Greetings and Love Iyah Is
Oh how good and how pleasent is it for I heart to see true RastafarI SoulJahs spreading true RastafarI Word Sound Power Vibes throught this Internet... and burn all this internet-wolves who come in lions clothing... burn RASTAFARISPEAKS, by the way.
When one checks amharic language it is nor surprising that mistakes in translation can occur. HIM did never say that he was mortal in that train in '68, nor would he ever use the word "deity" for JAH!
Them try fe make it seem as if HIM's statement was to deny his divinity... but when you check it, it get's a kind of ironic vibe.
HIM met the RastafarI Brethren in '61, '63-'65 and '66, the interview was made in '68. So HIM says to the Reporter, that he told them clearly to be CAREFUL in believing that a man is divine... he does not say that a man cannot be divine or that he is not divine. Because HIM often told the world that Yeshuah was a divine man, but they try to turn the interview and make it seem as if he also denied Yeshuahs divinity. No, he just told them to be really carefull and not to "follow every guy who calls himself Messiah" like the bible say. And that is where this statement get's really ironic and amusing, in my view, 'cause here he tells the interviewer straight that they must be right on their way, when he already told them only to spread RASTAFARI message if them are really sure about it.
They call this statement denial... I see it as confirmation of I n I Faith! bless