Young Lion wrote:
"...i called my probation officer today and God would not allow me to speak to him, or my case managaer about whether i'm allowed to move back to my city or go to Ethiopia.... My life has just been hell in America, i'm not free i cant fast, they got me on medications that i dont need.
Oh My Jah !
Young Lion, InI am terribly drawn to your plight in
evil America and it's Jewdiciary with direct mafia
like connections with the Drug Industry, thereby
demanding that "offenders" take dangerous drugs.
Either dangerous drugs, or prison or jail.
That is America.
I too have been through a literal Hell, started
when InI was framed out of San Francisco / Monterey
Bay Area radio stations KFJC / KKUP FM . . .
The false accusations, then the aggressive
District Attorney, pushed by the occult forces
who framed InI, then having spent almost a year
in Santa Clara County Jail, all because I dared,
as an ex-State accredited Humane Officer, made
a joking comment on the internet, a totally
made-up needle that I wouldn't mind injecting
into the arm of the D.A.
The F.B.I. got involved and threated me with
a lengthy prison term.....then they came up
with a plan for me to get out of jail or prison
and then to take a medication for what they
deemed as mental illness, because I decided
to "threaten" the District Attorney involved.
I spent a horrid 10 months in jail.
I of course never took the poison !
They even wanted to inject it into my arm.
I don't think that InI's bredren and sistren
in Jamdown / Jamdung, know what InI have gone
through for the sake of information gettin out,
and how the F.B.I. totally made InI's needle
comments out to be so very evil....and
then in turn I spent almost a year in jail !
Lord there is more about the legal system
against Mikael Enoch.....
Am I a martyr ?
Will I become a dead martyr ?
But who cares, when I have the love of Jah.
I do know this Young Lion, that you have allowed
InI to share with you that there is a concerted
effort to drug-down America with dangerous
psychotic drugs, and that is that the so-called
"judges" of this totally evil nation, are in
all actuality:
Drug Pushers
Young Lion, I feel for you.
You as an Ethiopian, I am honored to have some
sort of fellowship with such a great person.
Your vibes jump right out of the page,
right into InI's heart.
Don't give in,
Don't give up,
They won't win in the end.
If InI have anything to say about it !
Jah Bless Young LION !
R O A R !
Ras Mikael "Rambo" Enoch [Anti-Masonic Party ] (all pages have audio ♫;)
60 minutes into the program. Oh My g-O-d ! (Alex Jones)
▬;▬;►; The Suppressed Truth About the
Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln
Burke Mc Carty (Ex-Romanist)
I.S.B.N. 0-879968-169-1 ♫;
JAMAICA [><] The N.A.A.C.P. Framed-Up Marcus Garvey ! ♫; ♫; ♫; Framed-Up Framed-Up
▬;▬;►; Letters On Freemasonry (Luciferian Secret Cabal)
John Quincy Adams (6th President of U.S.)
Anti-Masonic Party [1830]
I.S.B.N. 1-930004-08-7
Get the Fuck Out Of The Pacific, Now !