Yes I, truly it is a blessing to be thankful for.
I have plenty of these little pieces of flowetry on all kinds of subjects, so I'll bring them out as and when needed instead of flooding the place with them, because I really have been writing a lot of these.
Just one more for Haile Selassie I, since it is Him who gave I and I these blessings..
Haile Selassie I is the King of all Kings
Conquering lion, HIM and Empress Menen I rule all things
Countless blessings the Lord of Lords brings
Flowing like the pure and clean water from the springs
Soaring in the heights like a bird, without wings
Living in the flesh, feel the strength spread out to all limbs
Light up the eyes and show love without strings
That is the key to overcome all sins
Black, white yellow, brown, doesn't matter which skin
He travelled everywhere from New York to Beijing
An African King who moves the Rastaman to sing
Decendant of David who slew Goliath with the sling
Solomonic blood, Menelik the first bore the ring
He conquered Mussolini, wickedness it can't win
Ethiopia's the mother of civilisation, it's where all life begins
So I hail HIM up and give glory to the King of all Kings
Blessed love