Greetings family
I been seeing so much talk about the bible. Why?
Out of respect I'm just wondering why do we seek inspiration or power from something that came from evil doers that oppressed and rape and killed many of our ancestors?
You speak of Jesus blood when the only blood I know is my ancestors.
Also there's no proof of Moses in Kemet (Egypt) if Moses did exist then more likely Kemet would have a record of him on the hieroglyphs walls. It's funny that all these people that they mentioned in the Bible don't have any type of tombs.
Furthermore we got to wake up. Give back the enemy back thier clothes, thier religion, and get back to our original way of life.
I want to point out Kemet(Egypt) knowledge. People get the wrong idea about gods(Neteru) They had many Neteru but kept in mind that there's only one Supreme being. Understand you are a God(Neter) a divine being from the Supreme being.
I want my people be firm and wise. Spirituality is Life, agree? Now spritual awaken is eternal life. Life as you called it is living, but what does it mean "Waking up?" How many stages of consciousness does a person go through to "Know Thyself" ("Know thyself" Original source came out not from the bible but one of Kemet hieroglyphs sweet writing on the walls)
It's sad because the same system that oppressed us know us better than we know ourselves.
What do you call a person that sleeps and never wake up?... Dead? Yes my friend, so are we walking deads? Wake up my people.
As stolen Africans I know each one of us got a mission a destiny that can end our people suffering. As we know, we were first now we are last. As we know, we had everything now we don't have nothing. The enemy used to have just theirs now they have thiers and ours.
We can't get anywhere as a people if we deny our ancestors original way of life. I know if we as people stick to our roots we can be one step ahead of the oppressor. Unlearn to learn.