This post is related to a general point I am expressing, that rasta people need to get back to reality. Most of us seem to be dreaming.
So let me give some proactical answers about why the world hate rastafari.
First of all, the world does not actually hate the spirit of rastafari, because rasta stand for truths and rights, and all people love that. The reason they hate rastafari people is because we don't express ourselves properly, so they have no way of understanding us.
Most people think rasta is about racism. Why? Because we always using words like black, Africa etc. It is natural that when people hear us saying these things they will think we are racist, therefore they will hate us.
Another thing is that people think we are violent. Just listen to Capleton tone of voice when he sings. You allkknow what I'm talking about. More fyah, slew them, death to all slavemasters. These statements that rastas make sound like if rasta is all about arrogance and hatred. It is natural that people will hate you if you talk like that.
Do you really expect people to listen to what we have to say when all they can hear is hatred, racism and arrogance? You have to approach people properly if you want to tell them something. Take a page out of Jehovah's witness book.
But no, rastas love to say fyah 'pun babylon. All people can perceive is that rastas are lawless people, because they see us openly speaking against the police and govt. People think that what INI want is breakdown of society.
So to answer the question why the world hate rastafari, the answer is rastafari. Come properly to the people and speak to them in quiet tones with logic and heartbased reasoning, and you will see that the people will change how they perceive rasta.
Don't approach people with things they will misunderstand. Approach them in a way like if you want them to accept you. It doesn't make you a sellout to make yourself acceptable to people, it makes you a minister of truth, because they will never listen to people like Capleton. Capleton is serving a good purpose among people who already know what rasta is about, but I hardly think he would ever convert anybody and make them see rasta when they didn't see rasta before. He is only causing these people to be afraid of rasta and hate rasta. And most rastas practice this kind of behaviour.