Yes I, Ark I that is so very true, as I&I had been thinking that very idea of the development of i children. All that I&I can do is lead by example and Livity. The youth will come discover they are guided by JAH and JAH alone (unless they give way to peer pressure). And the Seasons do come quick and even sooner than the parent expect or wish. I have a responsibility to the youth and do realize they also have free will.
I as a parent realize It is a ust to show them the "GOOD LIFE", even then the stumbling blocks of wich I&I speak of in this pos as with many others will have to be delt with in due season.
Which brings I to the thought of how "Herb" is put into the saame classification of heroin , cocain, crack etc... in this society. The police come to there schools and tell them how dangerous "drugs" are. I and I queen have alwaysed used many herbs aside from Ishence. So we have taught our youth Herb is a food. and that society has deemed some foods illegal. Yet still mariwanna is again and again stigmatized as a dangerous food. As children, I&I do not feed our youth Ishence nor do we leave it about the house. It is a subject that has always been outlawed in the amerikan society therefore discretion is a must. In the school systems here the police go as far as telling the students what sighns to look for in the home and what smells to be aware of, trying to create snitches or rats out of the youngest of children. They in turn tell the "authorities" that there parents are "using drugs" the chidren are removed from the home put into "foster care" the parents become criminal and Babylon is fed. I&I have seen this time and time again. The blood suckers turn the youh against the parents. All over a plant. YET, it is totally fine for a household to have unlimited amounts of alcohal and cigarette smoke around the youth. I have witnessed parents allowing wine or beer to be ingested by very young children. this is "OK" in this society. How messed up is that? Our family values have become so distorted it is no wonder the youth have become so disguntled to the point of violence and murfer in the schools. I&I lived in Colorado at the time oof the Columbine shootings and witnessed first hand the misguided youth in that area. I&I had seen it coming long before it took place, so many youth carrying weapons.
I do not hold the youth responsible, it is through LACK of comunication and Positive feedback of the PARENTS to TEACH the children. AS a culture that relys on Television and POP culture to "babysit" our youth so mass fornication and financial prostitution can continue without the henderance of a so called sexual accident that took place one night while drunk. Basically children having children. In this country one must take a drivers test to drive a potential killing machine yet there is no laws or test given to people before having a child. It is AMAZING to I.
At present time in FLA. a young mother sits in jail for killing her 2 year old child: putting the remains of the childin a garbage bag and throwing her less than a mile into the woods near her home. WHY? So she could go out and party with her friends. she would tape the childs mouth, put a rag with cloriform over the childs face and put the child in the trunk of the car and then go party at the local strip bar. It was socalled accidental, she did not mean to kill the baby, just dope her up so she would not have to pay the babysitter or have her own parents nag at her for going out and partying. It is Amazing how this goes on and unnoticed. This is a common among young parents who want to get out and "cut loose" the woman was thought to have taken the idea from other young parents who post these ideas on the internet. It is a state of emergency our youth are in as well as this society.
So Yes I&I can work at doing the Right thing and Teach I&I children what is GOOD. MAY JAH BLESS the YOUTH of TODAY. They are truelly the Future of tomarrow. JAH GUIDE and Protect.