Inasmuch as Christ was crucified on the Cross, the Cross symbolizes alot more than that. Its also the last place where Christ was alive and the most powerful things happened because of the crucifixion, Jesus was rose from the dead. He defied those who had nailed him and ascended to be with the Father, thus it is a symbol of what can be eternal. And to fulfill the prophecies in Revelations, Christ came again in His Kingly character so for I, I feel that Christ's crucifixion was meant to be so prophecy would self-fullfil when the Lion of Judah was born in Harrar. What about the markings of Christ His Majesty had in His palm? These markings were caused by being nailed to the Cross and that His Majesty had them too, makes the Cross of spiritual importance to I n I.
Of significance too, there are also the seven things Jesus uttered, three of which are prayers;
"Father forgive them for they know not what they do" Luke 23 v 34
"My God My God why hast thou forsaken I" Matt 27 v 46
and the most powerful for I
"Into your hands Father, I commit my spirit" Luke 23 v 46
On this cross that they nailed him, Christ appealed to His Father to 1. Forgive the enemy 2. Help in times of need 3. Salvation by acknowledging the Father as Saviour
In my view, all of these things allow for Christ to rise from the dead, as the Son of God. So the Cross is not just a place of death, its a matter of perspective Children of TafarI, we cannot just burn it because its the Romans who crucified Christ, yet he defied death in rising and Christ forgave the oppressors. And you can't take the things the KKK did as reason to chant the Cross, if the KKK chose to use it as a symbol of death and their gang sign when they killed that doesn't take away from the Biblical significance of the Cross. I know its a painful memory of slavery, but did slaves not find refuge in the Cross? In the African-American experience I know Sojourner Truth talks abt the Cross as a symbol of suffering and sacrifice and also a symbol of healing from the horrendous violence endured. There is refuge in the Cross according the her as it allows for people to put their trust in God as comfort through these dark days of oppression.
The cross is many things, depends on how its used and by whom.
Blessed Love