My heart, my mother; my heart, my mother! My heart whereby I came into being! May nought stand up to oppose me at [my] judgment, may there be no opposition to me in the presence of the Chiefs (Tchatchau); may there be no parting of thee from me in the presence of him that keepeth the Balance! Thou art my KA, which dwelleth in my body; the god Khnemu who knitteth together and strengtheneth my limbs. Mayest thou come forth into the place of happiness whither we go. May the Sheniu officials, who make the conditions of the lives of men, not cause my name to stink, and may no lies be spoken against me in the presence of the God. [Let it be satisfactory unto us, and let the Listener god be favourable unto us, and let there be joy of heart (to us) at the weighing of words. Let not that which is false be uttered against me before the Great God, the Lord of Amentet. Verily, how great shalt thou be when thou risest in triumph.]
"Pour libation for your father and mother who rest in the valley of the dead. God will witness your action and accept it. Do not forget to do this even when you are away from home. For as you do for your parents, your children will do for you also"
Give yourself to the one divine;
Keep Yourself daily for the divine;
and do it tomorrow just as you did it today
KEMETIC TABLE PRAYER, to be said before meals and over offerings:
Hotep Netjer em shabu en emenet her iabyt.
Translation: May God be satisfied with the repast (or offering) to the right and to the left.
You God of Life, you Lord of Love,
All men live when you shine.
You are the crowned King of the Gods.
The goddess ISIS embraces you,
and enfolds you in all seasons.
Those who follow you sing to you with joy,
and they bow down their foreheads to the earth
In gratitude for your radiant blessings.
O RA, You the King of Truth, the Lord of Eternity,
The Prince of Everlastingness,
You Sovereign of all Gods,
You God of Life, you Creator of Eternity,
You Maker of Heaven.
All the Gods rejoice at your rising.
O RA, You giver of all life,
The Earth rejoice when it sees your golden rays
People who have been long dead
come forward with cries of joy
to behold your beauties every day.
You go forth each day over Heaven and Earth.
O RA God of Life, you Lord of Love,
All men live when you shine.
Rastafari Prayer
Princess shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall stretch forth her hand unto God. Oh thou God of Ethiopia, thou God of divine Majesty, they spirit come within our hearts to dwell in the parts of righteousness. That the hungry be fed, the sick nourished, the aged protected, and the infant cared for. Teach us love and loyalty as it is in Zion.
Deliver us from the hands of our enemy that we may prove faithful for the last day, when our enemy has passed, and decayed in the depth of the sea or in the belly of the beast.
O' Give us a place in they Kingdom forever and ever.
So we haile our God Selassie I, Jehovah God Rastafari, Almighty God, Rastafari great and terrible God Rastafari.
Who sit in Zion and reigned in the hearts of men, and women; hear and bless us and sanctify, and cause they loving face to shine up on us thy children threat we may be saved.
Rastalogy ~ Prayer
Yanna (Our) Abbat (Father) Fatari (Creator) who art in Zion
Axum (Heaven) Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I is thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy ‘Will’ be done on earth as it is in Zion
Axum (Heaven).
Give us, your children, our daily bread and forgive us our
errors because of the feebleness of our heart.
Deliver us from the Adversary of the day, and bless our hands
and the things that we do.
Grant us long life, good health and strength, to live and fulfill
thy ‘Holy Will’.
For thine is the earth, power and glory forever and ever.
Amen. Amen. Amen.