has been done because pharmaceutical companies don't have much to gain from a cure, since the virus occurs mostly in remote areas." They may as well have said, "pharma only wants money, they don't actually care about healing anyone, especially not anyone who can't pay."
So, where is the solution? I&I get too frustrated in feeling helpless, there has to be a way to establish safety and health for all I&I, but how and when?

A person said to I recently, "The suffering that people go through in other parts of the world are because of their refusal to be obedient to God. It's punishment for their unrighteousness. Even in Ethiopia, the famines were because of their refusal to acknowledge HIM as God."
HORRIFYING to hear from a person who claims to be Rastafari. FYAH BURN. The suffering of I&I is due to the wickedness of the adversary, called "ha Satan" in Hebrew, the spirit of evil that comes to destroy I&I. The people acting in that evil spirit persecute all other people, and the Ones suffering are innocent - and need I&I to Inite in strength to remove the wicked downpressor. BUT HOW?

All love and honor to the I, JAH Rastafari. Guidance and protection to all the I's worldwide. Bless-sings and strength.
Once again, give thANKHs Garveys Africa for the Iducation.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 5/2/2014 12:43:19 AM

RasTafarI Strength and Health to those suffering and at risk.

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