please help i was fetched up in the catholic religion ,i lived in ireland for years the 70s i first heard marley ..i then loved the beat of reggae .as i have become older [wiser] i realise the message in bobs music took a long time i listen to sizzla last night one god [no white god ]the words of diffrent songs and the preaching of marcus garvey and HIM,,,i find it difficult to follow my catholic religion because of diffrent laws and rites we are supposed to follow,i have always been religious since i was a tiddler...i love the honesty of ratstfarian values ,,is it possible for me to become a rastafarian ,,one im ashamed of what the whites done in slavery ,im also cautious about being white where the majority of rastas are african jamaican etc ,,im cautious as i dont want to upset people and there religious values ,,i know babylons european morals are hated but i love the values of rastafarism ,,i dont drink ,,i used to smoke herb but no longer can as chest problems ,,,i have many african ,jamaican freinds but find it hard to talk about this problem ....please help