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Messenger: Ras Sistren Khamyl Sent: 10/31/2008 6:02:02 AM

This is much appropriate reason in this time.

Jah truth is always relevant.

Messenger: wahdahdah Sent: 10/31/2008 10:35:21 AM

The election is days away in USA and this is a very fitting post for these times. RESPECT to ARK I. It is good when a man/wombman can think for themself. ONE LOVE ONE HEART ONE AIM ONE DESTINY.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 6/6/2012 9:52:27 PM

Does democracy or republic make the people happier? no, all goes on as before. Illusion, illusion.

The people of Wisconsin recently voted to keep reactionary governor scott walker in office. The whole election was a giant publicity stunt for the republican party and the news media.

Here's an article by Noam Chomsky about the situation in Wisconsin:

On Feb. 20, Kamal Abbas, Egyptian union leader and prominent figure in the Jan. 25 movement, sent a message to the "workers of Wisconsin": "We stand with you as you stood with us."

Egyptian workers have long fought for fundamental rights denied by the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak regime. Kamal is right to invoke the solidarity that has long been the driving force of the labor movement worldwide, and to compare their struggles for labor rights and democracy.

The two are closely intertwined. Labor movements have been in the forefront of protecting democracy and human rights and expanding their domains, a primary reason why they are the bane of systems of power, both state and private.

The trajectories of labor struggles in Egypt in the U.S. are heading in opposite directions: toward gaining rights in Egypt, and defending rights under harsh attack in the U.S.

The two cases merit a closer look.

The Jan. 25 uprising was sparked by the Facebook-savvy young people of the April 6 movement, which arose in Egypt in spring 2008 in "solidarity with striking textile workers in Mahalla," labor analyst Nada Matta observes.

State violence crushed the strike and solidarity actions, but Mahalla was "a symbol of revolt and challenge to the regime," Matta adds. The strike became particularly threatening to the dictatorship when workers' demands extended beyond their local concerns to a minimum wage for all Egyptians.

Matta's observations are confirmed by Joel Beinin, a U.S. authority on Egyptian labor. Over many years of struggle, Beinin reports, workers have established bonds and can mobilize readily.

When the workers joined the Jan. 25 movement, the impact was decisive, and the military command sent Mubarak on his way. That was a great victory for the Egyptian democracy movement, though many barriers remain, internal and external.

The external barriers are clear. The U.S. and its allies cannot easily tolerate functioning democracy in the Arab world.

For evidence, look to public opinion polls in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. By overwhelming majorities, the public regards the U.S. and Israel as the major threats, not Iran. Indeed, most think that the region would be better off if Iran had nuclear weapons.

We can anticipate that Washington will keep to its traditional policy, well-confirmed by scholarship: Democracy is tolerable only insofar as it conforms to strategic-economic objectives. The United States' fabled "yearning for democracy" is reserved for ideologues and propaganda.

Democracy in the U.S. has taken a different turn. After World War II the country enjoyed unprecedented growth, largely egalitarian and accompanied by legislation that benefited most people. The trend continued through the Richard Nixon years, which ended the liberal era.

The backlash against the democratizing impact of ‘60s activism and Nixon's class treachery was not long in coming: a vast increase in lobbying to shape legislation, in establishing right-wing think tanks to capture the ideological spectrum, and in many other measures.

The economy also shifted course sharply toward financialization and export of production. Inequality soared, primarily due to the skyrocketing wealth of the top 1 percent of the population -- or even a smaller fraction, limited to mostly CEOs, hedge fund managers and the like.

For the majority, real incomes stagnated. Most resorted to increased working hours, debt and asset inflation. Then came the $8 trillion housing bubble, unnoticed by the Federal Reserve and almost all economists, who were enthralled by efficient market dogmas. When the bubble burst, the economy collapsed to near-Depression levels for manufacturing workers and many others.

Concentration of income confers political power, which in turn leads to legislation that further enhances the privilege of the super-rich: tax policies, deregulation, rules of corporate governance and much else.

Alongside this vicious cycle, costs of campaigning sharply increased, driving both political parties to cater to the corporate sector -- the Republicans reflexively, and the Democrats (now pretty much equivalent to the moderate Republicans of earlier years) following not far behind.

In 1978, as the process was taking off, United Auto Workers President Doug Fraser condemned business leaders for having "chosen to wage a one-sided class war in this country -- a war against working people, the unemployed, the poor, the minorities, the very young and the very old, and even many in the middle class of our society," and having "broken and discarded the fragile, unwritten compact previously existing during a period of growth and progress."

As working people won basic rights in the 1930s, business leaders warned of "the hazard facing industrialists in the rising political power of the masses," and called for urgent measures to beat back the threat, according to scholar Alex Carey in "Taking the Risk Out of Democracy." They understood as well as Mubarak did that unions are a leading force in advancing rights and democracy. In the U.S., unions are the primary counterforce to corporate tyranny.

By now, U.S. private-sector unions have been severely weakened. Public-sector unions have recently come under sharp attack from right-wing opponents who cynically exploit the economic crisis caused primarily by the finance industry and its associates in government.

Popular anger must be diverted from the agents of the financial crisis, who are profiting from it; for example, Goldman Sachs, "on track to pay out $17.5 billion in compensation for last year," the business press reports, with CEO Lloyd Blankfein receiving a $12.6 million bonus while his base salary more than triples to $2 million.

Instead, propaganda must blame teachers and other public-sector workers with their fat salaries and exorbitant pensions -- all a fabrication, on a model that is all too familiar. To Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker, to other Republicans and many Democrats, the slogan is that austerity must be shared -- with some notable exceptions.

The propaganda has been fairly effective. Walker can count on at least a large minority to support his brazen effort to destroy the unions. Invoking the deficit as an excuse is pure farce.

In different ways, the fate of democracy is at stake in Madison, Wis., no less than it is in Tahrir Square.

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/18/2012 3:45:40 PM

Bringing this up again for the upcoming US election.

Messenger: Eleazar Sent: 9/18/2012 11:17:46 PM

Messenger: Ras Kanjas Sent: 9/20/2012 7:02:41 AM

In Zimbabwe we have the Conservative and the Liberal parties as the most powerful political groups ruling over us.
The other one is the Independent party but it less powerful than the first two.

And I have observed that Babylon has a tendency of using the Liberal party more easily than the Conservative one.
And in Zimbabwe, the Conservative party, which is the ruling party, has become the worst enemies of a result of the land reform programe that was successfully carried out by President Mugabe,
and the Liberal one has become a puppet of the Western colonialists.
The political situation here is slightly different from that in the modernized America, but I can clearly see that it resembles that in Canada or Europe.

But since Babylon introduced these Liberal parties in Africa, the Zibabwean Liberal party has not yet been given an opportunity to take over Zimbabwe.......the highest political level it has reached was to share the power with the old ruling party, and the greatest office it has taken was that of the prime minister.
So we have not seen those to and fro movements that have taken place in America or Canada or Europe.
All we have seen has been the brutality and oppression of the Conservative party under the leadership of President Mugabe and his corrupt officials.

But the Conservative party seems to have fought for our independence, fought against the white colonialists.......and instead of giving us freedom, it simply replaced the white oppressors as the colonialists, seen?
President Mugabe and his ministers then became like those white imperialists and oppressors, just that they had a black skin on them, seen?
So its clear that in Zimbabwe, the Conservative party is also Babylon, seen?

As for the various methods of warfare employeed by Babylon, I agree with Ark I when he said that Babylon prefers to use Propaganda and Economic warfare to Military warfare.
A perfect example is Zimbabwe;
The US under Bush and the UK under Blair, imposed economic sanctions upon Zimbabwe...and right the damages that have resulted from this are not just economic ones but also academic and social damages just to mention but a few.
And prior to that, Babylon has spread a whole heap of propaganda about Zimbabwe and her people, seen?
Whole heap of civil wars and violence have taken place in Zimbabwe just because of the propaganda that the enemies are spreading around.
And many Zimbabweans have not been able to see how the enemy gets them into killing one must be because of the foolishness and blindness that my people have.


Messenger: Black heart Sent: 9/20/2012 10:06:08 AM

Bless my God. All I n I want is iquality n justice. What ever de system in power, I man is careful about trusting de leaders here ina Africa. Wheather its a minister, president, chief, king, queen or an emperor or religious leader, dem tend to be used by babylon from iwa to iwa. If iquality n justice are de habitation of de almighty's throne then any leader under any system who supresses iquality is serving de beast. One thing I man have noticed is dat ones tend to concentrate more on fireboning demacracy n foget about de other wicked systems. Some of us here ina Africa can see dat many bad deeds are done even under some systems like mornach. So kingdoms n republics are a stumbling block to de inification n imancipation of Africa. De most high reign through, love, peace n iquality. So de true iyacracy is love, peace n iquality. I n I haffe trod towards Jah kingman. Firebon all kingdoms n republics ina Africa. Foward to undivided Africa. One aim, one God, one destiney, one good, one black love, one Jah kingman.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 7/27/2018 2:30:18 PM

I mentioned the hermetics of polarity in a previous post. Polarity is one of 7 hermetic principles and rhythm is another. These two principles are the foundation of the two party system. The pendulum swings from right to left (republican to democrat) there is a rhythm to that swing and the ones that understand that rhythm, act accordingly.

Ark I said, "The Democrats and the Republicans do the same wickedness. The only difference is when the Democrats do it, they do it in a hidden way, and they present the appearance of a government that doesn't do such things. The Republicans do the same wickedness, but are bold and admit that they do it, they don't try to hide it as much. I am not saying that the Republicans don't hide things, but they are a little more bold, and are a little more straight up about what they do.
So the people vote for the Republicans, and then after a little time, they get tired of this bold, straight-forward type of government, and they want "change". So the ruling group presents them with a party that is not so bold, and is a little more polite, so they don't boast so much about their wickedness. Then after a little while, when the things they hide are revealed, and the people get tired of this government that is always hiding and sneaking around the issues, and so they again want "change"."

I think that republican is like an iron fist. And democrat is like an iron fist in a velvet glove.

Jah Love and Guidance

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 7/27/2018 2:46:38 PM

Yes, Ark I, i&I believe you are correct. They're all working for the same master, and the agenda and its outcomes are set regardless of who wins the election. The elections are a ruse to convince people that they have some influence over how they are ruled (i.e., democracy), but that is, of course, an illusion.
The real control we have over the world around us is through His Majesty.
After all, He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah. He's infinitely more powerful than those politicians and He hears the calls of His People. Babylon doesn't want you to believe that because it's Truth and it gives you, the Idividul, access to Power.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 7/27/2018 3:09:08 PM

Infinitely more powerful for sure! Power comes from Jah. All that InI have is from Jah. I think the only control we have is the control over our own thoughts and actions. That's not to say that our thoughts and actions can't be influenced by outside forces. Yes I, it is only through Jahs love and guidance that InI can stand firm and have control over our thoughts and actions truly, and have Jah protection from such forces.

Blessed Love King

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