I didn't say it would be simple. Taking up locks is no light thing and comes with challenges and sacrifices, so it will never be a simple matter. Idren I know where disowned and turned out by their parents for taking up locks, Elders and Ancients were locked up, even killed for carrying them, so its not something to steer away from for fear of difficulties. I and I can't wear the crown without carrying the cross so to speak, and even then it is a crown of thorns. There will always be someone there who will disapprove of the decision, but not allowing them to influence and con-tain the I's true self is one of the things that must be learned in life, let alone I and I trod as RastafarI.
It is the I's decision, but if Jah is directing the I to forward with the locks and the I does not follow the I's own heart, the ire of the I's temporal father will be the least of the I's worries.
Blessed love