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From education to qualification to occupation to foundation!

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Selahssie i son Sent: 4/5/2007 3:59:07 PM

Qualificatin but no occupation,i Rasta have fe do something else to build de foundation,the children need jobs when they leave the learning institution,de
Mechanic no get de chance in mechanic position,they said u cannot get the work and less u vote for de politicion,more inspiration during the time of provocation,a got to do Jah works naturally de cultivation,king
Haile Selahssie always send the benediction,after he prophecied we saw the manifestation,a hope u saw howmany times Jah spoke about education.

Messenger: Primero Sent: 11/18/2019 9:40:36 PM

There is this title that says From education to qualification to occupation to foundation! What do you think it explains? I needed expert assignment help now. For me it is all about having good education so later you would be able to find a good job and build a constructive foundation on its basis.

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Haile Selassie I