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Second Inaugural Address Abraham lincon

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Ras power Sent: 9/8/2008 10:44:24 PM

At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. Then a statement somewhat in detail of a course to be pursued seemed fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs the attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably satisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured.

On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place, devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, urgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war--seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came.

One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union even by war, while the Government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces, but let us judge not, that we be not judged. The prayers of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offenses; for it must needs be that offenses come, but woe to that man by whom the offense cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of those offenses which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the offense came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether."

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

that man had the spirit of jah in him

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 12:14:50 AM

Yes I Abraham Lincoln was a true righteous man of JAH RASTAFARI

Its thundering and lighting out where I live JAH truly is POWERFUL one of the lighting bolts sounded like an explosion going off

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/9/2008 10:46:32 AM

Lincoln, the great man who fought for freedom for the African slave

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union"

Messenger: Ras KebreAB Sent: 9/9/2008 10:50:52 AM

When a man says a thing good and upful, use it,learn from it.
When a man speaks folly, burn it out.

How about we leave it to the Father,the Only one who can judge in total righteousness ,to say who "had the spirit of jah in him"?
would that be alright?

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:35:55 PM

Assassination of President Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1965)

President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
President from 1861 to 1865

Last portrait of Lincoln taken a few days before the Great Emancipator went home to Glory on APRIL 15, 1865.

Last portrait of Lincoln taken a few days before the Great Emancipator went home to Glory on APRIL 15, 1865.

The Vatican HATED the U.S. before the fall of the Papal States!!

Before the fall of the Papal States in 1870, the Vatican HATED the United States and its Constitution. The U.S. was a haven for many of the refugees who fled Europe after the Revolution of 1848. Garibaldi and Gazazzi were welcomed as HEROES by the Protestant U.S. Many in the U.S. supported the liberation of Italy and contributed to its success with soldiers and money.

The Vatican NEVER forgave the U.S. for that support to the liberators.

Thank God we didn't have the 20th Amendment when Lincoln won the election. He needed a lot of time to select patriotic and qualified men to help him save the Union. If the 25th Amendment was in force then there would be no United States today!!

Letter to the Pope from Jefferson Davis

"RICHMOND, September 23, 1863.

"The letters which you have written to the clergy of New Orleans and New York have been communicated to me, and I have read with emotion the deep grief therein expressed for the ruin and devastation caused by the war which is now being waged by the United States against the States and people which have selected me as their President, and your orders to your clergy to exhort the people to peace and charity. I am deeply sensible of the Christian charity which has impelled you to this reiterated appeal to the clergy. It is for this reason that I feel it my duty to express personally, and in the name of the Confederate States, our gratitude for such sentiments of Christian good feeling and love, and to assure Your Holiness that the people, threatened even on their own hearths with the most cruel oppression and terrible carnage, is desirous now, as it has always been, to see the end of this impious war; that we have ever addressed prayers to Heaven for that issue which Your Holiness now desires; that we desire none of our enemy's possessions, but that we fight merely to resist the devastation of our country and the shedding of our best blood, and to force them to let us live in peace under the protection of our own institutions, and under our laws, which not only insure to every one the enjoyment of his temporal rights, but also the free exercise of his religion. I pray Your Holiness to accept, on the part of myself and the people of the Confederate States, our sincere thanks for your efforts in favor of peace. May the Lord preserve the days of Your Holiness, and keep you under His divine protection.

The Pope's reply
We have just received with all suitable welcome the persons sent by you to place in our hands your letter, dated 23d of September last. Not slight was the pleasure we experienced when we learned, from those persons and the letter, with what feelings of joy and gratitude you were animated, illustrious and honorable President, as soon as you were informed of our letters to our venerable brother John, Archbishop of New York, and John, Archbishop of New Orleans, dated the 18th of October of last year, and in which we have with all our strength excited and exhorted those venerable brothers that, in their episcopal piety and solicitude, they should endeavor, with the most ardent zeal, and in our name, to bring about the end of the fatal civil war which has broken out in those countries, in order that the American people may obtain peace and concord, and dwell charitably together. It is particularly agreeable to us to see that you, illustrious and honorable President, and your people, are animated with the same desires of peace and tranquility which we have in our letters inculcated upon our venerable brothers. May it please God at the same time to make the other peoples of America and their rulers, reflecting seriously how terrible is civil war, and what calamities it engenders, listen to the inspirations of a calmer spirit, and adopt resolutely the part of peace. As for us, we shall not cease to offer up the most fervent prayers to God Almighty, that He may pour out upon all the people of America the spirit of peace and charity, and that He will stop the great evils which afflict them. We, at the same time, beseech the God of pity to shed abroad upon you the light of His grace, and attach you to us by a perfect friendship.
" Given at Rome, at St. Peter's, the 3d of December, 1863, of our Pontificate 18.
(Signed) ".Plus IX."

From the book, A Memoir of Jefferson Davis in two volumes, completed by his wife Varina Davis after his death. According to that book the main hope of the Confederate States lay in the military intervention of foreign countries. This letter gave de facto recognition to the Rebellion. President Lincoln on reading it exclaimed!

"This letter of the Pope has entirely changed the nature and ground of the war."

As king of the Papal States, the Pope was the only foreign power to do so. After this letter was published, President Lincoln was visited by a close friend (ex-priest Charles Chiniquy). Chiniquy tells us what transpired:

"My dear President I answered, it is just that letter which brought me to your presence again. That letter is a poisoned arrow thrown by the Pope at you personally; it is your death warrant. Before the letter, every Catholic could see that their church as a whole was against this free Republic. However, a good number of liberty-loving Irish, German and French Catholics, following more the instincts of their noble nature than the degrading principles of their church, enrolled themselves under the banners of liberty, and have fought like heroes. To detach these men from the rank and file of the Northern armies, and force them to help the cause of the rebellion, became the main object of the Jesuits. Secret pressing letters were addressed from Rome to the bishops, ordering them to weaken your armies by detaching those men from you. The bishops refused; for they would be exposing themselves as traitors and be shot. But they advised the Pope to acknowledge, at once, the legitimacy of the Southern republic, and to take Jeff Davis under his supreme protection, by a letter, which would be read everywhere. That letter tell every Roman Catholic that you are a bloodthirsty tyrant fighting against a government which the infallible and holy Pope of Rome recognizes as legitimate. The Pope, by this letter, tells his blind slaves that you are outraging the God of heaven and earth, by continuing such a bloody. By this letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis you are not only an apostate, as you were thought before, whom every man had the right to kill, according to the canonical laws of Rome: but you are more vile, criminal and cruel that the horse thief, the public bandit, and the lawless brigand, robber and murderer. And my dear President, this is not a fancy imagination on my part, it is the unanimous explanation given me by a great number of the priests of Rome, with whom I have had occasion to speak on that subject. In the name of God, and in the name of our dear country, which is in so much need of your services, I plead that you pay more attention to protect your precious life, and not continue to expose it as you have done till now."

The Pope's poison pen letter caused massive Roman Catholic desertions from the Union army

The Papal poison pen had proved more helpful to the South than if the Pope had sent whole battalions into the field:

# of enlistees

Native Americans










Other foreigners



Native Americans


All others




The above figures indicate that out of every 10,000 Irish enlistees —almost all Catholics —there were over 33 times as many desertions as among all the other groups put together.

President Lincoln's views on the Jesuits

President Lincoln told Charles Chiniquy his views on the Jesuits:

"So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed . . . But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV (king of France who was assassinated by the Jesuit Revaillac for giving liberty to his people), said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, thought he did all he could to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more that a miracle. . . . I know that Jesuits never forget nor forsake (never give up). Man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty."

John Surratt coordinated the assassination

Here is a quote from the History of the Great Conspiracy by T. M. Harris:

"From the description given by Sergeant Dye of the man who acted as monitor, calling the time three times in succession at short intervals, the last time calling "Ten minutes past ten," in front of the theatre, it will be remembered that the writer came to the conclusion that this was John H. Surratt. This conclusion was verified by this same witness on the trial of Surratt. Sergeant Dye had taken a seat on the platform in front of the theatre, and just before the conclusion of the second act of the play had his attention arrested by an elegantly-dressed man, who came out of the vestibule, and commenced to converse with a ruffianly-looking fellow. Then another joined them, and the three conversed together. The one who appeared to be the leader said, "I think he will come out now," referring, as the witness supposed, to the President. The President's carriage stood near the platform on which the witness was sitting, and one of the three passed out as far as the curbstone and looked into the carriage. It would seem that they had anticipated the possibility of his departure at the close of the second act, and had intended to assassinate him at the moment of his passing out of the door. Quite a crowd of people came out at the conclusion of the act, and Booth and his companions stood near the door, awaiting the opportunity which they sought. When most of the crowd had returned into the theatre, and the would be assassins saw that the President would remain to the close of the play, they began to prepare for his assassination in the theatre . . . Booth had left the side of his companion before this long enough to go into the saloon, where he drank a glass of whiskey, and then, as soon as the time had been called the third time, went at once into the theatre, and in less that ten minutes thereafter fired the fatal shot . . . The suspicions of Sergeant Dye having been aroused by the conduct of these three men, he naturally scanned them very closely, and testified that he had a good view, not only of the person, but of the face and features of the man who called the time, and had his image indelibly impressed on his memory. Upon being confronted by Surratt on his trial, he unhesitatingly and positively declared that he was the man." (Harris, History of the Great Conspiracy, p. 212).

John Surratt (1844-1916) in the uniform of a Papal Zouave, photographed while hiding out in Rome.

John Surratt was the timekeeper who coordinated the assassination of President Lincoln outside the theatre.

In September, 1865, Surratt crossed the Atlantic, settling first in England, then later in Rome, where he joined the Papal Zouaves. While visiting Alexandria, Egypt in late 1866, Surratt was identified as the wanted Lincoln assassination conspirator and arrested.

Surratt was brought back to the United States for trial in a civilian--not a military--court. The trial began on June 10, 1867. After listening to testimony from 170 witnesses, the trial ended on August 10 with a hung jury. The federal government eventually dropped all charges against Surratt and he was released from custody in the summer of 1868.

Funeral of President Lincoln

President Lincoln's funeral procession in New York City.

President Lincoln's funeral procession in New York City.

A grateful nation mourns....The funeral procession of President Lincoln visited 11 cities and over 1 million people filed past his coffin. He was mourned by millions throughout the world.

Words of condolences were received from virtually every country in the world . . . except from the Pope!!

When Lincoln's great antagonist Pius IX died in 1878, the Romans were so mad at him that they stopped the funeral procession and tried to throw his body into the Tiber. Only the militia saved him from a watery grave!!

The Vatican was praying for a Confederate victory because a divided Unites States would eventually break up into several countries. All of these new countries would be fighting each other and the Bull of Borgia would be a lot easier to enforce.

Fall of the Papal States in 1870

Pope Pius IX (1846-1878)

Pope Pius IX (1846-1878).

The great antagonist of President Lincoln, Pius IX, declared himself infallible on July 18, 1870. A few months later the French soldiers were pulled out of Rome, Italian patriots occupied the city, and the Papal States were gone forever.

With the fall of the Papal States in 1870, Rome changed her tactics completely. She became the "friend" of the triumphant United States and began to plot to use the great economic and military power of the United States to get back her own despoiled possessions.

Millions of Catholics were told to emigrate to the United States and take over the government.

Vital Links

History of the Great Conspiracy by General T. M. Harris.

Assassination of President Kennedy - Solved at Last!!

Editor's Notes

In 1870—just 5 years after the Civil War—Italian patriots, led by Giuseppe Garibaldi, liberated and unified Italy, and the Papal States were gone forever!

Interesting note: Giuseppe Garibaldi, the great Italian patriot and freedom fighter was considered for the top post in the Union Army by President Lincoln at the start of the war. This was before the Union finally found a winning General in U.S. Grant!

Excerpted from the great Christian classic Fifty Years in the "church" of Rome by Charles Chiniquy, published by Chick Publications
See Hitler's Pope p. 15, by John Cornwall.

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:47:59 PM

"I know the Jesuits never forget nor forsake. But man must not care how and where he dies, provided he dies at the post of honor and duty." ~Abraham Lincoln ("50 Years in the 'church' of Rome" by Charles Chiniquy pg. 472).

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:48:46 PM


Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:50:42 PM

Regarding slavery and the emancipation of the blacks in the South, Lincoln commented:

“I know there is a God, and that He hates injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming, and I know that His hand is in it. If He has a place and work for me, and I think He has, I believe I am ready! I am nothing, but truth is everything! I know I am right, because I know that liberty is right: for Christ teaches it and Christ is God.”

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:51:09 PM

Concerning the instigators of the Civil War, President Lincoln said:

“There is a fact which is too much ignored by the American people, and with which I am acquainted only since I became president; it is that the best, the leading families of the South have received their education in great part, if not in whole, from the Jesuits and the nuns. Hence those degrading principles of slavery, pride, cruelty, which are as a second nature among so many of those people. Hence that strange want of fair play, humanity; that implacable hatred against the ideas of equality and liberty as we find them in the Gospel of Christ. … Unfortunately, the Jesuits and the nuns have in great part remained the teachers of those people since. They have continued in a silent, but most efficacious way, to spread their hatred against our institutions, our laws, our schools, our rights and our liberties in such a way that this terrible conflict became unavoidable between the North and the South. As I have told you before, it is to popery that we owe this terrible civil war.”

Messenger: Eleazar1234 Sent: 9/9/2008 1:54:49 PM

After President Lincoln became aware of the Pope Pius IX letter to Jeff Davis, he told Chiniquy:

“Unfortunately, I feel more and more every day, that it is not against the Americans of the South, alone, I am fighting, it is more against the pope of Rome, his perfidious Jesuits and their blind and blood-thirsty slaves. …it is my impression that the Jesuits, who are the principal rulers of the South will do what they have almost invariably done in the past. The dagger or the pistol will do what the strong hands of the warriors could not achieve.”

“So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of the skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. But can we expect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not. The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, … My escape from their hands, since the letter of the pope to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle.”

Chiniquy commented:

“Never had I heard such sublime words. Never had I seen a human face so solemn and so prophet-like as the face of the president, when uttering these things. I was beside myself. Bathed in tears, I tried to say something, but I could not utter a word. I know the hour to leave had come, I asked from the president permission to fall on my knees, and pray with him that his life might be spared; and he knelt with me. But I prayed more with tears and sobs, than with words. … The hour was fast approaching when he was to fall by the hands of a Jesuit assassin, for his nation’s sake.”
Who was the assassin of President Lincoln? Chiniquy quotes historian Abbot:

“But who was that assassin? Booth was nothing but the tool of the Jesuits. It was Rome who directed his arm, after corrupting his heart and damning his soul. … Read the history of the assassination of Admiral Coligny, Henry III and Henry IV, and William the Taciturn, by the hired assassins of the Jesuits; compare them with the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and you will find that one resembles the other like two drops of water. You will understand that they all come from the same source, Rome!

The murderers, selected and trained by the Jesuits, were of the most exalted Roman Catholic piety, living in the company of priests, going to confess very often, receiving the communion the day before, if not the very day of the murder. You will see that the assassins were considering themselves the chosen instruments of God, to save the nation by striking its tyrant; that they firmly believed that there was no sin in killing the enemy of the people, of the holy Church, and of the infallible pope!”

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