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Words of RasTafarI, Haile Selassie I
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Aiding The Farmer
Tuesday, November 3, 1959
The Lion of Judah has prevailed
Haile Selassie I, Elect of God
King of Kings of Ethiopia

The encouraging progress achieved in other fields has led Us, at this time to initiate a bold and broad programme of land development. In Our message of 18th September, We proclaimed Our programme of land and credit assistance, declaring:

"For those of you who possess the land and labour, but lack capital, We have made credit available at low interest. For those of you who have the necessary capital but do not possess land to work on, We have, in accordance with Our Proclamation which entitled every Ethiopian to ownership of land, established offices in every province through which you may be able to acquire land. Those who have neither land nor money will be granted land and a financial loan at low interest. For those of you who possess land, who have financial resources and manpower, We have made experts available to furnish you with the necessary guidance and advice in your various undertakings."

Long before initiating this new programme, We had authorised Our Central Treasury to advance, through the years, loans without interest amounting to E$ 7,500,000 with the view of raising the standard of living of Our beloved people. Realising that those who could avail themselves of this fund were few, We have now made it possible for all to acquire not only money but also land to develop. Even at this moment, throughout Ethiopia, experts whom We have sent to the provinces are, together with the Governors-General and Sub-Governors of every province, meeting at Our orders to explain to the inhabitants of Our Empire the details of Our message, so that they may proceed to benefit by these provisions.

In this momentous undertaking, We will be assisted, it is to be hoped, by an increase in the capital structure of the Development Bank of Ethiopia. However, unless these new areas can be opened to exploitation and their products be transported at advantageous rates, much of the benefit will be lost.

Words of Ras TafarI

Haile Selassie I