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President Trump and MAGA

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Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/30/2018 11:14:54 PMHidden - Foolishness
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Messenger: SunofMan Sent: 7/31/2018 12:22:29 AM

Dude you push the same right wing rhetoric we've heard since the Trump admin started. You despise corporate players, but support Trump!? You accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being of a misled herd mentality, when you prescribe to the man that the majority of Americans voted for. If I'm sipping the kool aid, then you're chugging it! Our realities are not in alignment. Trump and Rastafaris reality aren't even close.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/31/2018 9:38:56 AM

Force fed right wing rhetoric? Please! Show me where the mainstream corporate media is anything other than liberal! What, Fox news? They bash Trump almost as much as CNN.. EVERYTHING else is far left.. From Vice, MSNBC, The View, Washington Post, New York Times, Politifact, Snopes, ABC, CNN, Google, Facebook, Twitter, on and on and on.. They are ALL liberal.. Hollywood, mainstream music, its the cultural establishment. Its all a gaint echo chamber with forced fed Politically Correct Identity Politic liberal garbage!! Show me where the corporate media has brought the Bilderberg group or eugenics into the forefront of the American conversation.. Show me where mainstream corporate media has a majority of positive Trump coverage.. Its 97% negative coverage.. Its all a babylon combine designed to control your mind.. Spewing the same made up garbage day after day.. The system is flipping shit over Trump and America First.. Thats why they cannot allow free speech anymore.. The establishment is censoring the right wing voices that challange their fake news.. Not pushing them.. What world do you live in? Lol you out there fighting for ANTIFA??

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 7/31/2018 12:15:12 PM

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”- Vladimir Lenin

U.S. Special Forces in Syria and Iraq reportedly "fight against" Islamic Jihadist terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Al-Nusra), yet those very same Jihadist mercenaries are trained, armed and financed by the U.S. (through it covert assets), its favorite Gulf State Monarchies (e.g., Saudi Arabia, Qatar. etc.), and a handful of other Western intelligence services.

Controlling both sides of the battle, be it political, economic, military, or even religious, is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and has long been standard practice for the Elite Cabal (heck, even mobsters use the strategy). Why leave to chance that which you can easily control?

Just think about it for a moment and visualize how absurd it is for us to believe that the Elite Powers, which have controlled the Babylon System our entire lives, would somehow allow a true, unfettered agent (whom they don't control) of the People to be elected to high office. As if the Cabal can't easily create or destroy the worldly situation of ANY PERSON at will.

As i&I once wrote many years ago: "They own all of the teams, they own the arena, they employ the referees and they make the rules. You can go to the ball game and cheer for whomever you want, but YOU and the rest of the fans don't get to determine the outcome of the championship." Of course, in keeping with the analogy: it doesn't matter which team wins anyway since they own them all.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/31/2018 12:30:13 PM

Nesta1. I appreciate the thoughtful contribution with your last post..

I have to say, Trumps military decisions so far are my biggest complaint against him.. Specifically his hasteful air strikes on Syria following the false flag gas attack.. It was proven to be a fraudulent event but action was taken before anything could ve verified.. I dont think anyone was harmed with the strikes, could be wrong, but it should have never happened to begin with.. I think that situation shows how the people around Trump, hand picked or not, are pulling him in a desired military direction.. As far as JCPOA goes, It was faulty to begin with.. The entire premise was that Iran would have nuclear capabilities for peace.. Well Isreals Netanyahu recently came out with a huge report detailing Irans breach of contract in creating nuclear warheads.. Even after ending the 'deal'; Trumps officials said: “I don’t think we’re at that point today, or we won’t be tomorrow, but, yes, that’s the ultimate goal — to lay the groundwork for getting everyone back to the table and negotiating a new deal”.. Saying that the USA no longer makes empty threats, i.e. economic sanctions, is not a declaration of war.. Iran saying threatening the 'mother of all wars' is though.. But again, I think this situation highlights just how badly the Neocons surrpunding Trump want war.. Trump could have made better choices for advisors but only has so many cards to choose from.. This is not an excuse; again, this is my biggest complaint of Trump.. It reminds me of his recent Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh.. Not the best pick in my opinion, he has ties to bush, but it might have been the only viable option for acceptance into the position..

A New American Century? Nah.. America has been purposefully sold out to the Communist Chinese.. You can look to many Hollywood movies in how they will say 'China is the future'.. Also, many universities are owned by the Chinese.. Pushing the idea that America is dead and China is the future.. We can get into that much deeper.. Just wanted to touch up on your last post and let you know I didnt forget about you.. Had to dispatch another nonsensical rant first..


Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 7/31/2018 1:08:37 PM

Thank you for the thoughtful reply, H.
I read a very informative (and highly detailed) book last year called "Manufactured Crisis:The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare" (2014) by historian/journalist Gareth Porter. I highly recommend it for a different perspective.
I imagine that you're generally familiar with the history of Anglo-American involvement with the internal affairs of Persia/Iran. To say that Persians have been very poorly treated by the West and subjected to some really dirty tricks is a gross understatement so whenever I contemplate relations between the U.S. and Iran I tend to try to frame it by putting my feet in the shoes of the average Iranian college kid or young professional living in a place like Tehran or Shiraz today.

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/31/2018 3:39:05 PM

I will look into the book. But ultimately I agree with you. For a long time the US has been fomenting chaos to create the 'need' for a regime change.. The middle east has so many of examples of this but it doesnt stop there.. They funded Mao Zedong to decimate his own population into accepting communism to then be the new 'super power' of the world.. Even Hitler and Nazi Germany were influenced by the early 1900's open Eugenics programs of the USA.. It is for these reasons, and others, that I CANNOT blame anyone for wanting to destroy this empire.. However, I feel that nothing is as simple as it first seems.. It is -- as you say -- the elite powers of the system that have done these horrible things.. Not the general public.. This is one reason why I dont just say America is babylon and it needs to be destroyed.. The people of this country have been bleeding for generations from the same policies.. Just not as obviously as other countries..

It is those people who need to be brought down and served justice.. The career politicians who hypocritically say they stand for human rights while trampling upon them.. The generals in the military who follow the orders without blinking.. Who arm the very 'rebels' they claim to be fighting.. Trust me; I understand the sentiment.. They own both sides and the arena.. I just see that this is an illusion of power.. They have no REAL power like JAH.. So as much as they control and own, they really dont own or control anything other than their own system.. Lets not give them too much credit.. They are weak and disgusting people who hide behind their monopolies and empires avoiding accountability for generations.. Their system is not above failure, it is not even all that clever.. Its just bureaucracy and black mail.. It can and has been infiltrated.. Eisenhower's exit speech is one to remember. Speaking on the technological ruling class and the military Industrial complex... So it might not seem likely that Trump is independent from this cabal, being that he is a billionaire, but the more I watch what he does and what he says, the more I think that he isn't a blackmailed puppet for them.. He could be, time will tell, I just dont see or feel that to be true at this time.. He has his own money so no need to buy him.. He has called out too many people for their corruption, he has caused too much disruption to the globalist agenda to be one of theirs.. In my opinion.. America First is the LAST thing these globalists want.. Thats why their media runs 24/7 hatred of Trump.. Didn't see that with any president who was theirs..

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/31/2018 3:56:22 PM

Messenger: Hemphill Sent: 7/31/2018 3:57:01 PM

Messenger: Nesta1 Sent: 8/1/2018 2:34:50 AM

Fair enough.

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