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President Trump and MAGA

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Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/24/2018 12:20:12 PMHidden
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Messenger: Angel in Zion Sent: 7/24/2018 12:25:37 PM

If I have the gifts, how can I be lost? I will call you to the front when the time comes if you have been called. I can see within, thats another one he gave me. You have no idea, from gathering your communications. Jah Guide. We are here for a reason. It seems you just want to justify carrying that gun. Be for real...

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/24/2018 12:28:08 PMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: Angel in Zion Sent: 7/24/2018 12:42:48 PM

The King of Kings sir. Good luck fool. Jah is great to us. You have no gifts or power of vision. We will pray for you.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/24/2018 12:59:07 PM

I wiped the floor with you.. Your argument was terrible and completely baseless. Be gone with you!

Messenger: Angel in Zion Sent: 7/24/2018 1:40:12 PM

No you didn't you just answered some of our questions.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 7/24/2018 2:17:48 PM

Bro the I needs to check himself. You been acting hysterical from the start of this thread.
The first bredren who made a comment you chastised and named called, so don't you go and play victim.
No one here says they are leftist; but you go and talk left left left so much you must be dizzy, going in circles.
None of the I them said they support the clintons. And no one is believing everything they see on cnn, if the I them even watch cnn.
You make it seem like if one is not for trump its because they've been programmed by the leftist media and such.
Check your own programming bro.
Seems to me you've been suckling on some prison planet alex jones teat.

Messenger: Satchmoe lone Wolf Sent: 7/24/2018 5:23:00 PM

I've sat here and read everything and i in no way shape or form claim to be the most knowledgeable in politics or in life in general. I’m too young to make those false claims. However, it's a shame that you Hemphill have come into this forum and refuse to listen to any other side than your own.

I voted for Obama and i feel like that was the right choice at the time. While he was in office our government blocked most things he tried to accomplish. Nonetheless, he gave me hope. When i said that in my first post people told me that people of the I don’t resonate well with Obama. So, i took a step back and saw it from their perspective and i saw how people don’t resonate with the man.

I also voted for Trump in the last election because i did not agree with the things that Hilary said or what her husband Bill Clinton did. Soon after Trump was voted in office he signed an executive order that allowed a pipeline to be built that passes through sacred waters of a federally recognized Native american tribe's land... After he did that i realized that no politician has our best interest at heart. Our meaning original people of a land. Our meaning poor people, not poor in spirit i mean poor in material wealth. You turning this into a race issue saying that black americans support Trump but then you post the same videos over and over. That is exactly what the american system wants us to do because it keeps us separated by things that dont even begin to matter in the eyes of the Creator.

I came here for wisdom and truth, since coming to this forum i finished reading the book of Ecclesiastes. However, i do not consider myself wise yet because i still am young, 23 years old. I don’t even know if I’m allowed to call myself a part of the I but you sir/ma’am are definitely not. I apologize if i offended anyone of the I or the true Jah’s people in and around this forum because I’m still learning and i don’t want to a part of this babylon/devil hold any longer. I’ve made endless mistakes in my short life and what I’ve learned the most is sometimes you need to take a step back from a situation to really see what is going on. And you can blast me or whatever wicked words you want to use to try and make what i said false but like i said i stand alone and represent no body other than myself in this forum…

May Yahweh bless my words and bless this whole forum because no one man woman child or elder truly knows your plan we can only seek to find and to see what you want us to see. We are all children in the eyes of the most high. One love to everyone in this forum and anyone who may be reading this message.


Messenger: Angel in Zion Sent: 7/24/2018 5:55:43 PM

Thank you lone wolf. When his Majesty first came to me when I was in my 20's, he gave me a vision that made me cry. He was showing me that the Indian nation is suffering and needs assistance. I have the blood of the African-Amercian, the Cherokee and the white man in me. I saw a Shaman who spoke to me alone and I hope one day to see him. I was in shock when I woke up. I thought it was the african-american first and he showed me the american-indian. My spirit grew throughout the years my Rasta breathren noticed something about me, so they went to Irie FM to tell everyone. They did not know this would start trouble for me here in the states with the KKK and skinheads and the men in black (before the movie came out) His Majesty carefully showed me everyone before they crossed my path. Sometimes I wish they never said a thing so we could grow together. Of course through their threatening and bullying we were separated. Years later in my 40's I was working for Department of Education and we were hosting the teachers from all the Indian reservations in the states. They had vidoes and pictures of all the third world living conditions. Constant tears. I saw this elderly teacher about 80 years old. While standing there she looked in my eyes and turned her back and all of sudden I saw big wings unfold. I thought I was seeing things and rub my eyes and the wings were still there. I thank God for my spiritual site, but it made me relize how much we have been wronged Indian and African-american. He has a place for us, continue to grow and learn. We are 1. Love the God of the oppressed and downtrodden, we will be redeemed. It is around the corner. Jah bless.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/24/2018 6:30:21 PM

The hysteria is coming from those who cannot think for themselves. Its called group think and if anyone steps out of line, the thought police activate to shut them down.. This thread is case and point.. I dare bring up something that contradicts the general diatribe about identity politics or white supremacy and the thought police come out of the wood works.. In the first post I predicted that this is what would happen and sure enough here we are..

A highlight of mainstream/leftist views expressed on this one thread.. Or simply symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome

- Trump Russia colluision
- Hillary Clinton support: "Clintons at least they get out and mingle with the minorities. Even Obama would mingle."
- Identity politics
- Anti-America
- Gun ban
- Many, many completely fabricated claims coming straight from the babylon establishment media..

You, Jahcub, posted a picture that is so blatantly photo shopped that I literally laughed. The rest of those pictures were selectively chosen to represent the preconceived notion of Trump emulating tyrants -- another mainstream media forced fed narrative.. With enough pictures to chose from, that same process can compare ANY two people... Yet you choose to present THAT as evidence supporting your opinion.. How daring, how brave!!

And I have said multiple times here that "You dont have to like or support Trump, but if you hysterically HATE him, you are LEFTISTS!!" This hysteria has been shown to me here.. No-one has posted links, articles, or any other type of evidence to substantiate their claims; which again, is a telltale sign of mainstream media influence/programming.

I have noticed for years that this site is most definitely filled with ones who have a bias for leftist views.. Male feminists, Black Lives Matter, victim mentality, anti-white, anti-american/western anything, anti-Christianity, on and on and on.. This is the 'group-think'.. And if views are expressed that challenge this stance, in come the thought police.. "Get off this site" "You're racist".. All of it man and I am sick of it. In the words of the prophet Bob Marley, "Ras Tafari is reality".. Well here is the reality, Haile Selassie: "These young people face a world beset with the most effectively organized programme of deceptive propaganda and thinly screened operations ever known." Have we pulled back ALL of the layers of propaganda to see through the programme, citing the thinly screened operations? Or do most people here just stop at what is comfortable and fitting to their own world view?

Seriously, Hillary Clinton is the most easily exposed politician in the world.. She doesn't even hide it.. She thinks we are just too stupid to figure it out.. Her foreign policies as Secretary of State have toppled nations and killed millions of people.. But Trump says 'mean things' -- that the media generally takes out of context, or just fabricates, and runs it 24/7 to saturate the gullible.

This is the hysteria.. The ENTIRE babylon system is frantic in trying to get rid of Trump and demonize his supporters.. Social media giants have taken on the task of mass censorship of dissenting opinions and incriminating information.. "If you dont express a '1984' style of HATRED for the 'enemy' we give to you, then you dont have a right to speak"

And I know full well that most of yall haven't read every word I wrote, watched a single video I posted, or checked out any links I provided.. This is the norm..

Lone Wolf, I am open for discussion but am very tired of hearing the same mainstream media talking points echoed over and over here.. You, Lone Wolf, brought up great points and I look forward to discussing them further! By the way, many Black and Latino Americans support Trump..

The rest of you, for the 5th time, "You dont have to like or support Trump, but if you hysterically HATE him, you are brain-washed LEFTISTS!!"

Wont find this on the establishments corporate media

Big-tech censorship via bias algorithms

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