It was not a tree of knowledge, it was specifically the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Here are some Reasonings about the tree.
I first wanted to make the distinction that the first tree Enoch inquired about was the Tree of Life. And then later on after seeing other kinds of Trees, he asked about the Tree of Wisdom or Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil. And if the I them notice, it is not really implied that it is positive or negative, the Angel Raphael only said "This is the Tree of Wisdom, from which your ancient father and ancient mother, who were before you, ate and learnt wisdom; and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they were driven from the garden."
The Tree gave the Knowledge of Good and evil; knowing this is not really a positive or negative in itself. What makes it positive or negative is what is done with this Knowledge.
The reason Jah told them that when they eat of the tree they shall surely die is because Jah knew that their existence up to that time was short and they didn't have enough of a foundation to deal with this wisdom. But since RasTafarI created them in RasTafarI Image, Jah gave them the choice to do what they want to do. Jah gave them this choice whether their decision was a good idea or not.
And when they chose to eat of the tree, they did surely die. Because they gained knowledge, but were not able to Iverstand the knowledge they gained. So they saw that their bodies were separate and thought that they were not One. They couldn't Iverstand Oneness and Iverstand that even though there are different bodies, they are still One. This misinterpretation of the knowledge they saw eventually lead to their death, and continues to lead to our death from that time until this time.
They couldn't Iverstand what they saw through their gained knowledge, so they began to live as separate beings instead of One, and taught the same to their children.
As I reasoned before:
The reason why Jah told them that they would surely die if they ate of the fruit is because Jah knew that when the generations of Adam and Eve no longer saw eachother as One, they would kill eachother.
This mind concept of separation led to Cain killing Abel:
Genesis 4
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
The question Cain asked "Am I my brother's keeper?" represents the kind of separation that came into the minds of men. If Cain realized that they were One, he would have known that when he keeps his brother, he is keeping his self. But he didn't see his brother's life as his own, so he killed him.
In a world like this, things must come to an end. Because as time passes, people become more separate from eachother, and care less and less for the people in the world, even their family and friends.
Genesis to Revelation
RasTafarI wanted to guide them so that they can become the fullness of the Image that they were Created in. So when they were ready and could Iverstand, Jah would have given them of the Fruit of Knowledge of Good and evil, and then Jah would have also given them of the Fruit of Life. Since RasTafarI created them in Jah Image, They were given the ability and freedom to make their own decisions. Jah wasn't creating a puppet on a string, so He didn't create them to just move according to what string Jah pulled. Jah doesn't move according to somebody else's orders, so He created Man and Woman to be the same.
So because of their impatience, they decided to go against RasTafarI's guidance, and instead move according to their own foolishness and they ate of the fruit before it was time. So Jah cast them out of the garden and put them in a place where they can cause whatever imbalance they want, but also gave the Earth the power to bring things to balance again, so that they have a place that they can't completely destroy. This way they will have as many millenniums they need to get to the point where the can Iverstand the Knowledge of Good and evil which they took before the Right time. And when that time comes when they Iverstand, Jah will remove those who would not Iverstand, and give those with Iverstanding to eat of the Tree of Life, to Live Iternally as One.
Arrogance and foolishness will always result in downfall. People have to stop imagining that Jah is like them, they do this as an excuse to continue in their foolishness instead of Living in Jah RasTafarI way. Instead they should learn how Jah RasTafarI is and change themselves to be like Jah.
I think Revelation is the natural destination of a divided society, a society that doesn't see everything as One life.
In the beginning when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they saw their nakedness and covered theirself with leaves. Jah, after seeing what they have chosen. Gave them their desire and gave them coats of skin to cover themselves.
I interpret this as Adam and Eve bringing this concept of separation and division into their minds. Before this they only saw One, so they were One flesh, One life.
Genesis 2
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
So I see the placing of the leaves as a representation of them putting up a "wall" between them, because they saw theirself as separate. So when Jah saw that this was what they desired, he granted them their wish and put the full clothing over them, which created a larger "wall", and an even furthur separation.
The reason why Jah told them that they would surely die if they ate of the fruit is because Jah knew that when the generations of Adam and Eve no longer saw eachother as One, they would kill eachother.
This mind concept of separation led to Cain killing Abel:
Genesis 4
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
9 And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
The question Cain asked "Am I my brother's keeper?" represents the kind of separation that came into the minds of men. If Cain realized that they were One, he would have known that when he keeps his brother, he is keeping his self. But he didn't see his brother's life as his own, so he killed him.
In a world like this, things must come to an end. Because as time passes, people become more separate from eachother, and care less and less for the people in the world, even their family and friends.
So as we can see in the world, this leads to greed, where people try their hardest to take from others, and exploit others, so that they can gain their selfish desires. And the more time has passed, the worse man and woman has become. And the only way for someone to have more than their share, is to take from others. So the rich can't exist without the poor, because otherwise, who will do the work to make them so rich. They can't do all that work by themselves.
In a world like this, conflict will surely arise, and the power struggle will become more fierce. And it is not only the rich with this wicked mentality, but it is also much of the poor. The only difference is their positions. Many of the poor would do the same as the rich, if they figured out a way to be on top. Many accept that this is the way of the world, and they think that is what we must strive to be.
So if one goes up, another goes down, another goes up, so another goes down. As one learns a more wicked technique to rise, the other learns his technique and then makes it stronger so that he can rise higher. So they become more and more wicked, to out-wicked the other. Look at the armies of the world, and what evil they have created.
So Revelation shows the only destination of this kind of society. A house divided against itself will fall.