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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Bredda Alex Sent: 11/11/2004 11:56:37 AM

"the overstandin of what life really is about." (empress1)

what is life all about, in your opinion ?

Messenger: ItegeMakeda Sent: 11/11/2004 6:14:29 PM

life is about being peaceful and living up to JAH words and priniciples. also, its about being a blessing and a light to those that need it. when in the time InI can help I helap and make sure that things are crisp and JAH's blessings continue to flow.


Itege Makeda

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 11/11/2004 9:26:59 PM

That is truly Jah Life.

Ark I
Haile Selassie I

Messenger: Empress Nzingha Sent: 11/11/2004 10:55:10 PM

Life is a chance for I n I spirit to use Jah law of cause and effect to learn as much as possible about love and service to a higher cause. I n I am here only to help as many souls feel Jah love as possible in the time I n I am given. When I n I finaly understand creation and overstand why, my vehicle will stop and Jah will carry I home. Until that time pain is I n I textbook and fear is I n I only enemy. I n I am a lioness from the genetics of great prides past, I n I will guard Ithiopia, the left breast of Africa, until the moment I n I can no longer take Jah air into I n I lungs.

JAH! Rastafari

Messenger: Nefertiti Sent: 11/15/2004 11:22:54 AM

beloved ones.....Rasta FAR i
Haile i selassie i breathe...constant non awareness of breathe that fuels INI body to move in love and I-ration. KNowing where INI come from (concretely without any hidden too complex KNOWLEDGE)......KNowing WHY ini here and where INI forwarding to.

WIhtout breathe.......ini INI give thanks and isies i-intinaully for that breathe and honor that to move forward with the blessing of life utilizing with honor and stewardship as one who is blessed with resources of i-ration.

Like the 2 beat sound of the bhingi drum (t he heart that converts air into energy)
DO gooD
DO gooD

Breath- move -Love

Rasta Far I

Messenger: empress1 Sent: 11/15/2004 2:33:25 PM

Greetimgs in the name of our imperial majesty,
Bredda Alex you ask InI what life really is about. If the I overstand the word that was written for thyself I need not tell you. But since you asked InI its Simply about living upright and listening to Jah when he calls. Not that it is complicated to explain but InI short explanation takes away from endless purposes that wwe have been set on this earth for.
More Life. More Love.
Jah RastaFarI

Messenger: RasEmpressGong Sent: 11/16/2004 12:57:19 AM

Greetings my fellow Sistren! Love Jah Always

For the I, being a girl-chile of Jah Rastafari is to first and foremost Love Jah Consistently through good and evil. secondly it is within the power of love that InI can spread this love to others..for a true gift of Jah is useless if not shared with others both in need or also in possession of His Wondrous Gift.. Third is to become the words of Jah and not just follow..but let them be InI's actions, thoughts and words throughout I Life..
Bless Up

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Haile Selassie I