“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”- Vladimir Lenin
U.S. Special Forces in Syria and Iraq reportedly "fight against" Islamic Jihadist terrorists (e.g., ISIS, Al-Nusra), yet those very same Jihadist mercenaries are trained, armed and financed by the U.S. (through it covert assets), its favorite Gulf State Monarchies (e.g., Saudi Arabia, Qatar. etc.), and a handful of other Western intelligence services.
Controlling both sides of the battle, be it political, economic, military, or even religious, is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and has long been standard practice for the Elite Cabal (heck, even mobsters use the strategy). Why leave to chance that which you can easily control?
Just think about it for a moment and visualize how absurd it is for us to believe that the Elite Powers, which have controlled the Babylon System our entire lives, would somehow allow a true, unfettered agent (whom they don't control) of the People to be elected to high office. As if the Cabal can't easily create or destroy the worldly situation of ANY PERSON at will.
As i&I once wrote many years ago: "They own all of the teams, they own the arena, they employ the referees and they make the rules. You can go to the ball game and cheer for whomever you want, but YOU and the rest of the fans don't get to determine the outcome of the championship." Of course, in keeping with the analogy: it doesn't matter which team wins anyway since they own them all.