I've bowed out & won't get back onto the merry-go-round here about the fact that epidemiological studies have yet to confirm a positive correlation between ganja smoking and cancer (or the fact that a correlation by itself does not equate to causation without proper controls to allow for the elimination other potential causative factors). I just want to clarify that while Bob Marley reportedly died of cancer, we cannot positively assert that he's "dead from carcinogen" because cancer also occur spontaneously in human tissue.
The initiation process in carcinogenesis is neoplasia initiation or the formation of a neoplasm which is a new and abnormal growth of tissue in some part of the body, especially as a characteristic of cancer. The term "cancer" implies malignancy, but neoplasms can be subclassified as either benign or malignant . Anyway, neoplasia initiation is essentially irreversible changes in appropriate target somatic cells. In the simplest terms, initiation involves one or more stable cellular changes arising SPONTANEOUSLY or induced by exposure to a carcinogen (including radiation).
At the end of the day, who knows what "causative or accelerative effects" walking barefoot in the sunshine or breathing smoke from cooking fires or smoking giant spliffs "had on Marley's flesh demise" -- perhaps none at all as there's no more reason to believe his cancer (reportedly originating as a melanoma on his foot) was induced by carcinogen exposure than there is to believe that it was the result of a spontaneous neoplasia initiation. If it was triggered by exposure to a carcinogen, sunlight would be high on the list of possible culprits.