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Messenger: burningbush
6/6/2013 8:49:28 PM
Is Lalibela considered Zion? Because the rock churches of Lalibela were not constructed by the Solomonic Dynasty but by the Zagwe Kings. His Majesty is of the Solomonic Dynasty and not of the Zagwe and King Lalibela was not Solomonic? The lalibela churches were constructed as to create a "new Jerusalem". But His Majesty is the second coming of Christ and of Solomonic lineage so wouldn't all of Ethiopia be the new Jerusalem and Africa the land of Israel? Because the slaves that were taken captive from western Africa are the true Hebrews/Jews? How could Lalibela be Zion if the Ark of the covenant was taken to ethiopia by Menelik 1 first born son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba from Israel? If Ethiopia is the new Jerusalem then where is the old Jerusalem? His Majesty is the 225th descendant of King Solomon and Sheba
Messenger: HIM_Sun
6/16/2013 7:33:02 AM
The old Jerusalem is in the middle east area. For Emperor Lalibela, he still was a follower of El, Haya, Ehyeh Ashe Ehyeh, Haile Sellassie and that was his motivation for building that city.
Messenger: kidus Seifu
7/12/2013 4:48:29 AM
Lalibela is the seconnd Jerusalem. It's a wisdom place.
Messenger: IsightHIM
7/19/2013 11:07:28 AM
Zion is the Land proper; Hapi runs thru the whole Continent- Africa Afruka Alkebulan Zion...Oneness