^Yes, obviously this is your choice, but personally I would not put anything on my hair that I wouldn't put in my mouth.
Even on the "natural" shampoos, if you look on the back label, they have hundreds of chemicals and perhaps 1 or 2 plant extracts as a tiny percentage of the whole. I don't use them (apart from that emergency situation which I talk of!) at all, for this reason.
It might take your hair a long while to adjust to just water after it is used to having it's oils constantly stripped, but I would say that after a month or two the hair just doesn't have oil problems anymore. At least this was the case for me.
Honey is a great treatment, but to be honest I rarely use it now and just water everyday seems to be enough. It is only the oil stripping effect of shampoos that cause the hair to produce much more oil, getting into a vicious cycle that keeps you dependent on it. At least, what I have found for myself is that just water keeps it clean but it takes a lot of adjusting time. You can expect your hair to be really oily for the first month perhaps before it adjusts to a sensible amount.
All the best,