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Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/14/2018 10:22:51 AM

When I have ALREADY expressed my resolve concerning H.I.M. and Jah guidance, trying to make me repeat that over and over becomes a distraction from the specific points that I bring up -- which fail to be addressed by others.. That video you suggested to Jahcub is a perfect example of the half-truths and outrigh lies being presented here.. Those same talking pints have been pounded over and over here, I have taken the time to show them to be, at best, half-true time and time again.. It is not disrespectful to correct a lie. It IS disrespectful to say a one line response in "no, im not listening" to the many points of evidence I bring up while continuing in steering the conversation back to what has already been covered..

I do not disagree thay Jah loves all his children and wants us to live in unity.. I am sinply addressing the many lies being presented here with specific information.. The mainstream media tirelessly pushes the 'Alt right' 'Christian fascists' 'muslim holocaust' 'Trump is Hitler' narrative... I am focused on showing the larger agenda and reality behind those half-truths..

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/14/2018 10:54:56 AM

First, you misinterpreted "not listening" by which i meant that i didn't think YOU were listening to me (not that i was ignoring you). It's not a big deal, but it is a perfect example of why civil discourse is so essential. Sometimes we misinterpret something someone says and we don't want to shoot our selves in the foot by rudely overreacting only to find out that's not really what they meant. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding.

Secondly, there is a Muslim Holocaust over the past quarter century plus during which millions and millions of Muslims from many predominantly Muslim countries have been quite intentionally terrorized, forced to suffer and exterminated by Washington planned and implemented violence and deprivations. If you don't like the term "Holocaust" then fine call it something else, but by whatever name you call it, it's ghastly and its magnitude is simply mind-boggling. Just the same as it is very disrespectful to dishonor the memory of those who suffered and died at the hands of the brutality during the Jewish Holocaust of WWII, it would be equally reprehensible to deny the magnitude and depravity of the systematic crimes of terror, deprivation, and murder that have been perpetrated (and continue) against Muslims in many countries by the design, and often directly at the hands of, the U.S. government & it vassals; these are crimes against Imanity.

Messenger: Angel in Zion Sent: 8/14/2018 11:08:45 AM

I try and stay away from this post because I knew from the beginning this was trouble. That's why I said that this is the wrong forum for this discussion. We are Rasta and we are not into this debate over government BS. I said something is not right because Rasta would not go through this. I sit back and watch the words and it is horrible. There is not another post that has this crazy back and forth. Like I said Hemphill has set up a trap to get Rasta to get out of his comfort zone and argue about government issues. Why is my question? Are you a Ras or a want to be Ras. Jah does not want you to fight your brother's and sister's. This is nonsense and crazy. What will this accomplish?

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/14/2018 11:14:30 AM

The USA has had its hand in advancing the destabilization, but most of the 'terrorizing' has come from the regions own leaders and brutal culture of oppression.. Their Mohammad married a nine year old in the Quran.. They practice female genital mutilation.. They publicly execute women who dare go outside without a male escort or a full body burkah.. Killing all who dont believe in Allah in a jihad.. These are celebrated and pushed onto others today and are basic tenants of the indeigenous culture/theology.. Not something the USA has implemented.. Islam has a longer history of slavery than the west does.. Its still active in Lybia today!!

I have no problem with muslim reformists.. People can have their faith, but the traditional practices of islam are horribly oppressive.. Much worse than Christianity before its reformation..

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/14/2018 11:32:20 AM

Hemp - I think you need to look at the horrors of the U.S. wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, and reconsider your words.

Angel - i think you're right. Every time i try to pull the theme toward His Majesty, i don't feel like it's getting any traction. It's as if His Majesty is dismissed as some kind of a side note.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/14/2018 12:01:02 PM

I was speaking of a Holocaust; a crime against Imanity that is inexcusable. Not offering to put Muslims or Islam on trial.

This is really not the forum to try to vet the relative virtues of Islam.

i've known far too many very fine people who are followers of Islam and visited way too many impressive, productive, peaceful and absolutely delightful societies comprised of predominantly Muslims to entertain any crass disparagement with vulgar soundbites of an entire people and their faith .

Enough said.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/14/2018 12:27:08 PM

You dont argue any points.. To you, its more virtuous to ignore the BLATANT crimes against humanity that the basic tenants of islam produces, than it is to criticise them.. I stand against female genital mutilation. I stand against horrible, barbaric female oppression.. I stand against their profit Muhammad marrying and sleeping with a 9 year old girl.. I stand against making women wear full body burkahs and hijabs.. I stand against public execution of those who dont comply with sharia law.. I stand against their jihad on Europe.. I dont say every muslim perpetuates these things but im not so delusional to ignore them and call other people racist and hatfeul for talking about this extremist oppressive slave culture.. Im quite sure there are some good, moderate islamic regions; but they are still selling black slaves in Lybia... Whats your virtue again? I even extended an olive branch and admitted that the USA has helped create more destabilization.. You call out Christianity but you wont call out islam..

Enough said

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/14/2018 12:35:41 PM

You are apparently extremely ignorant of Islam. i am not an expert in Islam which is why there's no point talking about the true Islamic faith here, but i&I do respect the faith and it adherents. There's nothing special about being able to come up with some outrageous, mudslinging imagery about a religion (or it adherents) which is clearly not characteristic of broader faith. It's cheap sensationalism which is frankly quite boorish.

i suggest you quit while you're ahead, hemp, because the sound bites about Islam you parrot are the same as the propaganda spewed by the most vile, bigoted, and ignorant pundits on the airwaves.

Respect, brother, It's absolutely vital and you're completely missing the boat.

Enough said.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/14/2018 1:40:29 PM

Everything I brought up is very real and currently happening in islamic regions.. You dont have to be an expert on islam to see that.. Women cant drive, vote, show their face and hair, or go outside without a male escort.. They are killed for doing so.. That is not misleading in any way.. That is actually happening as I write this.. You make crass generalizations when talking about Christianity.. According to you, all USA soldiers are Christians on a muslim hunting trip.. So my question is -- and a representation of my entire point here -- why is it ok for you to drag the west and Christians through the dirt, but you refuse to even criticise islam?? The answer is simple.. Hating America, the west, and Christianity are popular views pushed by the establishment through academia and media... By the same narrative, islam cannot be criticized..

Where is the impartiality?

See how far off of my points we are here? I was talking about the censorship move that is accelerating.. Jahcub said Infowars can just broadcast themselves.. That they dont have a right to be on anothers platform.. Not completely correct but fair enough.. Well what happens when they crash his own website? They just did by the way.. He cant even broadcast on his own platform now.. Still a non-issue?? Still within the rights of internet tech giants to facilitate crashing and removing independent websites? The site is down..

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/14/2018 7:07:34 PM

This thing is scientific. This NWO, this babylon system, is operated scientifically.. We live in a technocratic era where a near complete monopoly of information and media can dictate a prescribed narrative.. Monetarily working behind the scenes to create chaotic geopolitical events to then use their media monopoly to present information favorable to the narrative.. Control the cultural perspective and you control the political decisions.. Its not only the news cooperations, or the popular tv shows, or the movies, music, advertisements, but the accepted cultural view entirely.. The mainstream narrative.. Speaking about the millennial generation, ages 18-35, the mainstream is deeply embedded with the cultural attitude.. I am within this age group and see it everyday.. We were born into a time that is like no other. The age of information, communication, internet, social media, artificial intellegence, etc.. The vast majority of people just want to fit in.. Everybody's got a show and a favorite celebrity and most conversation revolves around that.. Being so distracted by the various screens and apps and current trends, people dont have an interest in looking beyond controlled corporate media for news and information.. Most millennials dont question the information with a critical, inquisitive, and independent mind.. Its much easier to keep going with the popular view than it is to challange the narrative and face the mob.. This PC culture has created a nanny-state where saying something critical is offensive. Challenging the liberal narrative is hate speech.. The whole mainstream social order is validated within the controlled academic institutions.. To get ahead, the professors must answer to the board members, and the board listens to owners, and all the rest of the way up.. But its the students who get trampled.. More than just to make money, the goal is to recreate reality. Produce a version that can be completely manipulated similar to George Orwells novel '1984'.. Full spectrum dominance.. Dissent is forbidden.. The masses will regulate and maintain the status quo by punishing those who stray for the 'safety of the herd'.. Doing the beasts bidding..

The reason this mass censorship is advancing so rapidly is because its wanted.. Those who live in the synthetic, artificial, PC mainstream have been trained to accept the corporate will. Questioning the official political narrative is upsetting to the corporate cultural establishment.. Being critical of the liberal cultural perspective is deemed hate speech.. The corporate/political cabal are making a major move because the counterculture has been effective. Too many people are able to see through the programming.. They cant allow the dissenters the ability to speak and influence even more people.. Infowars was just the beginning. They were kicked off of 25 social media platforms and just today their private website was shut down. As big of a story as this is, the full story is that every dissenting independent journalist is being shut down.. Soon, the only media will be the establishment media.. The internet will be regulated.. No-one will be able to question anything if this continues..

May Jah guide us through..

H.I.M: "These young people face a world beset with the most effectively organized programme of deceptive propaganda, and thinly screened operations ever known."

"Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph."

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