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Since I parents wont let me grow my dreads

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: ras93 Sent: 10/17/2013 2:04:05 PM

and i am now just about 20 years old, i wanted to know whether i will still be able to grow dreads at the age between 24-28 (period by which I expect to leave my house and start I own life). Is that too late an age to start fi dreads or is it still plausible?

Jah Rastafar I, Selassie I

Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 10/17/2013 4:12:32 PM

Why would age prevent locks from forming? And though I overstand that I and I must honour I and I father and mother, the I cannot allow them to dictate to the I what the I can and cannot do at 20 years old. If the I feels Jah is showing the I to take the Nazarine vow and grow the I's locks then don't let anything stop the I and grow them. It's not like they can force the I to go to the barbers, and any animosity it might provoke will only strengthen the I on the trod if handled skillfully.

Blessed love

Messenger: ras93 Sent: 10/17/2013 4:58:28 PM

Blessed love,

I wish it was so simple,but I father a very strict man, and there is no way i could do it now. So im waiting to finish college and when i move out then let my locks to form.

Selassie I

Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 10/17/2013 7:44:53 PM

I didn't say it would be simple. Taking up locks is no light thing and comes with challenges and sacrifices, so it will never be a simple matter. Idren I know where disowned and turned out by their parents for taking up locks, Elders and Ancients were locked up, even killed for carrying them, so its not something to steer away from for fear of difficulties. I and I can't wear the crown without carrying the cross so to speak, and even then it is a crown of thorns. There will always be someone there who will disapprove of the decision, but not allowing them to influence and con-tain the I's true self is one of the things that must be learned in life, let alone I and I trod as RastafarI.
It is the I's decision, but if Jah is directing the I to forward with the locks and the I does not follow the I's own heart, the ire of the I's temporal father will be the least of the I's worries.

Blessed love

Messenger: ras93 Sent: 10/21/2013 6:51:31 PM

Yes i overstand that bredren, but since i come from a different culture (Bosnia and Herzegovina) where dreads are seen as ''immature, dirty, unwanted'' etc. and also my father wont let me because he adheres to the ''clean-cut'' look and is very strict. I just wanted to know if hair grew in the same strength in the 30s for example as it does now.

Jah Rastafari

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 10/22/2013 6:07:36 AM

Its never easy to carry locks mi Idren,Iman also 20yrs,grew up I locks when I was 18yrs.I used to live with my Uncle(my father's young brother)when I started college but they threw I out of the house because of I trod.I own parents fought I too till they got tired because I stood firm.Growing locks will never be easy at any age,even if the I may think that at 24 the I might have run away from the cross,no,the I might find other obstacles inna the way besides parents.So if the I really knows the Iself,nothing can stop the I from carrying thy locks

Messenger: ras93 Sent: 10/22/2013 6:37:51 AM

i commend you for your bravery bredren, but i dont have anywhere to go now so leaving my family is not an option. But inevitably, sooner or later dreads will grow and it is something they will have to accept.

Trod on bredren,
Jah Rastafari

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 10/23/2013 2:52:37 AM

When mother and father forsake you,Rastafari will take you mi Idren Ras 93,who told the I dat the I has nowhere to go.The I only seh so because the I doesnt know dat this trodation is Mystical mi king,anything beyond the reach of the I's mind can happen as the I trod.If the I could just keep it clean,then the I should not worry about dat because Haile Selassie I see and know,and HIM could neva forsake the I for HIS name's sake.Be strong Idren

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 10/24/2013 11:05:22 AM

Why do you want to grow dreads?

Messenger: ras93 Sent: 10/24/2013 11:55:54 AM

Because i spiritual connection and to take the nazarite vow. I live that life and want to complete i trod with dreadlocks. And yes i know you dont have to dread to be rasta.

Blessed love,
Jah Rastafari

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Haile Selassie I