No, brother: Trump is a politician, an actor, a part of the Babylon Show.
"JAH come to break downpression,
Rule equality,
Wipe away transgression,
Set the captives free."
Let's not lose sight of that. Especially, let's not try to steer our brethren away from JAH toward putting their faith in another Mr. Big Man.
Allowing oneself to be duped by another wolf in sheep's clothing only means one thing: You end up crestfallen and crawling back to the ever-loving arms of JAH when you inevitably realize that you've been deceived again.
Yes, JAH will take you back. Yes, JAH LOVE never gives up on us no matter how many times we allow ourselves to foolishly be deluded that the likes of a Donald Trump have anything to do with the redemption of JAH Children.
That's because JAH is Real and HIS Love is True, unconditional, awesome and unlimited. Mr. Big Man is just one more thief and murderer occupying the White House.
Be not deceived.