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Keep the locks clean

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bhang Sent: 11/29/2012 11:21:13 AM

Hello another time brothers and sisters, the I has today a question for you, I have not combed my hair since January and more or less of it has become dreadlocks and the another half is very entangled locks of hair.

Because of it, sometimes bugs get into the I hair by contact or by flying, and I ask you for advice about keeping the hair free of them.

Thanks in advance,


Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 11/30/2012 8:43:03 AM

Simple solution is to cover the I's locks. I'm about to trod into London, so I locks are triple wrapped! No dirt or bugs getting to I covenant! And I work outside in some well bushy terrain too sometimes, so insects and general mess mean that I have to keep I locks tight in I crown. Cleanliness is a must with locks.

Blessed love

Messenger: Bhang Sent: 12/2/2012 8:04:05 AM

Thanks for your reply Nazarite_I, I want to wait until they are all completely done to protect them with the turban, so they grow freely, and that's because the I doesn't know what to do.


Messenger: Nazarite_I Sent: 12/2/2012 1:23:12 PM

Don't worry about covering the I's locks stopping or interrupting the process of the locks forming by the way. If anything it speeds up the process to find a crown that fits tightly. Otherwise the I will have to deal with whatever gets tangled in the locks, because I really can't think of anything else that will keep the little bits and pieces out of the I's hair other than washing it regularly, which the I should be doing anyway. I know if I didn't keep I locks tight in I crown I'd have all twigs, brambles, leaves, thorns and bugs stuck in them and I'd look like some wild man!

As for a turban, it is I overstanding that the proper proceedure if Ones want to take up the Bobo turban, they must Reason with a Bobo priest before taking up the turban. That is open to clarification, because I don't trod Bobo Livity at this time, but if Hon. Prophet Abraham is still around, Reason with that Idren on the matter, because plenty of people just wrap up the turban and call themselves Bobo but don't know a thing about Emmanuel. It's not a helpful situation and it causes plenty of confusion among Ones seeking to actually trod that Livity.

Blessed love

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 12/2/2012 6:33:29 PM

Know this Idren...

That the only way something can be truely clean is not just being cleaned and rinsed with the pure water but the only way ones body can be truely clean is to bathe and be purified in the sun light that is anti-fungal, anti- bacterial, anti-parasite and anti-anything that is not in harmony with IandI living temple

so not just water and being covered all the time never seeing the light and fersh air is not a good thing

and In nature i gotta let hair be free, and feet, the feet(roots) connect with the earth and the hair connects with the sky and cosmos

cover the hair in dirty babylon but not in zion, wear shoes on the ground they are needed for not on blessed land

Messenger: jessep86 Sent: 12/3/2012 9:48:15 PM

Blessed Rastas,
I must add how the hair is aliveit is a filamenous biofiber fiber formed by living cells...
fil·a·ment (fl-mnt)
A fine or thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire.

A chainlike series of cells,

A fine wire heated electrically to incandescence in an electric lamp.
Electronics A high-resistance wire or ribbon forming the cathode in some thermionic tubes.

Hair is a communicator with the iniverse, it reaches out from our selves outward as compassion does from the heart and gives and receives information and vibration

The human bodie is water and bacteria...good bacteria, the human bodie is a home of many bodis ...Good bugs maintain like, bad bugs get us sick and destroy destruct integrity of the human organism, pro biotics and anti bodics, life givers and life destroyers and , many have destroyed all their friendly inner hosts with too much anti bodics and dont have any good bacteria and gut flora , and who know what kind of blessed life we should be hosting in the gardens of Zion!

There are germs, viruses and all kinds of evil macro bugs trying to get in the temple but IandI cant just be so vulnerable, IandI need divine fortitude by being Ital and as close to the ways of the gardens of Zion as our faithful efforts and Jahs grace and mercy according to IandI beleifs.

IandI are temple and inside these temple all kinds of life dwells, the whole Iniverse is within man, we must let them in and not destroy them with harsh foods anti bodics alchohol bad fooods tat oxidize and kills them and bring with them viruses and molds and diseases. Yes sont let them in but IandI also need a army within the inner kingdom, lots of good bacteria(this is initially introduced as babys from our mothers milk:lactobactiili ect)(found in souscrout, 9kim chi, fermented foods)

In the air the soil the water is the epic battle of demons and agles, life and death, life supporters and destroyers, good and bad,

So be mindful of the food and soil you eat, yes eat a little of jahs dirt on those roots it wont hurt, much good bacteria in iration, must use inner eyes. Breathe in the right living air, the right living water the right living food....Each of these contain the living organisms to be one with IandI or they contain destructive dark un supporting un harmonious forces)


Through these natural means gifts from Jah be one with these micro bugs they live on skin to keep it healthy and protect from harmful bacterias, inside they fill IandI bodies with life, working together the are enhancing IandI bodily vitality.

In health food store IandI ca also super dose on probotics for we have unnaturraly destroyed the original it may be good to restore with superdoses extracted from organic foods and lots of fermented (non-alcohol) foods and beverages

keep clean with help from the living, life is clean, more dirty is less life

Messenger: amotuu zakia Sent: 1/2/2013 9:17:11 AM

i took a needle n black thread ,to mine n now they are ok

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