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Crowned King

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 9/30/2007 9:34:26 AM


For One to be born is to receive the ability to become conscious of our surroundings. Every atom around us is an interconnected and dependent part of making the whole...that "whole" is the God from which we came and of which we are always a part. One can take their consciousness to a level at which they will see this totality of everything, and at that point it is then that a person receives the crown, or enlightenment if the I's will. To see that I am a part of the whole God is to return to the sense of Oneness that His Majesty was always telling I and I to strive for. To retain our individual consciousness and still be a part of the whole should surely be permission to enter the gate and attend the I's own Coronation. I am feeling as though "death" is the transition point at which One has either walked through the fire as a King or has pissed their life away to remain a part of the whole but lost consciousness of their individuality altogether and will simply be recycled into the fold of atoms forming a new chemical composition.
It is the time at which One stops aspiring towards the level of the highest righteous human qualities that One starts the descent into the loss of their own individuality altogether. So it is to become a King in this life (and when I say King I am speaking of the only Earth King) that one transcends this earthly plane as a part of the whole yet a part of themselves as well. It is too easy to let things slide to a point of complacency in which we take for granted the blessing of breath and heart beat at this very moment. To give thanks for life with each breath is to walk the earth as a King....I'll try and come with some more "new age" babbling,lol, for the I's who listen to it, later...


Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 9/30/2007 6:33:35 PM

...One must not strive to find their own Self in the sense of building up the ego, but rather attain individuality as we rise above, out of the ego into a sense of humility and compassion. To do this is the cultivation of truth and rights as the basis for establishing peace and love on Earth as well as in the hearts of humankind. It is through works of this nature that His Imperial Majesty has risen to the fulfillment of His own Self, leaving none higher on Earth. He is the Creator of Truth and Rights in the manifestation of His own works and the Creator of Peace and Love in His own heart, thus revealing HimSelf to the world as Self Created, Crowned Emperor before the world's I's to see and follow as the Earth's King, for only a King can stand beside a Queen...


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