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Honoring Parents

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Time Zone: EST (New York, Toronto)
Messenger: Young Lion Sent: 9/21/2011 10:31:10 AM


Its says in Bible, treasure the commands of father and mother, and listen to there advice, so if my dad tells me not to sell marijuana here in USA i should always listen to him right? I've looked at the punushment and basically in my state 500 grams or less would not qualify you for prison but most likely get probation? If i was in addis ababa, i would probably be selling herbs. Everybody needs it, wheather, smoking it, eating with food, or drink it in tea. Because my grandma is stressed out, she's getting old and she's always in pain and anguish, i know if i could mix some herb in the traditional food she eats, or maybe in some tea, it could give her some relief. And theres no other way here in USA how i could get rich to go back to Abbyssinia. InI gotta make something happen in a good way!

Live In Peace!

Messenger: Humble one Sent: 5/23/2015 2:58:58 PM

I think that parents do, in their hearts, love their children... But you must remember that families in this day and age are brought up in Babylon... in confusion.

You can honour your parents by recognizing everything that they do for you everyday... But honouring them by conforming is often conforming to Babylon, depending upon the family.


I am adamant that it is a remnance of Babylon that they glorify conformance, in schools, in the government, etc.

Where conformance means going against nature, I do not conform. I do not conform to bablon... and since most families are Babylon indoctrinated, don't conform to everything that they say.

Of course, they will glorify conformance, as being a "good kid".


At the time of confusion, in which we live today, the person with the greatest love for mankind will, in the eyes of Babylon, be seen as a bad person. In other words, follow the nature within you, and if it collides with their rules, do not conform just because they glorify conformance.

But nevertheless, respect them for what they do for you each day,

All the best,


Messenger: reasoningtime Sent: 5/23/2015 3:21:03 PM

oh i think honouring your parents can include that you have different opinions. if you take it as a commandtment by the bible it also says that jesus was about deviding families. if you're children not good, don't be proud of them. but in life, i think we must respect each other and we can have different opinions of what's right or wrong. thats's another case.

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 5/29/2015 4:46:40 AM

No other way to get rich and immigrate to Addis in America than selling herbs? Maybe you need to think different cos I'm sure that's not true especially in 2015. Still, handle your business. Honoring doesn't mean following every command, honor the opinion but it's your decision

Messenger: reasoningtime Sent: 5/29/2015 11:12:52 AM

money is the root of all evil. hard to deal with it in babylon for sure.

did you know that 1% of the population owns 80% of all the money or something like that. now if this ain't a pyramid i don't know what it is. the poor will get whipped by the rich to work faster one day.

Messenger: VoodooRuutz Sent: 5/29/2015 1:10:04 PM

Money the root of ALL evil? NO, not a'tall

Think about that statement

There always been pyramid structure in society, HIM was the top of the pyramid in Abyssinian/Ethiopian society

If the people let it happen

Messenger: GARVEYS AFRICA Sent: 5/29/2015 1:46:29 PM

Yeah. Capitalism only works with that structure. Becomes a problem when the 80% are not even getting their true value for their works to make the 1% even richer like they weren't on top anyway. Also, it is clear the 1% or 10% are highly disproportionate in terms of the ethnic makeup of that particular group.

All I can say


Messenger: reasoningtime Sent: 5/29/2015 3:19:27 PM


i still think money is the root of all evil. but regarding the way it is USED by the SYSTEM today. you work to get wealthy to do something GOOD. it's ok. some "earn" or get a little bit more money out of their jobs than others. it's ok. but money as it is today, as a thing that decides who are the decent people and who aren't, as the most important thing in life, money as part of our systems...that's pure evil to me.

that's the pyramid. the symbol itself can be good or bad. that's right. but i mean the western pyramid, you know. the one that is dedicated to the "almighty" dollar.

Messenger: reasoningtime Sent: 5/30/2015 6:14:02 PM

it's really all about the money in the west. banks control the gouverments. kennedy tried to change something about their influence and as we all know...he had his enemies.

how easy it is today just to deal with credit cards. to invest money would be so important to help economy. but please. where is the money. 1% of the population sits on it. and then there are these super rich celebrities who tell people things like "to get over 80 years old i did nothing but eat ice cream and to drink cola all day" or "f*ck wisdom, the most important thing in life is to be young". so arguments like that must be a joke. it's all about materialism in babylon.

and then there are these small citizens who think they can be arrogant because they have a certain degree and a house. don't you know that we all the same and they only let us archieve in society what they want us to? small tv sets, huge ones...who cares. that's not what matters...i know now.

Messenger: Humble one Sent: 5/31/2015 1:17:41 AM

^ True, people fall in to the trap of thinking that false monetary riches and riches, because they cannot comprehend spiritual riches.

If they knew what it was like to be spiritually rich, they would look no further.


I had a dream last night, telling me the same thing. It showed me how everyone was looking for something better in life, just people were confused where to find it. Everyone was looking up down, left and right. Big houses, status, degrees in order to look good to someone else.

But, in the end, none of them ever found what they were looking for, because what they were looking for was in fact hidden within themselves.

Once we realize that everyone is looking for something better, just they are confused where to find it, it is easier to have compassion for others.

All the best,


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