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Hurricane Katrina

1 - 1011 - 2021 - 25
Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/3/2005 4:24:08 AM

This terrible natural disaster must be a judgement from God upon the people of New Orleans for transgressing againts the Lord's commandments. They want to blame the government or someone else for not protecting them from the imminent threat instead of acknowledging their own sins and repenting. They will probobly rebuild and continue in the same negative direction until God completly destroys them like he destroyed Sodom with fire. This time they got off easy. Next time they might not be so lucky. God help the survivors and have mercy on the dead. Selassie I.

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 9/3/2005 5:25:32 AM

I am sorry bredren but these occurences aren't Gods doing but rather that of man. The air is warming up and so is the sea, and this is the kinds of things that happen when man trys to be God. This is mans punishment to himself.

I can see Jah right now saying, "Stop hitting yourself!" Just for a small example, I work at the seafood department in a whole foods, and there is a salmon run up in alaska that was suposed to have 1.3 million sockeye salmon, but instead they got less than 100000. That is ridiculous. Mans chem trails, petro chemi factories, styro foam, gasoline, meat factories...... The list goes on, man brought this judgement on himself.

But none the less these are the last days hold down InI fort InI God Haile Selassie I cometh!

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 9/3/2005 5:08:34 PM

Never assume you have the right to judge a next man. Only being on the outside of a situation allows for judgment, the ego is a second person type of entity. Let he without sin caste the first stone, but if his house is made of glass he should not throw stones at all, he should first clean his own home before looking out at the world.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/4/2005 12:40:50 AM

Empress Nzingha, I agree with your words.

One thing I would also like to add is that almost everybody trangresses against Jah so everybody is at risk of the same thing or worse. So people should watch out what they say about people getting the judgment they deserve. Because when Jah sees this boastful behaviour, Jah might decide to allow the deserving judgement come to the person who is trying to be a judge without living the way a judge is to live. Judge not unless you are willing to be Judged. Judge not lest ye be Judged by the One true Judge.

And I wonder if people who like to judge and kick down others when they have suffered would like people to behave towards them with the same attitude. Would they like people to witness them in sufferation and tell them that they got what they deserved and they should repent. Even though it might be true that the false judge got what he deserved, I would think that he would prefer supporting words rather than downpressing words.

Someone speaking words of upliftment to help people come closer to Jah are much more useful to them when they are suffering, rather than somebody who hasn't repented himself telling them they suffered because of their trangression and that they should repent.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 9/4/2005 2:52:51 AM

For mercy will always overcome judgement.

Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/4/2005 5:22:11 PM

True enough Ark I. This was simply an observation based on my limited understanding of the situation. I was trying to say that people should look within themselves for the solution to their problems not to the outside. Sometimes it takes a crisis to awaken something inside of ourselves, and often after the crisis is over we simply return to our old ways and forget all about God. I am speaking from personal experience, being a sinner like everyone else. In hindsight, perhaps I was a little insensitive with repects to the suffering of the people of New Orleans (& area). I apologize if I offended anyone including the Almighty. Don't kick a man when he is down, help him get back on his feet. However, I still believe that this disaster was a judgement from God, weather induced by the actions of man or not it is still the Almighty who controls the elements. Selam

P.S. I agree that the same could be said about anyone experiencing suferation and it is probobly true. So perhaps the lesson to learn from this is that mankind needs to humble themselves before the Almighty Creator and repent before he destroys Us all.

P.P.S. I was never saying that I am above judgement or that I am without blemish. This kind of thinking is obsurd. I was only pointing out that yes this disaster was imminent and could have been avoided, and that the people should realize that they have control over their own destiny instead of blaming others when things don't go in their favor.

Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/4/2005 6:34:32 PM

Everyone must face the One true Judge on Judgement Day. I believe that every soul will get what he / she deserves. According to your works you shall receive pay. It is no secret that God is a just Judge and that His loving kindness and mercy extend towards all generations. When man first discovered fire he must have gotten burned, perhaps even fataly. However, realizing that fire is essential to Our very survival, God chose to reveal this mystery to Us. In these modern times, 1000's of years since this great discovery, man continues to rely on fire for survival, and continues to perish from the unbriddled power of this natural element. Why ? Because God's judgement is a double edged sword. Who would hold a burning rock in his hand to see what will happen ? A crazy man ? Perhaps it's the same as saying let's transgres the Lord's commandments to see what happens. If you get burned, you deserve it, it's your own stupidity.

Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/5/2005 12:20:00 AM

I may have been over zealous to pass judgement in this matter. I apologize for going off topic.

Does anybody see a connection between the annual pagan festival of Mardi Gras and the hurricane ? Is God punishing the people for their sin or did it happen for a different reason ?

Please post your comments. I am eager to hear other opinions and perspectives.

Messenger: Dreadnut Sent: 9/5/2005 2:28:49 AM

Bredren, blessed

Like I an stated before, all of these things that are happening right now globally, are all because of man. Man has created building that create fumes from fuels, hes created meat factories and agriculture crops for the animals that destroy the land for instance the two major forms of vege feed for livestock is lettuce and corn. Lettuce and corn take away all of the nutrience from the earth and doesn't replace any. The antibiotic company is involved as well as the dupont company. How about all of the oil riggers out in the waters? How about this atomic nuclear confusion that man has created. OUR EARTH IS HEATING UP TOO MUCH! And hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes are what happen when it gets to hot. Because man has created these abominations he has to pay the penalty, but its not really Gods doing. Man was warned what would happen if they played God.

I would see these events as the unfolding of what was spoken of in Revelation. The time is dread my lord so hold down the fort King Selassie I is own His way!


Messenger: Tefer_Anbesa Sent: 9/5/2005 3:24:03 AM

I have heard of the butterfly effect, where when something happens on one side of the world it effects the other side of the world also. But can you make it rain over your head just by doing some funny dance ? I guess what I am wondering is whether Hurricane Katrina was a direct result of the sins commited by the heathen down in New Orleans or is it the result of the bigger problem of mankind's sin on a whole, like you suggested, or maybe both ? Or, maybe it was a natural occurance that happens once every 1000 years ? From my observations the earth seems to have been designed with her own natural defence mechanism to protect herself againts any threats to her continued survival. These catotrosphic events may simply be her way of maintaning the balance. Like population control or something. It seems that this must be the normal organic functioning of this living planet, life ~ death ~ & rebirth. I am probobly reading too much into things by trying to place the blame. It just is ... Seen ?!?

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Haile Selassie I