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Messenger: bredren aaron
8/4/2010 12:37:32 AM
InI was reasoning on this subject and thought to ask the question here for some other Ipinions. Are there anymore truly rightous people? InI am starting to think there isn't. You are truly rightous when you are born because you don't know the difference between rightousness and wickedness. As you grow older you learn what's right and wrong or what people perceive as right and wrong. The true rules of rightousness are the ten commandments. What happens if you grow up not breaking any of the commandments but someone elses law does that make you not rightous? InI know I am not truly rightous but I am working on it. This is just some things on InI's mind.
Messenger: Young Lion
8/4/2010 9:58:17 AM
In the bible it talks about ''none are righteouss, not one, for all ahve sinned and come short of the glory of God'' I think this is hwere grace comes in.