Everyone who is listening:
I am going to start over from the beginning. As Ark says for me to support my point of view with reasonings I need to establish the basic principles and then use logic to build on these principles so that I can reach my conclusions.
In response to this process, I expect that anyone who doesn't like my conclusions will be able to explain why. Either they should refute one of my basic claims or they should find a mistake in my use of logic. If you cannot refute my basic claims and you cannot find a mistake in my logic then you have no rational basis for claiming that my conclusions are not correct.
So my basic principles for this reasoning are:
1. There is a being called Jah, who is the creator of everything. Everything that exists, existed or will exist and every event that takes place is the result of his will. He is the creator of everything and creation stems from him.
2. There are beings called men that are created by Jah. Men exist, as everything else in existence (creation) because of the will of Jah. Everything that men are and everything that they do are an expression of Jah's will, in the same way that all creation is an expression of Jah's will. Every thing that happens in creation, including men's actions, exist by the will of Jah, the creator.
3. Men are spirit and flesh. Spirit creatures (creations) manifest in the form of matter (flesh).
So now I am going to use these three facts and put together an argument. The conclusion I am trying to reach is that contrary to what we have heard and been taught, there is no wrong thing in creation. This statement that there is no wrong thing includes every action of every man, and every earthquake, tornado and every physical thing that occurs in creation. Here are the basic logical proofs that support this conclusion, based on the three "assumptions" above:
1. Every action of man is physically the manifestation of Jah's will, as Jah creates those actions through the medium of man.
2. The way how men do things is that man's spirit acts through the medium of man's flesh to create the will of that spirit.
3. Everything that man creates is actually created by Jah, manifest through man. This is practical oneness of will in the sense that what man tries to do and actually does is really the manifestation of Jah's will in creation.
I can go on and on, but basically I am just describing the same thing from different angles. The point is that whatever men do and whatever happens is Jah will. Which is what I've been saying all along.
So Ark and others. Do you have reasonings different to what I am saying? If so, please tear apart my reasonings in a rational and reasonable way so that people can see that what you're saying is correct and what I am saying is wrong. Start with the basic assumptions I made and refute them if you can. Then go on to my use of logic and show where it is wrong if you can. And if you want to quote from the bible or any other source while you're doing that go ahead.
But don't just say that you see it different and the bible says that it is different - that is not good enough. I have given clear arguments and shown the foundation principles I use, so if you want to refute my conclusions you have to say HOW you know that they are wrong, and not just that you don't see it that way, or that the bible says different.