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Haile Selassie I - On New H.S.I. Foundation Headquarters

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On New H.S.I. Foundation Headquarters

Tuesday, August 03, 1965

The Lion of Judah has prevailed
Haile Selassie I, Elect of God
King of Kings of Ethiopia

We are pleased to find, as you have already stated, that the initiative taken in rendering services to Our country, both in regard to health betterment and in helping the disabled, by Our Foundation, whose progress and duty We follow closely, has been quite satisfactory. Yet, it is quite obvious that in order to open and extend branches of welfare organizations in the various provinces so as to enable Our people to get first-rate medical assistance, it is also necessary to be assured of the general co-operation of the people together with financial security.

We do not intend to reserve the cause of welfare donations for Ourselves but also to inspire others to do the same. It is with this in mind that We freely granted Our personal estates and properties. Besides, it is expected of every one of you who have assumed this holy responsibility, that the service you render is not founded on the mere struggle to earn your wages, but on the wholehearted understanding of the unfortunate situations of your fellow human beings whom you should serve with sympathy, conviction and faith. The natural origin of every man being man himself and thus equal through creation, the only difference lies in the opportunities made available. Nowadays, science has made possible complex inventions which are put at the service of man. Yet, however precise these instruments including computers may be in their service, they obviously lack the perfecting human characteristic of sympathy, goodness, generosity and selflessness - all of which God in His ultimate wisdom granted only to human beings. Although man has found assistance for himself in these machines, his superiority lies in the fact that he is their inventor and he himself is the instrument of God.

To follow up the case of a patient in agony with unfailing tenacity, regardless of whether he is rich or underprivileged, to constantly help the destitute both economically and spiritually, these should be the prevailing aims of persons with your type of duties, as they should be of any employer. What is more, an individual who is responsible for humanitarian activities, or one determined to render welfare services must be prepared to face with the utmost patience and farsightedness, the misunderstandings that might arise from the person or persons in need of help.

Money is an instrument, but there is no duty that can be fully accomplished with its mere persuasive power. The work of the welfare organization is not merely the distribution of money, but also the giving of personal warmth, of wholehearted services and spiritual encouragement. The time we spend in the fulfilment of such duties is the determining factor which demonstrates that the essence of one's individual values is not obliterated.

We would like to mention with gratitude such names as Woizero Woleteyes, the heirs of Leke-Mequas Haile Mariam, Woizero Laketch Birknesh, Sheh Seyeed Abiyu, Mr. J. G. Shah who is a resident of our country, and others who have donated properties to the Foundation. The actions of these people assure them both spiritual satisfaction and a historically important place for their names will be recorded together with their welfare accomplishments. We also thank the German Federal Republic, the Government of Her Majesty the Queen of England, and international organizations which have extended their help towards this Foundation .

Since it is only your conscience and your Creator who keep watch and closely control your various activities, We hope that those of you who are at present serving or will be required to serve in this Foundation, will render your services and fulfil your assignments with complete and undivided devotion and conscientiousness .

We pray to God that He may grant His blessings to the welfare duties being accomplished through this Foundation.

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Haile Selassie I