I agree Gideon. Selassie is god, so even god in sense of the EoC is Selassie. God is Jesus, Jesus is Selassie, we are all gods children, we all have JAH within us. We are all one! So even when people say Selassie is not god, he sure has acted and spoken the truth just as Jesus had before him. Has anyone read the book:
Rastaheart: A Journey into one love ??
I have just finished it and I found it very interesting.
I am always looking for more books to read besides the Bible, if anyone has any suggestions.
May Babylon be brought down so InI can live as we were meant to live.
Blessings to InI brethren and sistren. Let us all see the one truth and let us all find our own way to manifest that one truth within our lives.
Special Respect and Thanks at this point also to Arc I for itinually spreading the good word and giving the righteous loving children of god a place to meet and reason and learn. Also my best wishes to Arc I and his wife on their Journey together into one love under JAH moon stars and sun.
Jah RastafarI