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White People is the root of all evil

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 8/9/2014 3:23:52 AM

What I am saying is that in other lands like the americas those people must fight ther for ther freedom coz why do you let one race called the europeans rule over you. Europe is for the europeans. How cruel the whiteman really was we can see that he comes to america and takes over ther just like in Africa. Dem americans must fight for ther land back from babylon. All over the world the whiteman come and steal land from the people who's land it really is. Jah made the earth and all its inhabitants. The earth is for everyone and the fullness thereof. The land belongs to everyone. Don't let babylon rule you. Jah make I and I free. The earth belongs to Jah children and the fullness thereof. Babylon system cant change Jah children. Jah children remaineth one and the same likeness. Its time to take your land back from the evil demons oppressors. Jah Ras Tafari set I and I free from the evil oppressor. Don't let babylon rule you. Be free. Rasta set I and I free from all oppression.

Jah Ras Tafari
Haile Selassie I

Emanuel I

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 8/9/2014 1:27:33 PM

What powers allowed dem to conquer d eart

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 8/9/2014 3:32:13 PM

Statement by His Excellency the
President of the Republic of
Zimbabwe, Comrade Robert Gabriel
Mugabe during the general debate of
the 68th session of the United Nations
Generally Assembly, New York, on
September 26, 2013:
Your Excellency, the President of
the 68tb Session of the United
Nations General Assembly, Mr.
John William Ashe,
Your Majesties,
Your Excellences, Heads of State
and Government,
Your Excellency, the Secretary-
General of the United Nations, Mr.
Ban Ki-moon,
Distinguished Delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Comrades and Friends
Let me begin by extending warmest
congratulations to you Mr. John
William Ashe, on your election as
President of the 68tb Session of the
General Assembly. Your election to
this esteemed office is a befitting
tribute to the personal and diplomatic
qualities that you have exhibited over
the years.
Mr. President,
Throughout the world, peace and
development have remained the
dominant themes of our times.
People all over the world have been
raising their voices in favour of peace,
development and cooperation and
against war, poverty and
confrontation. Here at the UN we all
acknowledge that peace, security,
development and human rights are
the pillars of the UN system and the
cornerstones of our collective well-
In this regard, the theme for this
Session - The Post-2015 Agenda :
Setting the Stage - is quite pertinent
and timely as it gives fresh impetus to
our undertaking that achieving the
internationally agreed Development
Goals, including the MDGs and
mapping the way forward beyond
2015, requires our collective efforts.
The UN, as the centre for international
cooperation, should lead in
promoting the envisaged
Mr. President,
Thirteen years ago, our global efforts
were mobilised behind the
Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) and we now have less that
1,000 days to meet those targets. Our
review and stock taking exercise reveal
that while there have been some
significant achievements, there are still
gaps and unevenness in the
attainment of these goals. In the case
of Zimbabwe, we have made progress
towards achieving universal access to
primary education, combating HIV/
AIDS, malaria and TB.
Some of the goals, however, are, due
to lack of capacity, mainly financial, off
track and in some areas, progress has
stalled including in those areas
relating to the eradication of poverty
and hunger, child mortality, universal
access to maternal and reproductive
health, environmental sustainability
and access to potable water and
As a country, we are committed to
undertake coordinated efforts to
accelerate progress to complete the
unfinished business of the MDGs in
the remaining period to 2015. Any
unachieved goals by then, should be
integrated into the post-2015
development agenda.
Mr. President,
Zimbabwe fully shares and supports
the emerging consensus that
eradicating poverty in all its
dimensions should be the
overarching goal of our post 2015
agenda. Eradicating poverty by 2030
may be an ambitious goal, but it is
attainable if we mobilise our collective
efforts. Building on the foundation of
the MDGs, the post 2015 agenda
should go beyond the social
development agenda of the MDGs and
achieve structural transformation in
our economies that delivers inclusive
and sustainable growth.
We expect a shift that will bring about
industrialisation, decent jobs and
qualitative change to the lives of our
citizens. We are determined to
modernise our infrastructure and
ensure access to sustainable energy
for all, food security and nutrition.
However, we recognise that we
cannot do this in isolation from other
In the same vein, we also support
calls to prioritise gender equality, the
health related MDGs, education and
environmental sustainability in the
post-2015 development agenda
among other issues. These are critical
issues in our quest to achieve
sustainable development for all our
Mr. President,
The lofty objectives of the UN Charter
in the economic arena will remain
unfulfilled unless all Member States
join in efforts genuinely and seriously,
to address challenges that developing
countries face in their pursuit of
development including meeting the
It is therefore imperative that our
discussions address what has so far
been the weakest link – the means of
implementation. It must be
understood that in addition to
national efforts, substantial
international support and an enabling
international economic environment
are essential if the MDGs are to be
achieved by 2015 especially in Africa. It
is therefore important to fulfil the
commitments made to support Africa
in various international fora. The UN
should track the fulfilment of these
Mr. President,
Zimbabwe supports the reform of the
UN to strengthen its central role in
promoting multilateralism and to be
effective in tackling current and future
global challenges. We are convinced
that the reform will strengthen the
organisation's capacity to fully
promote and implement the
principles and objectives of the UN
Charter and improve its democratic
decision making.
In this regard, the reforms in the
economic and social actions of the UN
remain of fundamental importance to
us. Our firm belief in multilateral
cooperation means that we place a
premium in the ability of the United
Nations system to deliver efficient
development co-operation.
The democratic transformation of the
architecture of the international
financial system is quintessential as is
a root-and-branch reform of the
international trading system. The
terms of trade have hugely burdened
developing countries for too long.
Mr. President,
Zimbabwe supports the ongoing
efforts to revitalize the General
Assembly which is the most
representative organ of the United
Nations. We believe that the General
Assembly should take the lead in
setting the global agenda and restore
its primacy that has over the years
been encroached upon by other
We cannot accept situations whereby
the UN Security Council is increasingly
encroaching on issues that
traditionally fall within the General
Assembly's purview and competence,
including in the area of norm setting.
Indeed, recent events have revealed
that its formal decisions have
provided camouflage to neo-
imperialist forces of aggression
seeking to militarily intervene in
smaller countries in order to effect
regime change and acquire complete
control of their wealth. This was so in
Libya where in the name of protecting
civilians, NATO forces were deployed
with an undeclared mission to
eliminate Muammar Gaddafi and his
family. A similar campaign had been
undertaken in Iraq by the Bush and
Blair forces in the false name of
eradicating weapons of mass
destruction which Saddam Hussein
never possessed.
We appreciate the central role that UN
should play in furthering
multilateralism in preference to
unilateralism. In this regard, we
applaud the consultations and
negotiations on the eventual
destruction of the chemical weapons
in Syria. My country expresses its
gratitude and appreciation to Russia
and China for their principled stand
on Syria. We hope and trust that the
Syrian people will soon sit in dialogue
to discuss peace and desirable
political reforms. Those western
countries in pursuit of hegemony as
they pretend to be advocates of
democracy must be resisted.
Mr. President,
For Africa, the reform of the United
Nations Security Council is especially
long overdue. The anachronistic and
unrepresentative character of the
Security Council must be redressed.
For how long should Africa continue
to be denied the right to play a pivotal
role in the United Nations Security
Council as it decides measures on
conflicts within its own borders?
The Security Council needs to be more
representative, democratic,
transparent, accountable and
accessible to the wider membership
for its decisions to have more
legitimacy. Africa's case for the
correction of the glaring historical
injustice of being unrepresented in the
permanent category and under-
represented in the non-permanent
category has been made through the
clear, fair and well-articulated Ezulwini
Consensus. Zimbabwe remains
steadfast in its support of the Ezulwini
Mr. President,
Zimbabwe strongly condemns the use
of unilateral economic sanctions as a
foreign policy tool to effect regime
change. Thus, the illegal economic
sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by
the United States and the European
Union violate fundamental principles
of the United Nations Charter on state
sovereignty and non-interference in
the domestic affairs of a sovereign
Moreover, these illegal sanctions
continue to inflict economic
deprivation and human suffering on
all Zimbabweans. In the eyes of our
people, the sanctions constitute a
form of hostility and violence against
them for the simple crime of
undertaking the land reform
programme by which land was put in
the hands of the then majority
landless Zimbabweans.

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 8/9/2014 3:34:57 PM

Our small and peaceful country is
threatened daily by covetous and
bigoted big powers whose hunger for
domination and control of other
nations and their resources knows no
bounds. Shame, shame, shame to the
United States of America. Shame,
shame, shame to Britain and its allies.
Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans, so are
its resources. Please remove your
illegal and filthy sanctions from my
peaceful country. If these sanctions
were intended to effect regime
change, well, the results of the recent
national elections have clearly shown
you what they can do.
Mr. President,
We are preached to daily by the west
on the virtues of democracy and
freedom which they do not totally
espouse. Zimbabwe took up arms
precisely to achieve our freedom and
democracy. Yet we have been
punished by United States through
the odious Zimbabwe Democracy and
Economic Recovery Act enacted in
2001 to effect regime change in the
Now, this malicious intent to continue
the relentless persecution of our small
and peaceful country has happened
again through the USA's rejection of
the recent absolutely democratic and
fair election results of our July 31st
general elections, even as they were
applauded by the African Union and
all our regional organisations.
It appears that when the USA and its
allies speak of democracy and
freedom they are doing so only in
relative terms. Zimbabwe however
refuses to accept that these western
detractors have the right to define
democracy and freedom for us. We
paid the ultimate price for it and we
are determined never to relinquish
our sovereignty and remain masters
of our destiny. As we have repeatedly
asserted, Zimbabwe will never be a
colony again!!
I thank you.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/10/2014 10:48:38 AM

Shame, shame, shame to the
United States of America. Shame,
shame, shame to Britain and its allies.

^bigup for the words of Mugabe zion mountain have you got a reference? Or just to find out when was this from?

You hear about the recent meeting with the UN and African leaders where they invite Mugabe but say his wife can't accompany him? But Mugabe dont play them tricks, he tell dem he na go where his wife na go. Even if they did it on purpose.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/10/2014 10:54:20 AM

A brother from Zimbabwe tell I say even with all of Mugabe talk of land reform and chasing out the white man.....

1) he only really speaks up about these things near election time
2) instead of white master now a own all the land dem jus get replace by bakanal / bakramasta nigga dem, who behave in the same way if not worse than the white people. In other words the land still hasn't been shared out properly.
3) too many africans in Zimbabwe although being given the land, or opportunities to work on the land, some a dem modern generation want nothing to do with farming and dat deh life, dem prefer to pree up America and British life, true the effects of colonial brainwashing.

Dem seem like some harsh assessment still but from a shona brother so I ask de I as a shona sed way...... is any of that hold true? How the I sight it and Mugabe dem?
Even if not perfect to I he will always b a revolutionary!

Messenger: zion mountain Sent: 8/12/2014 1:26:10 PM

His Excellency R.G Mugabe saw the vision for Black empowerment and chased the white devils out of Zimbabwe.

The land hasnt been officially shared since the removal of whites kindled a war with Britain and US.Since dat time,babylon has been spreading propaganda about the man,bringing diseases unto the indigenous people like cholera,malaria etc,forming opposition politikal parties to divide the masses i.e the MDC.

Mugabe is turning this country like how it was b4 babylon,there is plenty land and it is being distributed to anyone who wishes to resettle,since many are now Westernized,only a few will fulfill,so there is nuff land for every one.

I think the situation dat occured in Ethiopia during Mengistu era is the same dat happened here,people rebelled against Mugabe not overstanding REVELATION and Mugabe was painted bad all over but the man stood firm

Iman Iditate that the Man is the fullfillment of Ambuya Nehanda's prophecy

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 8/13/2014 8:50:09 AM

More power brother. That was but one opinion from a 'westernised' zimbabwe brother. Still, many others I have met from that country share you sentiments about Black Empowerment and Mugabe. To us looking from the diaspora inwards, he will always represent a Revolutionary Leader among our people in this time. I have some brethren who are deeply connected with Mugabe's movement/army and are more than willing to fight for him.

Bless up

Messenger: MELCHEZIDEK Sent: 8/15/2014 3:05:40 AM

Blessed for de input. Yes I more powers unto de children of de most High Jah Ras Tafari. Jah Blessed. More Fyah

Messenger: Ras Yohannes Sent: 8/15/2014 6:52:50 AM

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