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President Trump and MAGA

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Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/15/2018 3:50:34 AM

First step act:


I don't trust this "act" one bit. They just going to expand the FPI, which is already a billion dollar industry making it money from slave labor.

Here's a link to some pros and cons of the bill. I say the cons far out weigh the so called pros, the cons expose some of the loop holes:
pros an cons of first step

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 11/15/2018 6:11:08 AM

A LINK A LINK!!! Wow!! This is a step in the right direction.. Not perfect, but a step none the less.. -- Just like this potential bill.. Not perfect, but a 'first step' into even allowing prison reform..

No surprise you resist it.. You probably dont want anyone in jail..? Thats just mean.. Do you have any idea the financial burden our inmates put on the tax paying public? Billions and billions every year.. I support having these violent criminals being productive instead of getting free food and shelter on my dime.. I am vehemently opposed to the for-profit privatized prison system, just like the federal reserve.. But we cant just open the doors and let murderers and rapists back on the streets.. Oh wait, we already do.. -- as long as they are illegal immigrants..

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 11/15/2018 9:10:41 AM

You rave and rant about the prison system and how it needs reform and if Trump really wanted to help he would do it.. So then he does, and you still dont like it.. Hahaha sad..

Reminder, it was Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Democrats that signed into law giving Black people 3 times the sentencing for the same drug crime as a White person... Trump wants to reform.. And, wait for it, wait for it....

Orange man bad!!

Messenger: the white rasta Sent: 11/15/2018 1:04:12 PM

(disclaimer: the website is logging me in under the wrong account/name. I am ZealotX, not the white rasta)

First off,

Please be careful about categorizing someone's speech as "ranting and raving". You are insulting a lot of people who disagree with you about Trump. If you're a republican that's cool but this isn't a republican web site so we need to respect differences.


Assuming this bill is a first step is just that. It's an assumption. I'm sure the Clinton bill assumed it was also a step in the right direction. Usually people who support stronger penalties are doing so in an effort to protect the public. However, the law is not enforced by the same people who create, pass, and sign legislation. I don't like what Hilary said about "super predators" and didn't vote for her, largely because of criminal justice, but an intellectual discussion deserves fairness on both sides. Clinton did not specify who to target. The police do that according to which segments of the population are easiest to arrest and prosecute without getting sued.

So when it comes to reform, the "front end", to me, is what needs to be addressed. This bill barely helps anyone according to what I've read so far. I'm an American tax payer too. The cost of housing inmates in prison is absurd because of profiteering. If you aren't looking at the profit motive behind the system you're doing a disservice to the subject matter. At the end of the day it's about money. This bill doesn't propose to take money out of prisons. It seeks to put more economic stress on minority families.

That's odd. Why would I say that?

One of the "pros" in the link provided talks about releasing prisoners to house arrest. I've been on house arrest before, thanks to a judge who likes this form of punishment. Except it wasn't punishment. I wasn't even tried yet which means I was supposedly innocent. Due to incompetence in the system I had a FTA (failure to appear) which, if you've ever been to jail, is a common story of many who get locked up. No matter the goal, the effect of the justice system is to tax those who are targeted. If you can't afford to pay your way out of trouble (like many white people are able to do) you get locked up and the taxpayers pay for that because republicans honestly don't care about saving money. They just don't want to spend theirs. Fortunately, I'm a web developer at a 3rd generation family business and the owner cares about his employees. I didn't lose my job and I was able to do some work from home while I was on "home detention" which was over on my court date. I was detained for about a week between jail (thursday arrest) and home and am I a violent criminal? No, I was driving under a suspended license. Same jail with rapists and murderers. Fortunately, I can afford to pay. Many of my brothas cannot. And the system keeps coming after us because it makes money.

Letting people out to serve more time at home means they negate some of the cost of housing but that person still can't financially support themselves. Unless they can get work privileges, someone has to feed and shelter them. And then they want to institute some kind of "risk assessment system". While it may sound good to some this could easily be used by racists as a smokescreen to cover racism in the criminal justice system. Many racists cite statistics to assert that they are smarter than us or less violent or less prone to criminal activity. Numbers can be made to look in ways that benefit the people who control the tests. What they will do is say "its not because you're black but because you scored badly on the test." But social economics will always affect education and crime as people struggle to survive and so it will become an excuse to free whites with drug convictions while using token black people to endear the public. Keep in mind that whites almost as a whole did not care about criminal justice until the opioid epidemic plagued their own families. Now they want treatment instead of incarceration. So if you think the orange haired guy in the white house is just looking out for us... I'm afraid you're sadly mistaken. He was and is a racist according to his own people.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 11/15/2018 1:14:54 PM

A pretty balanced reasoning.. Appreciated..

Ended very poorly tho.. Trump is not a 'racist' -- the magic wand of the lefts victimhood mentality --.. Any free thinking person knows this. Where is your proof otherwise? CNN and the like not welcome. Its fakes news.

Dont treat people monolithically. We are individuals. Thats a classic tactic to perpetuate hatred and demonization of 'white people'...

And the Clinton's knew exctly what they were doing.. They align themselves with eugenicists who openly called for the extermination and sterilization of the 'unfit' -- generally along racial lines.. i.e. Planned Parenthood aborts 5 times more black children than any other race..

Trump is not what the media makes him out to be. He is a decent person trying to do his best despite the entire establishment resisting and demonizing him at every turn.. But the left owns 95% of the media so that sentiment saturates the minds of the population.. They are pushing for a civil war along racial and political lines using 'antifa' and 'BLM' and others as cannon fodder..

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/15/2018 2:13:10 PM

Hemphill said: "You rave and rant about the prison system and how it needs reform and if Trump really wanted to help he would do it.. So then he does, and you still dont like it.. Hahaha sad.."

If the reform is a good thing then I would like it, even if Trump gets the credit. You mis understand me and falsely accuse me of hating trump. I disagee with and don't like many things about his conduct and character, but I don't hate trump. True I don't like him but I don't hate him.

Any good trump does is still good and any bad he does is still bad. When I point out the bad he does, you tell I no! That is a lie from the leftist, then you group I (and all others who critisize trump) in with the left and speak all kinds of nastiness.

Most of the things you argue with the bredren on here are really your own made up false assumptions. It is madness, that is why I sight the ILL in hemphILL. Because your are sick in the head, it is you that are so mad and full of hate.

You can and should burn out that hate which blinds you. You said you should work on your problems, well humble up and do it.

Jah Love and Guidance

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 11/15/2018 3:09:51 PM

When the 'bad' you call out is exactly the line fed by the leftist media and provably false.. I call it out. Simple

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 11/15/2018 3:14:32 PM

No it seems all the criticism you oppose and defend, you are the "Orange Defender"! lol

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 11/15/2018 3:24:43 PM

Truth defender..

Russian collusion: fake
Trump is Hitler: fake
Trump is racist: misrepresentation and fake
Trump is reinstating slavery: fake
Trump is kkk: fake

On and on and on

He is the most demonized man in the world.. Number 1 enemy of the establishment. Number 1 recipient of fake news and slander. Alex Jones and Infowars is a close 2nd

I set the record straight.

Messenger: the white rasta Sent: 11/15/2018 3:30:47 PM

(disclaimer: still ZealotX, not the white rasta)

Those who say the left uses propaganda needs to realize the same about the right. Without doing this you only bring attention to yourself as being under its sway. The right has so much pro-trump propaganda that even Fox personalities and people employed by Fox have come out and said. At least one has even quit. That's much ado about something that doesn't exist.

Secondly, like most black people I also have ears. So if Fox plays a clip of what Trump said CNN can't spin that to say he said something else. Likewise, if CNN plays a clip of something Trump said, no one can spin it to say he didn't. If you like Trump that doesn't mean we can't be cool or that you must automatically be evil and therefore must bend reality like a prism and twist yourself into a pretzel to normalize Trump. It only makes you sound like a cult member who drank the koolaid by the gallon. I'm hoping that's not true and that you're not a tool for Trump brand propaganda.

Aside from what I've heard Trump say myself, aside from the perception of the alt-right picking up on his dog whistles, aside from from what we know of his father and family business practices, aside from hearing the only black person hired in the West Wing say he's racist after defending him many many times, aside from seeing how white the white house is now, aside from Birtherism and his obvious hatred of Obama, aside from his verbal attacks on black women talking about low IQ and saying Andrew Gillum is unequipped to be a governor, aside from ALL of this I take the word of his own man, Michael Cohen as verification of what we already knew, saying that he is racist and that he has indicated his belief that black people are intellectually inferior. I'm paraphrasing obviously, since Trump doesn't use complex words with more than 3 syllables except on special occasion. But I do find it fascinating... almost like discovering a Russian internet troll... when white people try to tell us what we're saying is not really what's happening. This has been standard fare before but even worse since 2016.


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