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President Trump and MAGA

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Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/1/2018 12:30:58 PM

i'm curious what you think about Trump's use of tariffs to deal with trade. [i think it's only appropriate for me to disclose my bias which is that i have no professional respect for any person, especially a leader, who refuses to abide by his or her commitments and/or the commitments of the organization he or she represents; so Mr. Trump has no respect from me. This is just a hold over from many years in business when i refused to deal with people like Trump who did not honor their obligations.]
Tariffs in today's world are such an indiscriminate weapon with which to wage a trade war that i'm curious if you think Trump is just ignorant of modern economics (e.g., modern multinational supply and value chains) or simply behaves like a drunk in a brawl not caring who gets hurt. For example, if he wants to make China feel pain to bring them to the negotiating table, there are so many better, more focused ways (than tariffs) to go about it without causing such massive collateral damage to the businesses and economies of the US and its allies the way that tariffs do. Do you think he's just ignorant of economics or is he pandering to a xenophobic base regardless of the collateral damage or does he not care what happens to the millions of little people who get hurt by such antics or what?
After all, Americans buy stuff made in China because it's cheap and they like the quality.[Cheap Chinese merchandise is a saving grace for millions of poor Americans because it augments their purchasing power immensely.] Seems like if people really feel they need to blame someone for a trade imbalance then the blame belongs with Wall Street and the multinational corporations which have profited enormously from the development of China's manufacturing capacity.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/1/2018 6:00:51 PM

Look, 60 years ago China bearly had running water.. Now they are leading the world in GDP, industry, and nearly everything else (monetarily).. Is this because China suddenly had an epiphany and decided to create general prosperity through open markets and freedom? Or did this occur because China was chosen by the NWO globalists to be the next super power by brutally forcing a communist dictatorship onto the population? China has killed 110 million of its own people since Mao.. And yes, as we just covered, the devils, specifically Rockefeller, within the USA funded Mao and purposefully sold this country out to them.. The low priced products from China have helped create the ENORMOUS financial deficit the US currently has.. I found this: "Over the past several decades, U.S. consumers have loved gobbling up super-cheap goods from China, and the Chinese have used many of the dollars that they have been accumulating to fund our exploding national debt. This relationship has been bad for the United States in a lot of ways, and something had to be done, but in the short-term this trade war is going to be enormously painful."
Here is an example.. Treating cancer is a devastatingly painful process; but if there is no treatment, death is certain.. Now I know that is an over simplification.. But in a lot of ways it highlights our current situation.. The cancer of the American sell-out to China has been causing a slow and agonizing death.. Our trade deficit is out of control, our industries have been cut off at the knees for the 'super-cheap' Chinese goods, our biggest companies have jumped ship and moved entirely to China.. Apple has already done this; Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter are getting ready to do the same.. Side note: look into the 'social credit score' that the Chinese government has implemented to completely control every aspect of the citizens lives for some context as to why the social media giants are moving there.. Couple that with the MASSIVE censorship of alternative voices that social media has been enforcing and a pretty clear picture begins to form.. The globalists have created the dystopic Chinese super power as the model for world domination.. Child limits, forced labor, forced abortion, 'social credit', communist dictatorship, etc.. So when I look at the current trade situation; the game has long been rigged in favor of China -- and every other nation the USA works with for that matter -- so when Trump makes moves to level the playing field, it doesnt surprise me that the worlds markets get shaken up a bit.. This doesnt mean that some of the consequences dont worry me, but the US economy is coming back from the dead and China is in no danger of collapse.. I look at the North Korea situation as a similar example.. Everyone was worried that Trumps actions would cause a nuclear war.. He was not afraid to respond to NK with threats of military action if NK didnt stop flaunting is nuclear capabilities.. Well look now.. Trump did what NO OTHER President had been able to do.. He helped bring peace to the peninsula and brought NK to the table and negotiated a denuclearization deal.. He doesnt act in a way that people are used to and because of this, he actually accomplishes things.. We will have to see how this 'trade war' shakes out but I dont think he is ignorantly acting on a whim with zero concern for the ramifications.. That is a perspective that has been forced onto every one of his actions by the biases mainstream media.. He is not out there looking for a way to 'bring pain to China'; his motivation is to bring back American industry and economy.. As widely reported -- "In an interview with CNN, U.S. steel industry leaders praised Trump’s 25 percent tariff on imported steel, a protection effort designed to bring steel jobs back to the country after free trade deals decimated the industry for the past two decades. “All in all, we’re very happy with tariffs,” said the Nucor CEO John Ferriola. Trump visited Granite City, Illinois, where the former steel town announced that, thanks to the president’s protective tariffs, it was rehiring at least 800 American workers who had previously lost their jobs to foreign competitors."

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/2/2018 2:57:09 AM

I think tariffs might be fine if you have ample money to buy goods at whatever the prices are, but if you are a U.S. wage earner whose pay hasn't gone up in any meaningful way for a long, long time, then tariffs are just one more slap in the face.
I'm happy to see you affirm that it was the Elite Cabal and not China who is to blame for what has happened. Frankly, i don't care if China is communist or capitalist (as both in practice are corrupted political systems imbued with the devil's mindsets); that's their business. On one level, i don't fault them one bit for doing what's apparently best for China and pulling hundreds of millions out of poverty. But as you point out, China has only done what it has been programmed to do by the Elite Cabal.
As for Mr. Trump suggesting that he can turn back the clock to a time when America was flush with high paying jobs in heavy industry and manufacturing, well that's just wishful thinking, at best, or delusional at worst. For America, that ship has sailed into the sunset of history. Even if it were possible, Americans simply cannot afford to buy good and services from an entirely "Made in America" economy unless there was a massive redistribution of wealth downward. All the building of walls in the world can't fence out the reality of cheap labor around the world and increasing robotic automation in manufacturing. Since Mt. Trump seems perfectly content to continue to redistribute wealth upward and not downward, i don't see how his own constituents win.
Reality is that we live in an interdependent world and no amount of nostalgic desire to seal America up in a hermetic bubble of economic isolation is going to be able to change that or even substantially improve the lot of Americans whose real enemies are Wall Street, warmongers and the military-industrial-security complex, and the Elite Cabal.

Is China's absolute control form of governance and economic exploitation of the working class the model that the globalists seek to apply to everyone on the planet, including Americans? Absolutely.
Can we see that to a large degree America has already converged with China's model as an authoritarian slave labor police state? Absolutely.
Is Trump doing anything, other than distracting people with entertaining antics, to change that? Absolutely not.
If anything , he's helping to solidify it by continuing to legitimize (or mainstream, if you will) heavy-handed authoritarian tactics and dumbing people down into binary-thinking fools. He's a chaos creator and just like the Cabal has used chaos throughout the Middle East and elsewhere for a very long time to cover the implementation of its sinister agenda, it's using it in America too. Under cover of public chaos the Elite's agenda is quietly implemented.

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/2/2018 3:30:15 AM

Here's a helpful quote that yields the perspective that a trade war over trade imbalance is a bunch of hooey designed to confuse us, make us turn against one another (e.g. white skin against yellow skin), and sow the seeds of chaos:

"Forget the export-import numbers between both superpowers. American companies had US$627 billion in assets and US$482 billion in sales in China as of 2015. In comparison, Chinese companies had only US$167 billion in U.S. assets and US$26 billion in U.S. sales."

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/2/2018 8:43:56 AM

And here's the very eloquent and simplified description (by a very highly regarded, Nobel Prize winning economist) of why Mr. Trump's trade wars and tariff impositions targeting China will have no (or only negative) effect on America's trade situation.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/2/2018 12:20:28 PM

Nesta1: "..High paying jobs.. For America, that ship has sailed into the sunset of history"

Obama: "Those jobs just aren't coming back, when he (Trump) just says, 'I'm gonna negotiate a better deal.' Well how? How exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn't have an answer."

Reality: Record job growth month after month under Trump.. North Korea denuclearization..

Nesta1: "unless there was a massive redistribution of wealth"

Obama: "facilitate some redistribution, because I actually believe in redistribution"

Bernie Sanders: "have a massive transfer of wealth"

CNN/Mainstream Media: "If Trump thinks he can get more than 3% economic growth hes dreaming"

Reality: Trump economy hits 4.1% GDP

Nesta1: Capitalism = devils mindset

Litterally every socialist ever: Capitalism = devils mindset

Reality: Venezuela

Nesta1: "Trumps sinister agenda, authoritarian tactics"

Mainstream Media: "Literally Hitler"

Reality: Trump is anti-globalism -- "Americanism not gloablism will be our credo" -- Trump is pro human -- "Wether you are Black, Brown, or White, we all bleed the same red blood of Patriots"

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/2/2018 2:16:07 PM

Not your best offering Hh. It 's more like a mainstream media punch list of Madison Avenue-created soundbites than one of your more thoughtful offerings.

i don't live in the US, don't have a TV and only very rarely see or read any US media propaganda so you can rest assured that i'm not parroting the "liberal media". i do my own thinking. i'm old fashioned that way, just like i saved money for thirty years for retirement instead of relying on social security to be there or living on credit card debt.

Of course capitalism is the devil's system/mindset for goodness sake. Talk about a "given" for a Rastaman. It's an economic system built upon cheating, greed, corruption, deception, war, exploitation, slavery and dirty tricks (to name a few). i should know after working in American business for 35 years. It wasn't socialism or communism that put our African brothers & sisters on the ships bound for colonial America. So 'capitalism is of the devil' is not propaganda; it's my life long observation. But you notice that I'm not glorifying socialism either because there's plenty of dysfunction to go around, and systems of economic and governance don't boil down to such a simple 'either /or' binary choices.

When I said "unless there was a massive redistribution of wealth downward" i was simply referring to the socioeconomic reality, not advocating any particular policy. The vast majority of Americans have gotten a lot poorer in the past thirty years and it's going to take a much more than creating an abundance of low - to mid-wage jobs to alter that. (We all know that unemployment statistics are falsified in the US by excluding those able workers who've given up trying to find work.)

America's trade problem is one of high cost domestic labor (even though many American workers are poor by their own country's standards) and lack of savings because the nation and its people have forgotten the meaning of thrifty and been piling up out-of-control debt. An American politician blaming other countries for America's trade imbalance is simply pandering to people who don't understand business & economics, and who feel better about placing blame on foreigners than they do about accepting responsibility.

Trump (or anyone audacious enough--even you or i) can implement a bunch of spectacular & irresponsible knee-jerk measures that create the illusion of prosperity for awhile, but it's not sustainable. The laws of economics continue to apply regardless of the occupant of the White House. If Trump was really serious about "America First" why didn't he invert the beneficiary proportions of that massive tax cut to benefit the consumer class instead of lining the pockets of people who already have so much money they just store it in warehouses? That wouldn't have solved America's trade or economic problems but it would have demonstrated a modicum of sincerity.

Just a final though, Hh: You're a well-versed fellow when it comes to global topics so surely you are well aware that Venezuela's economic problems have nothing to do with a failure of socialism. That's the kind of low level propaganda narrative that i don't really believe you get hoodwinked by. Venezuela's economic problems have to do with years of overt and covert economic warfare being waged upon the nation by clandestine agencies of the West, economic sabotage by Venezuela's own dethroned former plutocrats, and internal corruption in the Venezuelan government (which has always been a problem regardless of the political ideology of those in power). So saying "Reality: Venezuela" as a way to represent "socialism, bad" or "socialism, doesn't work" is a corny red herring not worthy of you. I know you can formulate better, more insightful responses than these.

Messenger: Jahcub Onelove Sent: 8/2/2018 3:14:20 PM

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/2/2018 3:42:38 PM

Ahahaha look at this pathetic video!! This is my entire point!! First look at the thumbnail, a distorted cartoon caricature of Trump.. Perfectly highlighting how these types cant work with reality.. Have to distort it.. Lol.. Then look at the opening speech trying -- miserably -- to establish proof.. Haha its jumbled up, cut and spliced clips to get the desired words.. Then they show Trump reading an article WRITTEN ABOUT HIM by the biased media as proof for him actually saying this... The oldest, weakest trick in the book employed by babylon LIARS to try to establish their talking points.. Its done over and over in an attempt to defame people.. Total proof that these types have to cut and distort reality to fit their narrative.. Its not even done well.. Completely pathetic.. Wonder how much money this 'ras' made from pushing this garbage..

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 8/2/2018 3:59:10 PM

Nesta1.. Venezuela is not in its current predicament because of the failures of socialism.. It is in its current position because of the SUCCESS of socialism.. Its not a 'great idea that hasnt been implemented properly' as people would have us believe.. Its a terrible idea that has worked perfectly everytime its tried.. It completely decimates the population that its forced upon.. Ushering all wealth out from the masses and into the 1%.. Bernie Sanders is a multi millionaire who wants to say tax the rich and 'redistribute the wealth'... Is he going to give away his fortune for the benefit of the common man? Is he going to open up his 3 multi million dollar mansions to house immigrants for his open border policy?? HELL NO!! They NEVER do!! But they want to -- and have been able to -- make us do it!!

Capitalism has been hijacked by devils for thier own benefit.. Using it illegally and deceptively to accomplish what communism and socialism does openly.. Capitalism at its base -- without the deceptive manipulation -- is an open market system giving anyone a chance to cater to a market.. Supply and demand.. Simple.. But again, this gets distorted and pushed as bad bad America and everything western is BAD!!

Read the Bilderberg white papers.. They admit it!!

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