IIesi, your question is a good one, though still a basic question which is, i think basically asking, do we choose our own destiny, or, is everything predestined
As soon as you take out the "or" from the question, it is quiet simple to sight that both are true
Yes, it is all predestined, yes we choose our destiny.
If i put two apples before you and ask you to choose one, it is only you who makes that choice, no one else. That is why Ark I said, your mind is your own. But at the same time, whichever apple you choose, it was your destiny to choose that one, not because of anyones influence on your choice, but because it is all written already that you would choose that apple, because for one thing, Jah knoweth all things, and two, time is an illusion. What ini sight as past,present and future, is just one point in the sight of the most High
Blessed Love, dont complicate, simplify, wisdom is in simplicity
.........im wondering if i am to address the i as brethren or sistren?
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