See it?
Read this threads original post.
Leaving Rasta because it’s not militant anti-white enough.. How can anyone cry racism racism and turn around and say white people are so bad that they shouldn’t be culturally involved, let alone sexually mix with another race…?
I just don’t get why white people keep trying to prove they’re an “ally” and “one of the good ones” to people espousing that. Luckily this is towards the extreme end of the spectrum, and the vast majority don’t think or act like that; but I think the worst part is that that rhetoric, while extreme, is not condemned. Yet basic Judaeo Christian values like “nuclear family” are specifically condemned as extreme by media and popular culture.. Everyone is quick to denounce and condemn racism, but view racism as a white only phenomena.. silent on confronting ideologies that view an entire race of people as fundamentally evil and of sub human origin. (That rhetoric exists on this site)
No sob story or a victim cry. Pointing out hypocrisy. My advice to the white people who are attracted to Rastafari is to let it be. You like the music, you like the ganja, you like the peace and love; but 99% odds are that you don’t know what is at the core of Rastafari. You heard of Selassie? Okay, cool.. Garvey? PanAfricanism? Black Liberation? Repatriation? Ahh…
So there is a whole “side” to this that not only doesn’t involve you (white rasta), but actively moves away from you.. So let it be. Chances are that you will grow your locks, want to participate, try to prove yourself as an ally and cringe your way through it all. Just be yourself, the real you. The harder you try to be Rasta, the worse your experience and overall stereotype will be. I mean what’s the alternative? Give up the List of demands for white people by BLM? Haha. Point is, you’re not welcome. Forcing it makes it worse. Chances are is that your attraction to Rastafari is a phase, you’re sincere now, but let’s be real… There is nothing wrong with being white. Don’t apologize for it. Focus on your love of god and work to be the best version of.. guess what’s next, YOURSELF!