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Messenger: Matthew Sent: 9/26/2011 3:15:19 AM

Why is it that the people that Jah Rastafari has done the most for, and the people that use his name, are sometimes the ones that deny him the most and understand him the least?

I work nights, tonight I was working with two African bredren one from Eritrea the other Zimbabwe, I assumed that they would have a great love and respect for King Selassie I ,especially considering all the work he did for and the amount of love he showed to the whole of Africa and her people, I was wrong, I was told that I and others from the west including Jamaicans that site Rastafari. Would never know the truth about HIM or that if we did we would deny it due to pride. that most Africans see Him as a War Criminal, a dictator and comparable to hitler. I could not believe what I was hearing insisting that they must have been subject to some kind of Babylon media propaganda and the should look for truth themselves offering to lend them my copy of HIM speeches and Biography they refused, I don't overstand why people choose to remain ignorant.

I have also been posting on groups. In order to gain a understanding of the ttoi, I started a topic regarding his majesty and Christ and the ttoi perspective of things. I also posted in a respectful manner how I site HIM, I was not expecting the replies I received

I can't overstand why so called Rastafari people attempt to brainwash and demand a explanation from someone who sees Rastafari as Rastafari, it is as if some ones are claiming Rastafari in order to lead ones away from Rastafari, if ones site Christ why don't they call themselves Christians instead of trying to be what they are not? Or if ones are to be called Rastafarians why try to lead there brothers astray?

Blessed love

Messenger: Jah Bless Us All Sent: 9/26/2011 3:09:02 PM

It's sad to hear this.. But this is the way of the world... But you dont have to worry. My opinion is that true Rastas know the truth, and Jah is always near to guide them and open their eyes to the truth.. Jah will never let down those who trully believe! ! In my country there's a really bad opinion about Rastafari people and mostly about Africa, or black people. But that doesnt get me down! InI know the truth and Jah is keeping my soul away from the coruption of the Babylon. Jah bless us all !

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/26/2011 4:40:21 PM

Some people prefer babylon propaganda over the truth. Some Africans Love Haile Selassie I and some don't.

In regards to who can't sight that Selassie I is God. It makes no difference to I and I. I and I people know who their father is, I and I don't need somebody to convince I and I of this, and I and I can never be convinced away from this.

Don't let the chatter of the blind bring any doubt into your mind.

Messenger: bredren aaron Sent: 9/26/2011 6:00:36 PM

"In an abundance of water a fool is thirsty" Bob Marley. Iman don't fret about what others think or say the I knows truth and that's what matters.

Messenger: Matthew Sent: 9/27/2011 4:31:22 PM

I have actually found that these things have helped my faith to grow, the more Babylon tells me I'm wrong the easier I see through there lies and deceipt, I can see how Selassie I has affected me and my life and how he continues to do so, I don't care who the man is non can take that away from me

Blessed love

Messenger: Ark I Sent: 9/27/2011 11:46:40 PM

Yes I, I and I must always remember what RasTafarI has done for I and I.

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Haile Selassie I