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do the jews and today's geographical israel have something to do with the ancient israelites?

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 8/17/2013 4:01:22 PM

or are they just europeans living in palestine,as I heard someone say...

however they don't accept Jesus Christ,so RASTAFARI would be even more bothering for them to hear.

are they the real jews/hebrews that are spoken of in the bible?

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 8/18/2013 12:21:10 AM

They are definitely at least part European, they may be descendants of Khazars, Jews, or somebody else, it is not known for sure.

Messenger: Ras Kanjas Sent: 9/12/2013 12:10:15 PM

The "Israelites" who are fighting for oil in the Middle East ain't the true Israelites that are spoken of in the Scriptures....
...rather they are but just an extension of the white people(Europeans & Americans), whose population has greatly increased over the years in which they very dominated and prospered as slave masters, seen?

It was for economic reasons that the white man has encroached on the yellow man's and black man's land, in particular the invasion of the Middle East; and anything else that they have said as reason for their invasion of "Palestine" is but a pretext!

Truth be told, though hard to accept;
The black man or African or Ethiopian is the true Israelite spoken of in the Old Testament.......and anything other than this is bare lies and deception, seen?


Messenger: RAS-NATE-1995 Sent: 9/12/2013 2:57:57 PM

I man agree with your answer best,Ras Kanjas,how can you be so sure,did Haile selassie I ever say that?

check this out also:


Messenger: Ras Kanjas Sent: 9/13/2013 3:02:19 AM

Selassie-I might have not said it......
...but His only begotten Son has declared it countless times;
I mean Holy Emmanuel taught clearly that He was the Priest Melchezidek who would fulfill prophecy by meeting and blessing Abraham(who is Haile Selassie-I), just like they did in the Scriptures, seen?

Moreover, if Holy Emmanuel-I was not an Israelite, how then could He have declared that He was the second coming of Jesus Christ of Nazareth? How then could Selassie-I be accepted as the return of the Messiah, if He is not an Israelite? Mind you, Israel,and Israel alone can fulfill all these things, seen?

If Selassie-I was not Israel, how could He declare that He was the Son of Solomon, the Son of David? How could He claim David's throne: for David's throne was promised by God to be inherited by an offspring of David?

Meditate upon all prophecy that has been fulfilled, and you will find out that the black man is Israel.....
...that Ethiopia or Africa, is the promised land, and that the black man is the true Jew, the true Hebrew........
....Moses, Noah, Jacob, Abraham, Jesus, Marcus Garvey, Selassie-I, and Solomon are black men, Ethiopian, African, Jew, seen?


Messenger: AdeMarley Sent: 9/25/2013 11:11:57 AM

you are very right Ras..many tribes in Nigeria and in other parts of Africa make claim to this.

Blessed Love.

Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 9/29/2013 8:30:07 PM

What Ones and Ones have said already is true. The 'Jews' that currently occupy Palestine are Europeans who con-verted to the religion of Judaism within the last 1000 years and were planted in Palestine with vast monetary and military backing from America, Britain, France and other European powers after the second world war under the guise of humanitarian assistance, but with the definite hidden objective of giving them a beachhead and platform from which to destabilize the region in order to exploit the oil resources of the Middle East. The original Israelites are indeed Ethiopians, and this heritage can still be seen today in the Falasha or Ethiopian Jews, who maintain the oldest form of Judaism on the planet. The people (or at least their leaders) who claim Palestine as Israel today know this, and in the 1990s they airlifted many Ethiopian Jews into Palestine with a veneer of humanitarian enterprise, but again with a hidden agenda to exploit them as cheap labour, as well as fierce warriors well adjusted to fighting in desert conditions (which the 'Israelis' being Europeans, are not suited for). After working in the lowest of professions and being used as instruments of genocidal war against the Palestinians, these Ethiopians and their decedents are now faced with abject racism and poverty in Israel even to the point that the Israeli government was recently exposed as having sterilised Ethiopian women coming into the country.

They are the only real Israelites in Israel.

Blessed love

Messenger: Ras Kanjas Sent: 10/4/2013 7:16:04 AM


Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 10/24/2013 1:14:26 PM

Came in here to drop my 2 cents but Ras Kanjas got it ALL in two posts.

Yes king.

Messenger: Raybob Sent: 10/25/2013 1:53:35 AM

Today's geographical israel is what was known as Judea after Jah divorced Israel. The Jews there now and other places, are decedents of the people that denied and crucified the Lord. Some of them received Jah's spirit but most did not. Jah destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 70ad, but Jews that survived living other places are the ones there now. After Jah divorced Israel, they were captured by the Assyrians and led across the Caucasus Mountain range, thus becoming "Caucasian." That was the northern 10 tribes.

Judah and part of Benjamin had split from the rest of Israel. My understanding is the Pharisee-ism with it's "money changers" had taken over the temple with their religion which Emmanuel came to free his people from. Those of that tradition that crucified our Lord are the same heathens that kept Jesuit traditions, that later blended into man's religions and government, beginning with the Holy Roman Empire, eventually becoming the secret societies with the most blatant of those being the Illuminati birthed on April fool's day, 1776.

Babylon is the religious system that ride the beast. The beast is that financial system where money is created out of thin air. That began with capitalism where prices are not set by value of a product but by what someone will pay. That system has been sucking the blood of the people day by day for many years now, and just gets worse. The "Jews" have been behind government finances all through Europe and elsewhere for many many years. The Rothchild family had changed their name from a Jewish "Bauer" to "Rothchild" or "red shield". THey own the private bank called the "Bank of England" They have financed both sides of every major war since at least 1776.

There is a conspiracy with the devil as chief, against all mankind. Whites and Jews, generally speaking, are in this conspiracy wether they know it or not. Georgia Guide stones has their dream carved in stone of a world population of 500,000 as their ideal. Those wars are not over oil, they are just more excuses to kill anyone that isn't a WASP. I was born in 55 and have seen US military always involved in 'conflicts', yet my country has never been at war since I've been alive. Yet there are always troops being sent to some country somewhere, killing non-whites. Used to hear 'em speak of killing commies, then killing gooks, then whatever the lastest word is, while most troops return with their mind blown, hooked on cigs and beer, and disability for the rest of their lives. ]t's all part of the plan, sick as it all is.

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Haile Selassie I